Sunday, August 3, 2014
NURSERY:Susan Ten Napel, Mikaela BroekJill Vander Windt, Olivia Fedders
Tammy Sieck, Erin MiedemaCombined Service at Hawarden CRC
USHERS: Travis Viet Lynn Juffer, Jeremy KoopmansTravis V., Willard Koopmans, Brady Koopmans
Brad & Sheila DekkersJim & Angela Dekkers (4 doz cookies)
Brandon & Kayla DekkersJustin & Raelle Dekkers (4 doz cookies)
ORGANIST:A.M.Shirley Ten NapelMandy Viet
P.M.Celia Ten NapelCombined Service at Hawarden CRC
PRAISE TEAM:Doug, Cinda, Katie, SharlaPastor, Ryan, Sydney, Jorga, Carmen
LIBRARIAN: A.M. Patsy BootsmaWanetta Vander Plaas
OFFERING:A.M.Mid Sioux OpportunityChristian Education Fund
P.M.Mid Sioux OpportunityCombined Service at Hawarden CRC
- Those who are unable to get out—Jason, Joanne, Gert, Betty, Earl & Toots, Deb, Sylvia, Sadie, Dick, and all the elderly.
--CAKE WILL BE SERVED THIS MORNING by the Kooi family in honor of Henrietta (Toots) Kooi. Her 90th birthday is August 21.
--HILLCREST SERVICE will be Monday, August 4 at 6:30 pm.
*Gerald Postma, chair, Josh Hooyer, Lyle De Wit, Les Dorhout, Jack Riepma, Pete Dekkers, Bryan Bonnema, Kelly Noteboom, Doug Broek, Brad Dekkers, Brandon Dekkers (Chairman is requested to call Hillcrest
(551-1074) before 9 A.M. on the morning of your service to remind them that your group will be there in the evening.)
--S.T.A.R.S. (STudents Achieving Readiness Skills) PROGRAM will be held August 4-7 (Mon-Thurs). This is a program that gives an opportunity to jump start the students for the upcoming school year in Math & Reading Skills area. Students will be able to spend the hour at either subject area or both depending on the skill set they want to work on. The schedule will be: Grade 1-2 from 9-10am, Grade 3-4 from 10-11am, Grade 5-8 from 11-12pm. We will have a couple teachers assisting the students in these areas for the four days. PLEASE REGISTER your child before August 1 by sending an email to informing the office of who will be attending.
--ELDER’S MEETING will be held on Tuesday, August 5 at 6:15 pm.
--COUNCIL MEETING will be held on Tuesday, August 5 at 7:15 pm. Josh Lunch and Devotions.
--NEWSLETTER ITEMS - Please have items for the newsletter to Pam by Tuesday,AUGUST 5.
--SUNDAY MORNING DRIVERS WANTED - Check the back table –THANKS! To everyone who has helped already!!
--NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) SUPPORT GROUP will meet in the Fireside Room of Central Reformed Church in Sioux Center from 7 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, August 5. We will discuss the movie “A Beautiful Mind” based on the life of Dr. John Nash, who has schizophrenia, but who also was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1994. Individuals and family members coping with mental illness are invited to join us. For information call Shirley Matheis 722-4462.
--IRETON CHRISTIAN SCHOOL SOCIETY MEETING AND REGISTRATIONwill be on Tuesday August 5 at 6:30pm. Society meeting will begin at 6:30 with registration to follow. We will be voting for new board members at the Society meeting from the list of names accepted by the board. They are: Doug Broek, Monte Erickson, Myron Dekkers, and Jacob Liston we will be choosing 2 from the 4 nominees for 4 year positions. Registration will take place in the gym following the Society meeting at approximately 7:15pm. There are forms and documents that are important and need to be completed before the start of the school year. PLEASE be in ATTENDANCE for this important kickoff to the NEW school year.
