Career and Technology Studies

Student Learning Guide

Vegetarian Cuisine


How your Mark Will Be Determined...

Assignments/Project ___/ (15 - 35%)

PREREQUISITE: Food BasicsPractical Experiences ___/ (50 - 60%)

Quiz ___/ (10 - 20%)





Survey at least three people as well as yourself about vegetarian lifestyles. Add one of your questions to the list. Ask each person the questions, summarize the results and make a conclusion.

Which of the following do you consider when selecting foods: nutrition, taste?
How often per week do you eat meat?
Do you have any concerns about the safety of our meat supply?
How often per week do you eat legumes (dried beans, peas and lentils)?
Do you ever think about how much grain animals eat to produce food for us?
How often per week do you eat tofu or meat substitute?
Would you eat less meat if it meant that more people in the world could be fed?
How often per week do you eat peanut butter, cheese or eggs as your protein source?
Do you have any objections to killing animals for food?
Do you eat the recommended 5-10 servings of vegetables and fruit per day?
Do you think a vegetarian diet is less expensive than a diet based on meat?
Why do you think people shift to a more vegetarian style of eating?

Summarize your results and make a conclusion about people’s opinions about vegetarian diets.



Reference: Types of Vegetarians

1. What is the difference between lacto/ovo vegetarians, vegans and ominivores?

For each of the following foods, place a ‘Y’ for yes, in the space if a person following the indicated diet regime would consume the food and an ‘N’, for no, if they would not.

2. milk
3. tofu
4. hot dog
5. French fries
6. ice cream
7. macaroni and
8. peanut butter
9. bean salad
10. baked chicken
11. wild rice

12. Explain the type of eating pattern you follow?



Reference: Nutrient Value of Some Common Foods or computer program

Analyze your egg/milk or legume dish and your tofu or meat substitute dish and compare the results.

Dish 1: egg/milk or legumeRecipe Name: ______

(circle one)

Ingredient / Amt / Calories / Protein
g / Fat
g / Ca
mg / Iron
mg / Fibre

Dish 2 : tofu or meat substituteRecipe Name ______

(circle one)

Ingredient / Amt / Calories / Protein
g / Fat
g / Ca
mg / Iron
mg / Fibre

1. Do you think these products are low in fat? Give a reason for your answer.

(Note: average recommended fat intake for women is 65g per day and 90 g per day for men)

2. How well do these products contribute to the overall fibre content of your daily diet?

(Note: the recommended fibre intake is 25 - 40g per day)

3. Which dish do you think is the most nutritious? Please explain your choice.JOB 4


Reference: Nutritional Concerns With Vegetarian Diets and Complementary Protein Foods

1. What is an amino acid?

2. What is the difference between essential and non-essential amino acids?

3. In order for our bodies to use amino acids to produce protein, how must the amino acids be


4. What does the statement “egg protein has the highest biological value” mean?

5. How does a vegetarian ensure that they are consuming adequate quality protein?

What specific foods could you add to the following foods to complete the protein? Give at least two examples.

6. brown rice

7. whole wheat toast

8. lentil soup

9. sunflower seeds

10. veggie burger (made from soy product)

11. corn on the cob

12. soy milk



Reference: Nutrient Value of Some Common Foods or Food Analysis Program and Nutritional

Concerns with Vegetarian Diets

Calcium and Vitamin D

For each of the following foods find the amount that should be consumed to equal the calcium supplied by 1 serving (250 mL) of milk. One serving of milk supplies about 300 mg of calcium

i.e.about 400 mL broccoli (cooked)

1.______spinach (cooked) ______spinach (raw)


3.______sesame seeds

4. Why do you think there is a difference between the amount of calcium in cooked verses

raw spinach?

5. Because calcium in vegetable sources may be bound by other chemicals and therefore

unavailable to the body, what must a vegan do to ensure adequate amounts are

provided by food?

6. Where do vegetarians get vitamin D?

How Vegetarians Obtain All Their Nutrients, continued, next page

Protein and Iron

For each of the following foods find the appropriate amount that should be consumed to equal the protein and iron supplied by one serving of meat. One serving of meat (i.e. 60 - 90g cooked meat) supplies approximately 18g protein and 2 mg iron.

