Newtown Babe Ruth Softball

Meeting Minutes

September 13, 2017


/ Charles Hepp, Pat McCleary, DJ Porter, Sue Gouveia, Chris Meehan, Allison Boughan, Mellissa Eigan Ansman, Anne Doersch, Nikki Fossum, Mitzi DeMaio, Steve Fogal, Jen Markham Penrod, Kevin Boughan

Next meeting:

/ October 11, 2017

Call to Order – 8:00PM

Minutes Accepted – Pat McCleary

Public Comments:

·  Melissa Ansman - Spirit Wear. Melissa Ansman has the Logo. 1.7 mb file. She’s got a plan with our spirit wear. Working with Rankin – they will put together a website – league will get a % of sales.

President's Report - Chuck Hepp

·  Tryouts. Dates and people. Joe Carrino, Kevin Wilcox, Frank Galante, Rob Hoffman, and Coaches took part, Melissa Ansman, Ali Cordova, and Megan Dufficy.

·  Impartial umps, coaches either for NBRS or other sports conducting tryouts.

·  Travel teams -10U/12U/16U

·  Thanks Tegan Dougherty. I’m seeing much better pitching at our fall games because of her. Tegan wrote a summary/review of the 11 kids she taught over the spring and summer. INCREDIBLE

·  Pitching lessons with Meghan Dufficy our 14/16U coach.

·  Look for a google doc coming soon

·  Continue catching lessons with Jackie Gouveia.

·  Because of Tegan, Jackie and NBRS I’m seeing better pitching and better catching

·  Lower liberty pics.Work is getting done. 10U Travel to host final Fall weekend games at Lower Liberty

·  Llodra letter. P&R field use policy. My email to P&R, Ms. Llodra, Memoli AD has brought about a necessary change.

·  Mitzi DeMaio who would like to run for VP

·  Nikki Fossum who would like to run for Secretary

·  Both nominations accepted

Treasurer's Report - Pat McCleary

·  $20,000 in cash

·  199 kids of which 97% are Newtown kids.

·  106 last year versus 87 for this year

·  162 kids last year versus 137 for last spring.

Meeting Adjourned –