The United NationsUniversity

Initial Draft / 25 July 2000
First Revision / 31 October 2000
Second Revision
Third Revision
Fourth Revision

For internal circulation only


Prepared by

the EMS Coordinator and

the ISO14001 Steering Group

The United NationsUniversity

53-70 Jingumae 5-chome

Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8925


Tel: (03) 3499-2811, Fax: (03) 3499-2828


Please email your comments to the ISO14001 Steering Group

(Brendan Barrett - or Makiko Yashiro- )

Identification of Legal and Other Requirements

This document explains the legal and other requirements relevant to ISO14001 that UNU must comply with in carrying out its daily activities. In September 1999, an initial review of legal and other requirements for UNU was conducted, which was presented in the Initial Environmental Review. Following the revision of the UNU Environmental Management Manual in June 2000, the identification of legal and other requirements was carried out in line with the procedure UNU-EMS 4.3.2. The findings from this review are presented in the table below.

As shown in the table, within the UNU headquarters, a range of periodical legal inspections and maintenance are conducted in compliance with each applicable law. However, the extraterritoriality classification of the UNU as an international organization entails that the results of periodical inspections and maintenance need not be reported to relevant organizations.

Nevertheless, as an environmentally responsible organization the UNU ensures that the records from the environmental monitoring activities are maintained by its contractors in B1F of the UNU headquarters building. A manual which includes detailed explanation about the legislative requirements in Japanese has also been prepared by the external contractors and is made available to their staff. A review of the legislative requirements for UNU/IAS has not be undertaken but the results are thought likely to be identical except that Biru Daiko and Cosmos Aoyama will have the main responsibilities for ensuring compliance.These contractors through their normal good practices follow legislative changes and make appropriate alterations to the environmental monitoring systems.

In addition, the UNU ensures that all the financial procedures (including the procurement, disposal of expensive equipment, etc.) are carried out in compliance with the Financial Regulation and Rules of the UN. For example, any inventories more expensive than $1,500, are monitored by the Headquarters Property Survey Board, before they are disposed.

Table 1: Identified Legal Requirements for UNU based on UNU-EMS 4.3.2

Law /




/ Responsible Unit (UNU)
The Basic Law for Establishing the Recycling-based Society (basic framework law) / N/A (This Basic Law provides the framework to integrate a series of laws established for the objective of establishing the Recycling-based Society) / 1/Y / Administration Unit/Sanko Inc./Biru Daiko. Report submitted to Shibuya Ward Office.
Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law / N/A (The objective of this law is to secure restriction of the generation of wastes and appropriate recycling and disposal of wastes) / 1/Y / Administration Unit/Sanko Inc./Biru Daiko. Report submitted to Shibuya Ward Office.
Construction Standard Act
(Kenchiku-kijun-ho) / Periodical inspection of special building / 1/3Y / Sanko Inc.
Periodical inspection of building equipment / 1/Y / Sanko Inc.
Hygiene Control Law
(Eisei-kanri-ho) / Atmospheric environment measurement / 6/Y / Sanko Inc.
Drinking water reservoir cleaning / 1/Y / Sanko Inc.
Sewage/miscellaneous drainage tank cleaning / 3/Y / Daiichi Setsubi Kogyo Inc.
Rats/insects control (repellent spray) / 2/Y / CIC Inc.
Fan coil unit cleaning:
Filter cleaning
Drain port/pan cleaning / 3/Y
1/Y / Sanko Inc.
Sanko Inc.
Package inspection / 2/Y / Sanko Inc.
Package filter cleaning / 3/Y / Sanko Inc.
Cooling tower inspection/cleaning:
CT - 1, 2, 3
CT – 4 / 2/Y
4/Y / Sanko Inc.
Sanko Inc.
Air cleaner inspection:
Filter cleaning / 1/Y
3/Y / Sanko Inc.
Sanko Inc.
Air conditioner maintenance / 1/Y / Sanko Inc.
Replacement of medium capacity filters / 1/Y / Sanko Inc.
Replacement of mini-pleat filters / 1/Y / Sanko Inc.
Cleaning of air conditioner prefilters / 3/Y / Sanko Inc.
Cleaning of heat exchanger panel filters / 1/Y / Sanko Inc.
Cleaning spring-water/fire-fighting water tanks:
Spring-water tank
Fire-fighting water tanks / 1/Y
1/2Y / Sanko Inc.
Sanko Inc.
Pump maintenance:
Cold/hot water pump
Cooling water pump / 1/Y
1/Y / Sanko Inc.
Sanko Inc.
Intermediate water tank cleaning / 1/Y / Sanko Inc.
[Also required under the Building Management Law (Biru-kanri-ho) and the Water Supply Law (Suido-ho)] / Drinking water quality check:
15 items check
5 items check / 2/Y
1/Y / Miyama Chemical Industry Inc.
Miyama Chemical Industry Inc.
Intermediate water quality inspection / 1/Y / Sanko Inc.
High-Pressure Gas Control Law / Refrigerator maintenance / 6/Y / Sanko Inc.
Electricity Enterprises Act (Denki-jigyo-ho) / Self-inspection of private electric piece / 1/Y / Sanko Inc.
Industrial Safety and Health Law (Rodo-anzen-ho) / Hot water tank maintenance including closed type expansion tanks / 1/Y / Sanko Inc.
Boiler maintenance / 1/Y / Sanko Inc.
Air Pollution Control Law (Taiki-osen-boshi-ho) / Smoke density measurement / 2/Y / Sangyo Bunseki Centre Inc.
Fire Prevention Act (Shobo-ho) / Periodical inspection of fire extinguisher / 2/Y / Sanko Inc.
Periodical inspection of indoor fire hydrant / 2/Y / Sanko Inc.
Periodical inspection of sprinkler system / 2/Y / Sanko Inc.
Periodical inspection of foam extinguisher / 2/Y / Sanko Inc.
Periodical inspection of halogenide extinguisher / 2/Y / Sanko Inc.
Periodical inspection of automatic fire alarm system / 2/Y / Sanko Inc.
Periodical inspection of smoke prevention system / 2/Y / Sanko Inc.
Periodical inspection of emergency broadcasting system / 2/Y / Sanko Inc.
Periodical inspection of emergency guide lamp system / 2/Y / Sanko Inc.
Periodical inspection of emergency generation system / 2/Y / Sanko Inc.
Periodical inspection of battery system / 2/Y / Sanko Inc.