St John's CofE VC Infants' School
Jumping Johns Nursery
GlastonburySomersetBA6 9DR
Telephone: 01458 832085Fax: 01458 834584
Parental Complaints Policy
Version / Date created/amended / Completed / approved By / Remarks
V1.0.1 / 05/02/2011 / K Clarke / Draft for approval
V1.0.2 / 07/03/2011 / Business Committee / Approved
V1.0.3 / 25/06/2012 / Business Committee / Change to the appeals process.
25/06/2015 / Next Review
This policy should be taken and used as part of St John’s Church of England VC Infants School and Jumping Johns Nursery’s overall strategy and implemented within the context of our vision, instrument of government aims and values as a church of England School.
Governor review notes:-
Governors must review this policy every 3 years. Checks to guideness should be researched to ensure the policy continues to be effectively implemented within LA and DofE Guidelines.

Parental Complaints Policy

1. Introduction

2. Aims and objectives

3. The complaints process

  • How to share a concern
  • What to do if the matter is not resolved through informal discussion
  • Sharing a concern about the headteacher
  • How to take the matter further
  • Who to appeal to next

4. Monitoring and review

1. Introduction

1.1 In this introduction the term ‘setting’ will refer to St John’s CofE VC Infants School and Jumping Johns Nursery. We believe that our settingprovides good education and childcare for all our children, and thatthe headteacher and other staff work very hard to build positive relationships with allparents. The following policy sets out the procedure that the settingfollows in the event of a parental complaint.

2. Aims and objectives

2.1 Our setting aims to be fair, open and honest when dealing with any complaint. Wegive careful consideration to all complaints and deal with them as swiftly as possible. Weaim to resolve any complaint through dialogue and mutual understanding and, in all cases,we put the interests of the child above all other issues. We provide sufficientopportunity for any complaint to be fully discussed, and then resolved.

3. The complaints process

How to share a concern

3.1 If a parent is concerned about anything to do with the education or childcare that we provide at our setting, they should, in the first instance, discuss the matter with theirchild’s teacher. Most matters of concern can be dealt with in this way. Allteachers work very hard to ensure that each child is happy in their setting, and is making goodprogress; and are being cared for to the highest of standards. They always want to know if there is a problem, so that they can take actionbefore the problem seriously affects the child’s progress or care.

What to do if the matter is not resolved through informal discussion

3.2 Where a parent feels that a situation has not been resolved through contact withthe teacher, or that their concern is of a sufficiently serious nature, they shouldmake an appointment to discuss it with the headteacher. The headteacher considers anysuch complaint very seriously and investigates each case thoroughly. Most complaintsare normally resolved at this stage.

Sharing a concern about the headteacher

3.3 Should a parent have a complaint about the headteacher, s/he should first make anappointment to discuss it with the headteacher. If still concerned, they should make aninformal approach to the chair of the governing body, who is obliged toinvestigate it. The chair of governors will do all s/he can to resolve the issue through adialogue with the school, but if a parent is unhappy with the outcome, s/he can make aformal complaint, as outlined below. A list of governor’s names is available from theschool office.

How to take the matter further

3.4 Only if an informal complaint fails to resolve the matter should a formal complaintbe made to the governing body. This complaint must be made in writing, stating thenature of the complaint and how the school has handled it so far. The parent shouldsend this written complaint to the Chair of Governors.

The governing body must consider all written complaints within three weeks of receipt.It arranges a meeting to discuss the complaint, and invites the person making it toattend the meeting, so that s/he can explain her complaint in more detail. The schoolgives the complainant at least three days’ notice of the meeting.

After hearing all the evidence, the governors consider their decision and inform theparent about it in writing. The governors do all they can at this stage to resolve thecomplaint to the parent’s satisfaction.

Who to appeal to next

3.5 If any parent is still not content that the complaint has been dealt with properly,then s/he is entitled to appeal to the Secretary of State for Education.

4. Monitoring and review

4.1 The governors monitor the complaints procedure, in order to ensure that all

complaints are handled properly. The headteacher logs all complaints received by theschool and records how they were resolved. Governors examine this log on an annualbasis.

4.2 Governors take into account any local or national decisions that affect the

complaints process, and make any modifications necessary to this policy. This policy ismade available to all parents, so that they can be properly informed about thecomplaints process.

This policy will be reviewed every three years or in the light of changes to legalrequirements.

Date agreed with Governing Body 25th June 2012

Signed of behalf of Governing Body

Katherine Clarke Chairperson of the Business Committee .

Date of Review May 2015

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