Amount / Food / Amount / Food
7. / ______/ tofu / 11. / ______/ tofu
8. / ______/ cooked chick peas / 12. / ______/ cooked chick peas
9. / ______/ cooked lentils / 13. / ______/ cooked lentils
10. / ______/ peanuts / 14, / ______/ peanuts

15. Other than the amount of protein supplied by foods what is the concern with vegetable

sources of protein and how can a vegetarian ensure he/she is addressing this concern?

16. Plant protein foods may contain a large amount of iron, but it may not be available to the

body. What foods aid in the absorption of iron?

17. What have you noticed about the nutritional value of legumes and lentils compared to

animal products?



Reference: Vegetarian Foods, Yves Veggie Cuisine ( Nutrient Value of

Some Common Foods and a field trip to the supermarket

Take some time to check out the availability of protein foods in the supermarket. Use the nutrition labels on the foods and the above references to complete parts of the following table.

Types Available
(at least three)
Nutritional Value per serving:
protein (g)
calories (kcal)
fat (g)
calcium (mg)
vitamin B12
Cost per serving
How many additives are in the ingredient list? List the first two.
Ease of Use - Is this product, simple, convenient and easy to use?
Cultural Significance of dishes using this product?

1. For which of the above products is the protein of high biological value?

2. Which of the three products do you prefer? Give a reason for your answer.

3. What did you learn from this activity?



Make an appointment to interview someone who follows a vegetarian type of eating pattern. Use the following questions as guidelines to help you find out the barriers in being a vegetarian in today’s society. Summarize your results at the bottom of the page.

Interviewee ______Date of Interview ______

Type of Vegetarian ______

1. How long have you been a vegetarian?

2. How do people react when you tell them you are a vegetarian?

3. What types of problems do you have when you eat in restaurants?

4. What problems do you face in making sure you get the correct balance of nutrients? (i.e.

protein, vitamin B12, iron, calcium and calories)

5. Do you have any tips on making legumes and tofu more appetizing or good recipe books

for vegetarians?

6. How do you make the time for preparation of legumes which require hours of soaking

before incorporating into recipes?



Reference : Module Text, computer analysis program, Nutrient Value of Some Common


Develop and analyze a three day meal plan for a vegan or lacto/ovo vegetarian. Use the following as a guideline.

1. Use the 3 -day menu planner to help you plan your meals.

a)Begin with the main meal of the day.

b)Start with the protein source (grains, legumes, nuts & seeds, meat substitutes) as the foundation of your meals.

c)Add milk products or substitutes, vegetables and fruit to complete the meals.

Meals should have: foods from each food group

a variety of flavours

a variety of colours

a variety of textures

a variety of temperatures

Some menus should have:

  • fluid milk served (for the vitamin D), if lactovegetarian
  • a fruit/vegetable high in vitamin C (citrus, juice, broccoli, green/red peppers, strawberries, etc.)
  • a fruit/vegetable high in vitamin A (cantaloupe, carrots, broccoli, spinach, squash)

***Remember the nutrients that are a concern for vegetarians and be prepared to discuss

how you have addressed these potential problems. (see #5 in this section)

2. Use the 3 Day Planner to analyze each day’s menus by highlighting the foods in each food

group and circling the complementary protein combinations.

3. Transfer the total number of servings from each food group and record them in a chart like


Calcium Foods / Vegetable and Fruits / Grain Products / Beans & Alternates / Other
(include * items)
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
CFG / 2 - 4 / 5 - 10 / 5 - 12 / 2 - 3

*foods that do not fit into a food group or may be higher in fat

4. Compare the number of servings consumed with the number required for each day and

make comments about deficiencies or excesses of food groups.

5. More Detailed Analysis

As you already know, a vegetarian diet may be inadequate in the following nutrients: vitamin B12, calcium, vitamin D, calories, iron and high biological value protein. For each of these nutrients explain how your daily menu plan includes foods rich in these nutrients and steps that a vegetarian could take to make sure the nutrients can be readily absorbed by the body.

You may use a computer program to analyze the amounts of the following nutrients as well as fibre and fat in the diet. You will receive bonus marks for this additional work.

FOD 2130 Vegetarian Cuisine... 1

Vitamin B12


Vitamin D



High Biological Value Protein

FOD 2130 Vegetarian Cuisine... 1

6. The recommended amount of fibre you should consume per day is more than 20g. What

foods contribute fibre in your 3 day menu plan?

How do you think this menu plan would compare to this value? (You may want to look

up how much fiber is in some of your menu items.)