--UNITY CHRISTIAN’S 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONthis week Friday-Sunday, August 8-10. The itinerary was in the June Unity Bulletin and is available on the Unity webpage ( For planning purposes, please register on our website or by calling Donna at 712-541-2559. To "give-back" to our communities, please bring non-perishable items/paper products to the donation box in the Courtyard throughout the celebration; items will be distributed in local communities.
--APPAREL SHOP IN UNITY’S SCHOOL LOBBY AREAwill be open for the 50th Anniversary from
7:00-8:00 p.m. on Friday, August 8 and from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on Saturday, August 9.The Booster Club will be selling Unity apparel, as well as, 50th Anniversary t-shirts and coffee mugs.The concession stand in the lobby area will also be open from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. on Saturday and the Booster Club will be selling pizza, hot dogs, taco in a bag, homemade bars and cookies, frozen yogurt and beverages.
Friday, August 8, in conjunction with Unity's 50th Anniversary Celebration.The 4-man, 18-hole Best Ball Golf Outing will be held at Landsmeer Golf Club in Orange City with registration beginning at 11:15 AM & shot gun start at Noon.Your $100 registration fee gets you 18 holes of golf, a cart, a steak dinner, door prizes and a great day of golf with fellow Unity Christian supporters.If your spouse wants to join you for the 5:30steak dinner, the fee is$20. To sign up your foursome for the outing, you can either register under the 50th anniversarylinkon Unity's website at or you can call Teresa Van Sloten at 712-230-1550, or email her .
--COMMUNITY PANCAKE BREAKFASTat Vet's Park Shelter House on Saturday, August 9, from
8:00-10:00 a.m. Kick off Unity's 50th Anniversary celebration with a pancake breakfast complete with sausages, strawberries and ice cream.
--BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS:Please put any bulletin announcements in Pam De Wit’s Church mailbox or via email () by NOON on Thursday, August 7.Thank You.
--PIZZA AND A MOVIE - Come join us for Pizza and a movie Wednesday, August 13 at church. Pizza at 6:30 pm and movie after. Sign up sheet on the back table.
--BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT-students will get a chance to bring in their school supplies & place in their desk, see their room and meet the teachers, and parents have a chance to discuss any needs or concerns with staff/faculty on Wednesday August 13 from 6-7pm. We hope to have as many students as possible attend, SEE you THERE!
--OPENING CEREMONY CHAPEL & SCHOOL PICTURES will be on Tuesday, August 19. Opening Ceremony Chapel will begin at 8:45am in All Purpose room. Marks’s Photography will be taking school pictures starting at 10:00am. We dismiss at 11:30am for our 1st day of school. PLEASE check our website throughout the year for events and information. Website is:
--2014 MINN-IA-KOTA RETREAT will be held on September 9 at the First Reformed Church in Sioux Center. Gracia Burnham has graciously accepted to tell us of her intense soul-searching about a God who seemed to have forgotten her while being kidnapped in the Philippines and held for over a year by a militant Muslim group. The deadline for registering for the retreat is August 26. Men are invited to join us at the banquet and stay for an amazing concert with The Brown Family.
September 14, November 2 PM-Reformation Day, November 30 Advent.
Aug 39:30 AMRev. Dale Ellens
Aug 36:00 PMBarry Miedema
Aug 106:00 PM Combined Service at Hawarden CRC (note change of date)
Aug 31 6:00 PMCombined Service at Lebanon (Labor Day Weekend)
Pastor Norlyn and Cherie will be out of town July 29 through Aug 5. Pastor Norlyn has a classis meeting in Lincoln, NE on Tuesday then on to Colorado Springs for a nephew’s Wedding.
Sunday, August 39:30 AMWorship Service
6:00 PMWorship Service
Monday, August 46:30 PMHillcrest Service in Hawarden
Tuesday, August 56:15 PMElder’s Meeting
6:30 PMICS Society Meeting and Registration
7:15 PMCouncil Meeting
August 8 – 10Unity Christian’s 50th Anniversary Celebration