11th/12thReading for College SuccessCourse Syllabus-2016/17

Instructor: Mrs. Nicholas

E-Mail: Room Number: 4-110 School Phone Number: (727) 893-2780 ext. 1212

Welcome to 11th/12th Reading for College Success! This will be a year filled with many challenges and discoveries and I look forward to working with each of you on this journey called education. My goal is to expose you to the various assessment options and strategies available to meet the school board’s graduation requirement.

Course Description:This isa reading course for students who have not successfully demonstrated mastery of essential reading skills on previous standardized assessments. Students will be adequately challenged to increase their preparedness for upcoming standardized assessments by being exposed to different strategies and skills that will strengthen their writing, reading, speaking and listening skills.

There are important testing deadlines associated with this class, such as FSA, ACT & SAT. A student’s inability to pass one of these tests can result in their inability to receive a standard high school diploma. Thus, each student must take this course seriously and refrain from off task behaviors. If graduation is not important to you, it is of the upmost importance to someone else in the room, and disruptions cannot be tolerated.

If you work hard, and work with me, you can succeed. Self-motivation is key; you may need to study on your own, attend ELP after school, and/or attend Saturday tutoring sessions to achieve success and continue on the path towards graduation.


  • 3 designated tabbed sections within your BCHS binder
  • Notebook paper
  • Thumb Drive
  • Writing Utensils

Assignment Policies:

Attendance is extremely important. One absence can set you back, especially on a block schedule. There will beseveral group related assignments and projects that will be difficult to make up on an individual level.

  1. Assignments should be turned in prior to the end of class on the due date. Unless otherwise stated, late work will not be accepted.
  2. Absences –IfYOU miss class, YOU are responsible for obtaining any missed assignments.

It is expected that YOU check bocaciega.org BEFORE you come to ask about missing work.

Excused absences – If a student has an excused absence on the due date of an assignment, upon return to school, the student has the number of absent days to hand in the missed assignment. It is the student’s responsibility to get and turn in missed assignments! A zero will go in the grade book in place of the missed assignment until it is completed. After the prescribed number of make-up days has passed, the zero will become permanent.

Student Expectations:

1. Be Prepared. Come to class prepared and on time. No passes the first and last 10 minutes.
2. Be Cooperative. Actively participate in class lessons, activities, and group work. Stay on task!
3. Be Responsible. Complete all assignments on time. Study for upcoming assessments.
4. Be Diligent. Work from bell to bell. The teacher will dismiss class, not the bell.
5. Be Respectful.Respect yourself and others. Inappropriate words/behavior, will result in disciplinary action.

Class Expectations:

  • Restroom: The pass will be located in the student station. Write your name and time on the back. Only up to 5 minutes allotted. No passes during the first or last ten minutes of class.
  • No food, drinks, and/or chewing gum are allowed in the classroom. Clear bottled water is allowed.

Assignment Heading: Top Right – Name, Date, Class Period, Assignment

The school wide dress code must be followed at all times. Those who violate the dress code will be sent to an administrator and receive a consequence.

The Boca Ciega tardy policy will be strictly enforced. After the bell, for periods 3-8, students will receive an hour detention from an administrator and will not beadmitted into class without a tardy slip.

Content Coverage:This course will cover the content listed in the chart below. All of which can be found on the various tests you are expected to pass.

Intro, Main Idea, key ideas
Summarizing (Somebody wanted, but, so) / Context Clues, vocabulary
Cause and Effect
Compare and Contrast / text features (titles, subtitles, headings, subheadings, sections, charts, tables, maps, diagrams, captions, illustrations, graphs, italicized text, text boxes)
descriptive language (tone, irony, mood, imagery, alliteration, onomatopoeia, allusion, satire) / figurative language (simile, metaphor, symbolism, hyperbole, pun, personification)
Purpose and Perspective
synthesize information / Text structure- chronological, compare and contrast, cause & effect, argument/support, definition/explanation, question & answer, listing/description
determine validity and reliability of information / Author's Purpose
Author's Bias
Multiple meaning words
Root Words, Prefixes, suffixes / conflict (internal vs. external)
analyze and evaluate information / Supporting details
character development
character point of view / setting
plot development

11th/12th Reading for College Success Course Syllabus-2016/17

Instructor: Mrs. Nicholas

E-Mail: Room Number: 4-110

School Phone Number: (727) 893-2780 ext. 1212

  • An electronic attachment of this course syllabus can be accessed on the school’s website( by:
  • Clicking on the “Academics” tab.
  • Selecting “Lesson Plans”.
  • Using the search by teacher and date section to select “Mrs. Nicholas” and “August 10th or 11th”
  • Parents/Guardians are encouraged to contact me anytime they have questions or concerns regarding their child’s progress. Grades and attendance will also be available and updated regularly.
  • If a student chooses not to follow any of the expectations outlined in this syllabus, along with a call home, a disciplinary process will begin immediately. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • Students are responsible for replacing any lost novels or textbooks.
  • The teacher reserves the right to change course requirements, expectations, content, and grading policies with administrative approval and sufficient written notice to the students and parents.

Directions: Return this page, signed and completed to Mrs. Nicholas, no later than the threeclass days after it has been distributed. Syllabus Due Date: ____/______/______

Student Section: I have read the syllabus and agree to put forth my best effort in class by following all rules and procedures.

______Student Name (Please Print) ______Class Period

______Student’s E-Mail Address

______Student’s Signature ______Date

Parent/Guardian Section: I have read and understand this course syllabus and agree that my child will be held accountable for performance and evaluation according to its contents.


Parent/Guardian’s Signature Parent/Guardian’s Name (Please Print)


Parent/Guardian’s Primary Contact Number Other Number(s) – please specify type


Parent/Guardian E-mail AddressRelationship to student Date

My child is allowed to watch PG & PG-13 movies that are related to course content