7. When you have finished growing, it is recommended that less than 30% of your daily

calories should be in the form of fat. Where does the fat come from in this menu plan?

Do you think the fat content would be less than 30% of the calories? Please explain.

8. Summarize the nutritional advantages and disadvantages of vegetarian eating patterns.


3 DAY MENU PLANNER for ______

(type of vegetarian)

Time of Day / Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3
A.M. Snack
P.M. Snack
Evening Snack

Analyze your 3 day menu:

  • Use a different colour to highlight each food group, then count how many servings of each you have of each group each day.

Calcium Foods (blue or  )Vegetables and Fruit (green or # )

Grain Products (yellow or  )Beans & Alternates (red or  )

Others (brown or x )

  • Record the totals on the Number of Servings chart in #3 (3 day Vegetarian Meal Plan)

Circle the complementary protein combination.


Recipe Name ______Reference: ______

Description of the Product

Include appearance (colour and presentation), texture (mouth feel - soft, hard, dry, moist, etc.) and flavour (salty, sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, bland, etc.).

Evaluation of the Product

What was your overall impression of this dish? How could you improve it?

What type of eating patterns would this dish be suitable for?

What cooking guidelines did you use to ensure a quality product?


Recipe Name ______Reference: ______

Legumes Used: ______

1. Description & Evaluation of the Product

Consider the following when describing and evaluating your product: appropriate and pleasing colour, appropriate texture (mouth feel), good flavour, well seasoned, attractively presented.

2. Legumes are often bland tasting in recipes. What suggestions do you have to improve the

palatability (the taste and texture) of recipes which incorporate legumes?

3. What type of eating patterns would this dish be suitable for?

4. What do you know about legumes? Place a  beside each legume you have tried.

Vegetarian Cuisine Student Learning Guide by Heather Csikos  1999... 1

___ black-eyed peas

___ Chick peas

___ fava (broad) beans

___ whole dried peas

___ lentils

___ lima beans

___ mung beans

___ pinto beans

___ red kidney beans

___ soybeans

___ white beans

Vegetarian Cuisine Student Learning Guide by Heather Csikos  1999... 1

5. Which of the above legumes:

______is a very common type of bean used in chili and refried beans

______is used to make pea soup.

______is the main ingredient in falafel and humus.

______is a very old bean originating in eastern Asia;

made into many other products such as

bean sprouts, tofu, soy sauce


Recipe Name ______Reference: ______

Complementary Proteins in this Product: ______

Description of the Product

Include appearance (colour and presentation), texture (mouth feel - soft, hard, dry, moist, etc.) and flavour (salty, sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, bland, etc.).

Evaluation of the Product

What was your overall impression of this dish? How could you improve it?

How you could alter the ingredients or method of preparation to improve the flavour of this product?

Explain how the proteins in the foods in this dish complement each other.

What other foods could you serve with this dish to make a balanced meal (one food from each food group)?


Recipe Name ______Reference: ______

Description and Evaluation of the Product

Consider the following when describing and evaluating your product: appropriate and pleasing colour, appropriate texture (mouth feel) - not too mushy, good flavour, well seasoned, attractively presented.

1. How you could alter the ingredients or method of preparation to improve the palatability

(appearance, texture and flavour) of this product?

2. Is the protein in this recipe of high quality? Explain you answer.

3. What specific characteristics does tofu have that makes it easy to improve its taste?

4. What are some other ways that tofu can be incorporated into your daily diet?


Recipe Name ______Reference: ______

Description of the Product

Include appearance (colour and presentation), texture (mouth feel - soft, hard, dry, moist, etc.) and flavour (salty, sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, bland, etc.).

Evaluation of the Product

What was your overall impression of this dish? How could you improve it?

How do you think the product you prepared with the substitute would compare with the original product, in terms of colour, texture and flavour?

What other meat substitutes would you like to try?

  • ations.

1. How have your eating habits been affected by what you have learned is this module?

2. Which part of this module did you find the most valuable? Please explain.

3. What did you learn about the way you learn - did you find any of the assignments more

difficult or easier than others?

4. What else do you want to learn about vegetarian cuisine?

5. How did your original time plan work out? Please explain.

6. What did you find was the main reason why people become vegetarians.

7. What types of careers could be related to vegetarianism? Describe your personal interest

in pursuing one of these areas.

8. How would you find out more about vegetarianism?

Vegetarian Cuisine Student Learning Guide by Heather Csikos  1999... 1