Kansas World Language Standards Guide

German Novice Mid

Kansas Model


Standards Guide

Novice Mid

This guide applies indicators of the Kansas Model Curricular Standards for World Languages, 2008, to specific German language and cultural information. It reflects the collective understanding of our state standards, benchmarks, and indicators. We hope that it is useful in planning standards-based curriculum for students who have had a minimum of 120 hours of instruction. The Kansas standards are available at http://www.ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabid=1678.


Thank you to Kansas Association of Teachers of German, and to Abilene USD 435 for hosting a workshop. Thank you to the following teachers who worked on this project during the 2009-2010 year.

Michele Barbian, Chanute USD 413

Nan Bergen, Newton USD 373

Elke Lorenz, Manhattan-Ogden USD 383

Meagan Meneley, Abilene USD 435

Judy Nickum, St. Thomas Aquinas H.S., Overland Park

Wanda Tilford, Bishop Carroll H.S., Wichita

Alyssa Skaves, Auburn-Washburn USD 437

Facilitated by Phyllis Farrar, Education Program Consultant

World Languages and ESOL

Kansas Department of Education

120 SW Tenth Avenue

Topeka, Kansas 66612


German Novice Mid
Standard 1.1 Communication – Interpersonal/Conversational. The student engages in conversations, provides and obtains information, expresses feelings and emotions, and exchanges opinions.
K-12 Benchmark 1.1 Novice Mid: The student asks and responds using high-frequency questions and memorized phrases.
Indicators – Interpersonal listening and speaking / German / Instructional Examples / Assessment
1.  Expresses basic courtesies, greetings, and salutations, appropriate to register. (teacher-student; formal-informal)Hello, addressing a group
Variety of responses to ‘thank you’.
Several forms of ‘excuse me’ and possible responses.
Use of regional greetings and salutations. / Hallo vs. Tag vs. Guten Tag
Du vs. Sie
Danke vs. Danke schön vs.Vielen (herzlichen) Dank
Bitte vs. Bitte schön vs. Gern geschehen
Macht nichts. Nichts zu danken. Entschuldigung
Grüß dich! Grüß Gott!
Tschüss vs. Wiedersehn vs. Auf Wiedersehen!
Bis später. Bis dann. Bis morgen. Bis heute Abend. Bis bald. / During routine class activities, 1-2 students wear a formal hat, tie, and scarf to designate adult and must be greeted appropriately. / Integrated Performance Assessment (IPA)
2.  Answers questions with simple responses and asks simple questions – about self, family, school, leisure activities, and weather.
Where to, where from?
What are you doing today?
What subjects are you taking?
How is/are
Describe your…
family, school, hobbies, the weather / Was?
Wohin vs. Wo vs. Woher?
Was machst du heute?
Welche Fächer hast du?
Wie ist/ sind...?
Beschreib deine/die …
Familie, Schule, Freizeit u. Hobbys
das Wetter / “Where’s my twin?” Use a “bingo” card full of questions. Each student first fills in the card with correct personal information to answer the questions, and then at a designated time all students circulate through the class asking questions in order to find others with the same answers. Duplicate answers are designated as “twins.”
3.  Uses common expressions about basic needs.
Modal verbs
Accusative case
Pardon/What did you say?
Please repeat! / Möchten, wollen, sollen, müssen, können, mögen, dürfen
suchen, brauchen, haben
Hast du/ Haben Sie....?
Wie bitte? Was haben Sie gesagt?
Wiederholen Sie bitte! / Requests for paper, pencil, book, supplies, missed assignments, explanation of activity, grades, and test scores are made in the target language. Students are regularly expected to express hunger, thirst, being tired or bored, interested or happy in the target language. / IPA,
Classroom observation checklist
4.  Responds to questions concerning likes and dislikes.What do you think of ..
It appeals to me
simple comparatives / Wie findest du ...?
Es gefällt mir.
Gern vs. Lieber, besser
Schön/schöner / Collect multiple positive expressions and multiple negative expressions. Put them on a diagram/ladder/scaffold to depict their level of intensity. Have students mime facial expressions and/or body language to go with each expression. / Interview
5.  Responds with short phrases of agreement/disagreement.
Do you think?
Really? Not really
Me too. Not I/me.
Sort of...
amazingly good
I think/believe so/don’t think so.
(on the contrary) / Meinst du?
Ehrlich? Wirklich? Wirklich nicht.
(Es gefällt mir.) Mir auch. Mir nicht.
Na, ja. Soso.
Wahnsinnig gut.
Das glaube ich (nicht).
Doch (nicht). / After reviewing multiple affirmative/negative expressions, ask the same question of several students, not allowing anyone to use an answer that has previously been used. / IPA,
Classroom observation checklist
6.  6. Makes and responds to simple requests.
Go to the board!
Open .... Close .....
Come on!
Do you have a pencil?
Go right/left/ straight ahead / Geh (bitte) zur Tafel!
Mach … auf/zu/an!
Komm mit!
Haben Sie einen Bleistift?
Gehren Sie nach rechts/links..geradeaus! / Students play teacher by taking turns giving a series of 2-3 commands to their classmates. Reward originality and creative combinations. / IPA,
Classroom observation checklist
Standard 1.2 Communication – Interpretive. The student understands and interprets written and spoken/signed language on a variety of topics.
