1.Title and Reporting Relationships

Position Title:Accessible Formats Facilitator

Reports To:Production Team Manager

Team: Employment and Accessibility

Department (if applicable):Accessible Formats Production

Position Location:Awhina House, Parnell

Hours of work:Full time

Dated: January 2017

2.Purpose of Position

  • To be the pivotal internal and external face for the Accessible Format Production team, managing and advising on accessible format production from concept to completion
  • Provide accurate reporting to the management within the Blind Foundation that facilitates effective decision making

3.Responsibilities and Expected Outcomesof the Position

(More specific objectives and key performance indicators will be included in an individual's performance development plan).

Key Result Areas / Key Responsibilities / Expected Outcomes
Communication and scheduling /
  • Receive orders for accessible versions of educational material from the BLINK Library at Homai. Work with the manager of the BLINK library and the BLENNZ liaison group to keep in touch with changing student needs and to prioritise school requests in a way that uses the limited contract money to best effect.
  • Receive orders for accessible versions of internal Blind Foundation material and member requests, negotiating deadlines and lead-in times with Blind Foundation staff.
  • Receive orders from external customers (including the NZQA and their unique security requirements) outside of the Ministry contract. Work with other Blind Foundation departments when external requests combine AFM materials with other needs such as audio production, web accessibility audits, physical accessibility issues, braille on business cards, signage, or training.
  • Receive orders for the production of non-library audio material.
  • Advise on options, negotiate deadlines, and lead-in times for non-library audio material, as required.
  • Monitor workloads and allocate jobs to the appropriate teams or individuals, including staff, volunteers and contractors working off site, taking into account their skills. Monitor the progress of jobs at all stages.
  • Keeps the client in touch with progress as necessary.
  • Develop and maintain an expert understanding of accessible formats and their production
  • Invoice for work completed within the month it was completed
  • Timely processing of orders and communication with clients both internal and external.
  • Communicates professionally with staff, clients, contractors and any other party
  • Jobs are scheduled with enough time for completion and are meeting agreed deadlines.
  • Clients are fully informed at to progress of jobs.
  • Jobs are scheduled to maximise efficiency with continuous monitoring of producer’s workload.
  • When an issue arises, it is proactively managed to minimise or negate their impact
  • Answers questions and provides expert advice on accessible formats and their production, utilising the team expertise where necessary
  • Invoices are accurately generated within the month the work was completed

Analysis and Costing /
  • For each request (BLENNZ, internal or external) analyze the complexity and size of the job, basing negotiated dates on the capacity of the production team. Identify priorities using the priority matrix also applying knowledge of policies around school, tertiary, vocational, consumer groups etc.
  • Provide costings and lead-in times, as required.
  • Provide monthly,quarterly, and other reports (as required) on the production of accessible formats.
  • Analysis of complexity of jobs is accurate
  • Produced estimates and invoicing of jobs for clients are appropriate
  • Production reports are relevant, informative and accurate.

Continuous Improvement /
  • Work with the Production Team Manager and the wider accessible formats production team to analyse workflow and processes.
  • Work as part of the team to ensure a culture of continuous improvement, providing positive and constructive feedback when appropriate

Integrity /
  • Demonstrates openness, honesty & consistency in behaviour.
  • Acts professionally in all situations &relationships

Health and Safety /
  • Ensure that the Health and Safety Policy is upheld and requirements are met
  • All accidents, hazards, near misses, incidents are reported and recorded appropriately
  • All practicable steps are taken to minimise or eliminate hazards in the workplace

Projects /
  • Undertake projects from time to time as required
  • Projects are undertaken and completed in a professional manor

4.Dimensions of the Position

Number of Positions Responsible For



Shared Responsibility:N/A

Key Relationships


  • Production Team Manager/s
  • Production staff, volunteers and contractors
  • Staff of the Youth Library (BLINK)
  • Preproduction coordinator
  • Recording Studio staff
  • Colleagues in AFP, the library and Digital Accessibility and the wider Blind Foundation




•Tertiary disability coordinators

•Consumer groups distributing material to Blind Foundation members

•Government organisations distributing print material to the public

•Producers of braille signage

•Any individual or group requiring AFM material or information about AFM material

5.Person Specification

Qualifications, Experience, Skills and Knowledge


  • Experience of organising workloads across a team
  • High level of computer literacy
  • Advanced Microsoft Excel skills, including formulas and pivot tables
  • A relevant tertiary qualification
  • The ability to analyse the structure of a print document, assessing the intent of any visual material.
  • Excellent customer service skills.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills
  • The ability to conduct training and write documentation
  • Negotiation and advocacy skills
  • Problem solving skills, as an individual and within a team
  • Ability to analyse processes and suggest improvements


  • Experience in the supervision of staff
  • Experience with SQL or other database tools
  • Some knowledge of accessible formats and their production
  • Some knowledge of the blind and low vision community and how the Blind Foundation supports them

Personal Attributes and Values

  • Great interpersonal skills
  • Meticulous attention to detail
  • Methodical approach to regular routines
  • Reliable follow through on all tasks
  • Time management skills

I hereby acknowledge and accept the above position description as a part of my employment conditions with the Blind Foundation.





NB: Each individual page of this position description must also be initialled.

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