Consultation Summary from 2014-2016
No. / Name of Event / Agenda / Location (may include region, zone, woreda / Date of event / Participant / Link to minutes, list of participants & picture galleryMale / Female / Total
SNNPR Regional State awareness creation workshop
1 / Stakeholders Awareness creation Workshop / ü REDD+ basics and the status of REDD+ Readiness Process in Ethiopia, Social and Environmental Considerations in REDD+ ,
ü National REDD+ Management Arrangement (Roles and Responsibilities of FRSC,
TWG and TFs)
/ Hawassa / May 14-15/2014 / 27 / 3 / 30 / Minutes ,Participant List & pictures
2+ / Training for Regional, Zonal, and Woreda level Experts on Forestry Techniques / ü Emerging non-conventional forest uses and sustainable forest management
ü Mapping/Basic GIS software application
ü Forest Inventory
ü Forest Management planning
ü Silviculture
ü Nursery Management / Hawassa / 30 Nov – 02 Dec 2016 / 35 / 2 / 37 / Minute & Participant List
3+ / Zonal REDD+ Stakeholders awareness creation about the concepts of REDD+ among stakeholders and to disclose the National and Regional REDD+ readiness phase status / ü Climate Change and Forest
ü Evolution of REDD+
ü Technical Elements of REDD+
ü Social and Environmental Safeguards
ü National REDD+ Readiness Phase Status
ü SNNP Regional REDD+ Readiness Phase Status
ü Climate Change Projects Experience in Ethiopia / Hawassa / October 19 & 20, 2016 / 52 / 2 / 54 / Minute, Participant List &
Tigraye Regional State awareness creation workshop
4+ / Stakeholders Awareness creation Workshop / ü REDD+ basics and the status of REDD+ Readiness Process in Ethiopia
ü Discuss on the formation of a Regional REDD+ management arrangements. / Mekelle, Millano Hotel / June 6 -7, 2014 / 45 / 4 / 49 / Minutes, Participant List & pictures
5+ / potential role & Engagement mechnism of the Private Sector in REDD+ Implementation / ü To promote the progress of REDD+ Readiness process in the region and also to provide REDD+ awareness on issues of climate change, REDD+ principles and Ethiopia's REDD+ Readiness Process
ü To create sense of integration and ownership among key stakeholders basically regional and private sector investors.
ü To Contribute private sectors on Effective forest management & Protection
ü To Enhance the private sector participation on REDD+ activities
ü To have Common Understanding over what REDD+ is and how best to stop and/or reverse forest loss.
ü To engage the private sectors & further involved in REDD+ through a variety of interventions & activities. / Wukro / December 03-04/2016 at Capital Hotel / 30 / - / 30 / Minutes & pictures
Benshangule Gumuze
6 / Stakeholders Awareness creation Workshop / ü Climate change & the Role of Forests to Climate Change A brief history of REDD+REDD+ technical Element
ü Ethiopia REDD+ Readiness Process
ü Social & Environmental Consideration of REDD+ / Assosa / February 12-13, 2015 / 26 / 5 / 31 / Minutes , Participant List & pictures
Amhara Regional State Consultation & Capacity building
7+ / Regional level consultation Workshop with stakeholders on identification and coordination of relevant ongoing initiatives / The objective of this consultation workshop was to discuss about relevant on-going activities for better coordination and synergy / Enjibara town, Awi / Nov 23, 2016 / 24 / - / 24 / Minutes & pictures
8+ / Regional level Consultation on the potential role and engagement mechanism of the private sector in REDD+ implementation / ü To raise the level of awareness of workshop participants on the basic concepts of REDD+ and status of Ethiopia's REDD Readiness.
ü To identify future area of cooperation with private sectors (identify the potential role of the private sector) and to initiate them to actively engage in the forestry sector.
ü To discuss on the opportunities and challenges facing the private sector in the area of forestry and climate change.
ü / Enjibara town, Awi / 29 Nov, 2016. / Minutes
9+ / To create common understanding among project partners on the progress of Amhara REDD+ coordination office in capacitating stakeholders and to share lessons learned from this training. / ü Overview of REDD+ project and climate change and REDD+ readiness phase in Ethiopia.
ü Tree nursery establishment and plantation management.
ü Forest inventory and forest management plan preparation.
