More than I am

Head Girl & Head Boy Report
Last week Year 6 was at Borwick Hall – we had lots of fun and we are now a better team. Year 3 did a really good Worship about hand washing. We also had our open day on Wednesday and our House Captains showed the prospective parents and new starters around the school.
Anya & Ali

Stars of the Week: Leyla Cartmell, Jack Kerby,Theo Salisbury-Johnson, Ralfs Bukovskis, Kenyon Salisbury, Alfie Wrigley, Olegs Podojatins and Denis Stengrevics.Well done everyone!

Happy Birthday to:Ollie Buckley,Liam McCulloch, Blake McKenzie, Anna Antonva, Harvey-Jay Clark, Kyle Reddy and Miss Hosker!

Attendance: Congratulations to Year5-100% attendance this week. Well done!

Breakfast Club at St Josephs - There is no breakfast club next Thursday or Friday as St Joseph’s are on Half Term holiday.

School Dinners – You should have received a new menu this week. Please write your child’s name and year group clearly on the menu and circle their choice of main course then return to school. This will enable us to ensure your child has their preference of main course each day. The new winter menus will start on Monday 14th November, the second week back after half term.

Operation Christmas Child – Shoe Box Appeal

Once again, we will be supporting the Christmas Shoe Box Appeal.

This year, purpose made shoeboxes from the charity can be purchased from school for just 50p or just use your own shoe box.

All shoe boxes need to be brought into school ready for collection by Tuesday 8th November. There is a leaflet coming home tonight to give you the information on how to pack your shoe boxes. Thank you to Miss Groves for organising this for us and to Year 5 for telling us all about the appeal in Worship this week.

Diary Dates

Weds 26th Oct / Year 2 Worship in Church/Parent’s Evening
Thurs 27th Oct / Royal British Legion visitor in Years 5 and Year 6
Fri 28th Oct / Year 5 cake and biscuit sale for Poppy Appeal
3.20 pm – School closes for Half Term.
Tues 8th Nov / School Re-Opens 8.50am after half term
Tues 8th Nov / Poppy Appeal merchandise on sale in school
Weds 9th Nov / Remembrance Worship in Church
Year 5 &6 school council to Anti-Bullying Conference in Blackpool
Thurs 10th Nov / Themed Lunch – Bonfire Bonanza
Infant Disco 5.30-6.25pm (Parents to stay please refreshments are available)
Junior Disco 6.30-7.30pm
KS2 Children will then be off to the theatre in Preston.
Sunday 13th Nov / 9:30 am Remembrance Sunday in Church. 10:30 Service at Wesham Cenotaph.
Mon 14th Nov / Maths and Enterprise Week in school
Tues 15th Nov / Sports Hall Athletics at Carr Hill
School Council Meeting
Weds 16th Nov / Y1 Worship in Church. Coffee & biscuits in school hall afterwards
Fri 18th Nov
Fri 18th Nov / Children in Need Day (dressing up theme is numbers) £1 donation to Children in Need.
Numeracy show in school – Shape, Space & Desperate Measures
W/C 21st Nov / Anti-Bullying and Anti Cyber Bullying Week in school.
Tues 22 Nov / 8:30 am - Photographs – Individuals & Families
Tues 29th Nov / Indoor Athletics Y5/6
Weds 30th Nov / Year 5 World War Two Visit to Museum of Lancashire
Weds 7th Dec / Singing Carols to Thistleton Lodge Care Home
Thurs 8th Dec
Thurs 8th Dec / 9:00 Music Concert in Church. All year groups
Carol Singing to Milbanke

With best wishes,

Mrs Astbury

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