AGENDA ITEM / DISCUSSION / FEEDBACK / Decision / Resolution / Responsible Person / Action Date
1. / OpeningWelcome / Yogi Govender welcomed all present.
Attendance / As per attached attendance register.
Apologies / Absent / Raj Singh
David Naidoo
Sibongiseni Ntuli
Charlie Panday
Strini Govender
Cynthia Dlomo
The minutes were accepted and adopted as follows:
Proposed by : Behman Randeria
Seconded by : Robyn Miglietti
3.1 / Organogram
Upgrading of Registration
Repeated Stops and Meeting with Ops Co / Yogi indicated that Customs is currently in transition and new managers are being appointed into positions. There will be new managers and reporting lines that should be finalised before the next stakeholder meeting. The updated organogram and escalation protocol will be shared once the structure has been confirmed.
Sarika Munien indicated that Russell Mackenzie requested this item remain as a standing item on the Agenda; however Head Office has indicated that this matter cannot be dealt at branch level and feedback will be provided directly by themselves to the relevant stakeholders.
Russel Mackenzie enquired whether the issue of repeated stops was addressed.
Mark Naicker indicated that feedback cannot be provided at this stage as Ops Co did not meet due to Organizational Structure change. / Enquiries regarding Repeated Stops / Mark Naicker
ITEM 4. / REPORTS FROM SUPPORT DIVISIONS / Decision / Resolution / Responsible Person / Action Date
4.1 / Customs Update / MPR Manifest, Modernization Rollout.
Johann De Goede indicated that the rollout of the MPR process rolled out to all border posts over the weekend. He indicated that this type of system will be rolled out to all modes of transport including Sea & Air. Stakeholders will be informed of such developments.
Alex indicated that Peter is communicating with Pretoria H/O regarding the Electronic Road Manifest Acquittal.
He indicated that Peter spoke of matching of master bills for all acquittals including sea, air and land.
Johann de Goede indicated that he will obtain more clarity in the matter and provide feedback at the next Stakeholder’s Meeting regarding the Roll out. He indicated that the rollout is expected to take place by the end of June/ July 2016.
A query was also received iro the Acquittal System at Depots.
Johan indicated that the same principle will apply as the other modes of transport. / Feedback iro rollout MPR Process / Johann De Goede
4.2 / SWH Update / Alex indicated that no feedback has been received iro the State’s Warehouse.
Shireen indicated that she will be reporting to the State’s Warehouse around mid-July. She indicated that she is currently in the process of handing over. She indicated that she is familiarizing herself with the States Warehouse Procedures and Processes and will still be part of the Stakeholder’s Meetings and will provide feedback accordingly.
The following feedback was provided by Shireen iro the State Warehouse @
New Pier SWH – currently under renovations.
Cato Creek Pier SWH – fully Operational
Alex indicated that they should receive constant update iro the SWH facilities e.g. No. of containers received by the warehouse, Auctions etc.
He indicated that they will be placing pressure iro other auctions.
Shireen indicated that she is currently looking at inventories and the movement of goods. She indicated that a list should be finalized shortly as they are currently busy with Stock Take and Destructions.
Alex introduced Clinton from SAASOA who will in future attend all meetings.
4.3 / Scanner / Sarika indicated that there are no escalations from David Naidoo iro the Scanner.
No escalations / feedback requested by Stakeholders.
Russel enquired if there are any Success / Detentions made by the Scanner.
Sarika indicated that this matter cannot be openly discussed, however she did point out that the Baggage Scanner @ the Airport and Post Office are doing well ito successes.
4.4 / Physical Inspections / Sunil indicated that there was no feedback from his side iro Physical Inspections.
He enquired if there were any issues regarding the Physical Examinations.
As there was a previous query regarding Agents kept waiting for long periods at Depots for container examinations.
Stakeholders confirmed that they have seen an improvement iro service.
A query was raised that other Government departments are conducting same container examinations with Customs.
Sunil indicated that he will check with Rachel Narainsamy regarding the physical inspections. He indicated that its makes business sense to have inspections on one container. / Physical Inspections / Sunil Sing
Another query received was regarding Customs requests for full unpack on all containers and the cost implications to the clients. Stakeholders raised concern that repeated stops have been on the Agenda continuously, and this matter was not addressed accordingly. Stakeholders indicated that these queries were also raised with the SARS Contact Centre.
Stakeholders: It was suggested that tailboard examinations should be conducted iro single commodity goods over full unpacks.
Mark Naicker indicated that this matter will be escalated and requested stakeholders to contact him if there are any matters of concerns regarding these stops.
Russel enquired about two inspections conducted by Customs ie CCU & Import Stops.
Stakeholders were informed that TIU conducts separate examinations and CCU and Service Manager stops are conducted by Rachel’s team.
4.5 / Branch Front End / Sarika indicated that feedback to be provided by Head Office iro Licencing and Registration.
Stakeholders enquired about the delay/ feedback iro TDN applications (DA314 Tariff Determination)
Sarika requested that Stakeholder’s email her regarding any outstanding TDN’s and provide her with the relevant serial / reference no’s.
4.6 / Compliance Centre / Mark Naicker indicated there were no escalations from his side regarding the Compliance Centre.
5.1 / Transition / Johann De Goede indicated that he will be reporting to the Centre of Excellence with the Customs Transition.
Customs Reporting lines will be addressed at the next Stakeholders meeting / Feedback regarding Reporting lines :
5.2 / New Act Training / Lionel enquired whether the New Customs Act Training will be rolled out to all clients, agents etc. He indicated that they were informed that the Act Training has been rollout to Customs staff. He enquired whether clients will have to write tests iro the New Act as this may affect all clients.
Stakeholders were informed that there was no indication of the New Act Training rolled out toexternal role-players.
Russell enquired about National representation as these meetings.
Yogi indicated that Jed (COO) will be accountable for the National Monthly Stakeholder Meetings and enquiries will be made regarding provincial representation at these meetings. / Feedback iro representation at National Stakeholders Meetings : Yogi Govender
Notification of Meetings and Circulation of Minutes / Stakeholders raised concern that meeting invitations and minutes are not received timeously. A request was made that invitations and minutes are sent out 7 days prior to meetings.
Yogi indicated that he will in future send out meeting invitations and minutes. Yogi will be the point of contact iro co-ordination of meetings.
The chair thanked all role players present. Meeting closed at 11:00
Date, time & venue of next meeting / Date : 20th July 2016
Time : 10:00
Venue : 4th Floor, Customs Albany House (Boardroom)
Minutes taken and typed by Manjula Hira