ü Forest extension approach (particularly PFM and JFM). / Bahir Dar / November 5-10/2016 / 90 / 4 / 94 / Minutes, Participant List & pictures
10+ / Piloting Consultation and Participation Plan and Grievance Redress Mechanism documents / Senkasa (Injibara), Awi Zone. / March 30,2016 / 74 / 18 / 106 / Minutes ,Participant List & pictures
Oromia Consultation
11 / Consultation workshop for stakeholders on OFLP and REDD+ / ü familiarize key stakeholders with the Oromia Forested Landscape REDD+ program
ü equipping them with the knowledge of CRGE strategy of Ethiopia,
ü REDD+ basics so that they acquire the capacity to scale up to the wider bottom structure. / Horo Guduru Wollega (Shambo) / 8-9/6/2015 / 37 / 2 / 39 / Compiled Consultation Minutes & Participant Lists of 13 Zones of Oromia Regional State
12 / Consultation workshop for stakeholders on OFLP and REDD+ / ü familiarize key stakeholders with the Oromia Forested Landscape REDD+ program
ü equipping them with the knowledge of CRGE strategy of Ethiopia,
ü REDD+ basics so that they acquire the capacity to scale up to the wider bottom structure. / Qelem Wollega Zone(D/Dolo) / 11-12/6/2015 / 36 / 6 / 42
13 / Consultation workshop for stakeholders on OFLP and REDD+ / ü familiarize key stakeholders with the Oromia Forested Landscape REDD+ program
ü equipping them with the knowledge of CRGE strategy of Ethiopia,
ü REDD+ basics so that they acquire the capacity to scale up to the wider bottom structure. / West Wollega Zone(Gimbi) / 15-16/2015 / 70 / 5 / 75
14 / Consultation workshop for stakeholders on OFLP and REDD+ / ü familiarize key stakeholders with the Oromia Forested Landscape REDD+ program
ü equipping them with the knowledge of CRGE strategy of Ethiopia,
ü REDD+ basics so that they acquire the capacity to scale up to the wider bottom structure. / East Wollega Zone(D/Dolo) / 18-19/6/2015 / 68 / 8 / 76
15 / Consultation workshop for stakeholders on OFLP and REDD+ / ü familiarize key stakeholders with the Oromia Forested Landscape REDD+ program
ü equipping them with the knowledge of CRGE strategy of Ethiopia,
ü REDD+ basics so that they acquire the capacity to scale up to the wider bottom structure. / Bale(Goba) / 19-20/08/2015 / 67 / 12 / 79
16 / Consultation workshop for stakeholders on OFLP and REDD+ / ü familiarize key stakeholders with the Oromia Forested Landscape REDD+ program
ü equipping them with the knowledge of CRGE strategy of Ethiopia,
ü REDD+ basics so that they acquire the capacity to scale up to the wider bottom structure. / Borena(Yabello) / 13-14/08/2015 / 54 / 7 / 61
17 / Consultation workshop for stakeholders on OFLP and REDD+ / ü familiarize key stakeholders with the Oromia Forested Landscape REDD+ program
ü equipping them with the knowledge of CRGE strategy of Ethiopia,
ü REDD+ basics so that they acquire the capacity to scale up to the wider bottom structure. / E/Showa (Bishoftu) / 24-25/07/2015 / 41 / 4 / 45
18 / Consultation workshop for stakeholders on OFLP and REDD+ / ü familiarize key stakeholders with the Oromia Forested Landscape REDD+ program
ü equipping them with the knowledge of CRGE strategy of Ethiopia,
ü REDD+ basics so that they acquire the capacity to scale up to the wider bottom structure. / Guji (Adolaa) / 10-11/08/2015 / 53 / 5 / 58
19 / Consultation workshop for stakeholders on OFLP and REDD+ / ü familiarize key stakeholders with the Oromia Forested Landscape REDD+ program
ü equipping them with the knowledge of CRGE strategy of Ethiopia,
ü REDD+ basics so that they acquire the capacity to scale up to the wider bottom structure. / Jimma (JImma) / 16-17/07/2015 / 65 / 8 / 73
20 / Consultation workshop for stakeholders on OFLP and REDD+ / ü familiarize key stakeholders with the Oromia Forested Landscape REDD+ program
ü equipping them with the knowledge of CRGE strategy of Ethiopia,
ü REDD+ basics so that they acquire the capacity to scale up to the wider bottom structure. / I/A/Bor(Mettu) / 13-14/07/2015 / 86 / 7 / 93
21 / Consultation workshop for stakeholders on OFLP and REDD+ / ü familiarize key stakeholders with the Oromia Forested Landscape REDD+ program
ü equipping them with the knowledge of CRGE strategy of Ethiopia,
ü REDD+ basics so that they acquire the capacity to scale up to the wider bottom structure. / W/Arsi (Shashemene) / 17-18/08/2015 / 38 / 5 / 43
22 / Consultation workshop for stakeholders on OFLP and REDD+ / ü familiarize key stakeholders with the Oromia Forested Landscape REDD+ program
ü equipping them with the knowledge of CRGE strategy of Ethiopia,
ü REDD+ basics so that they acquire the capacity to scale up to the wider bottom structure. / N/Showa(Sululta) / 22-23/09/2015 / 80 / 8 / 88
23 / Consultation workshop for stakeholders on OFLP and REDD+ / ü familiarize key stakeholders with the Oromia Forested Landscape REDD+ program
ü equipping them with the knowledge of CRGE strategy of Ethiopia,
ü REDD+ basics so that they acquire the capacity to scale up to the wider bottom structure. / W/Showa(Ambo) / 25-26/09/2015 / 73 / 7 / 80
Oromia Community Level Consultation
24 / community consultation to aware and familiarize grassroots communities about Oromia Forested Landscape REDD+ program / ü Climate Change& role of Forest
ü CRGE strategy of Ethiopia
ü Overview of OFLP
ü Conflict and Grievances management Mechanisms in Oromia
ü General Discussions and way forwards / West Wellega, Kellem Wellega,
Ilu Aba Bora and Buno Bedele / 1/07/ to 09/11/2016 / 133,078 / 13,325 / 146,403 / Minutes, Participant List & Pictures