Benchmark 1.2 Novice Mid. The student understands practiced spoken/signed and written words and sentences.
Indicators – Interpretive listening and reading. / German / Instructional Examples / Assessment
1.  1. Follows practiced classroom commands.
Write …!
Correct …!
Read …!
Look for
Pay attention! / Nimm /Nehmt
Korrigier /-t
Sprich /Sprecht
Bring /-t
Gib (+ dativ) / Gebt
Pass auf! Passt auf! / Play “Simon Says” led first by the teacher, and then led by students. / IPA,
Classroom observation checklist
2. Understands simple phrases and sentences with some recombination, repetition and visual support.Reading or listening to a short description, basic vocabulary can be understood.
Repetition is limited
self, family, school, leisure activities and sports, weather, seasons, food, shopping, travel, friends, clothing, and daily routine. / Selbst, Familie, Schule, Freizeit und Sport, Wetter, Jahreszeiten, Essen, Einkaufen, Reisen, Freunde, Klamotten, Alltag / Identify famous people based on simple descriptive phrases.
3. Deduces meaning from intonatina and recombinations of familiar words / Read an advertisement and identify pertinent information such as time, location, price.
Standard 1.3 Communication – Presentational. The student conveys information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners, viewers, and readers for a variety of purposes.
K-12 Benchmarks 1.3 - Novice Mid. The student reproduces mostly memorized words and phrases.
Spoken production / German / Instructional Examples / Assessment
1.  Sounds out familiar words with inflections/ tones.
Expect to produce these sounds:
vowel combinations
particular consonants
consonant combinations
end sounds / ie = [ē] ei = [ī] au = [ow] eu = [oy]
s = [z] v = [f] äu = [oy]
w= [v] z= [ts] j=[y]
sp/st = [shp/sht]
ß=ss after long vowel
-d=[t], -b=[p], -g=[k]
-ich = [ç] ach = [X] / Student repeats vocabulary word after teacher pronounces it.
2.  Gives personal information using memorized vocabulary
describe self in terms of
family, school, leisure activities and sports, weather, food, shopping, travel, friends, clothing, and basic chores, likes/dislikes. / Students create a 2-minute biography, introducing themselves with as many details as possible in the time limit. / IPA: poster or PowerPoint presentation
3.  Tells a memorized story with visual cues.
Uses active vocabulary and basic sequencing words to describe a picture or tell a story. / Zuerst, dann, zunächst, zuletzt, und, aber, oder, denn
Es gibt...
Man sieht...
Im Bild ist... / Retells a story.
Indicators - Written production
4.  Spells familiar words accurately.
80% accuracy,
Include diacritical marks / Ää, Öö, Üü, ß
ie vs. ei / Take dictation from a text that is familiar.
HL: dictate self-assessable texts.
5.  Fills out a simple form. / form
telephone number,
eye color,
hair color,
name of school,
grade in school,
e-mail address,
parent/guardian, / Name
Alter / Geburtsdatum
In welcher Klasse?
Name der Eltern / Vormund / Complete a form to apply to be an exchange student. Create a party invitation describing who, what, when, where and contact information.
6.  Writes about familiar topics.
self, family, school, leisure activities and sports, weather, seasons, food, , friends, clothing, and daily routine.
Present and past tenses. / Selbst, Familie, Schule, Freizeit und Sport, Wetter, Jahreszeiten, Essen, Freunde, Klamotten, und Alltag. / Design, illustrate and write descriptions on Son of the Year or Daughter of the Year poster (nominating themselves.) / Write short paragraph
7.  Organizes steps in a process.
Sequence words
first, then, after that, finally
Time expressions / Zuerst, dann, danach, zuletzt
Um 3 Uhr
Nachmittags / Convert a printed schedule of a school day, or a list of ingredients, or parts to an activity into a chronologically organized paragraph with steps described in complete sentences.
8.  Writes a 3-4 line story with visual cues.
There is … / Es gibt ...
Man sieht ...
Im Bild ist … / Use a series of three or four pictures to provide a story line. Students create their version of the story.
Write a story about a wayward or unlucky student or an exaggerated story about the perfect girl or boy. / Look at a picture, or series of pictures. Write a short narrative.
9.  Summarizes the main idea of a paragraph in a few simple sentences.
Paraphrase, circumlocute.
Eliminate detail, non-essentials.
Use at least one past tense. / Hier steht...
Es gibt/ gab...
Diese Person ...
Was steht im ...Text / Paragrafen / Absatz/ Dialog?
Wie ist die Person? / Write 2-3 sentence summary.
Standard 2.1 Cultures - Practices and perspectives. The student demonstrates an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of target language cultures.
K-12 Benchmarks 2.1 Novice Mid. The student imitates generally accepted social behaviors of home and school life.
Indicators / German / Instructional Examples / Assessment
1.  Initiates greetings and uses appropriate gestures with support.Greet each individual at the beginning of the day/event. / See 1.1.1 / Integrated Performance Assessment
2.  Imitates some common home and school practices.
Meal etiquette
Telephone etiquette
coffee time in the afternoon / Guten Appetit!
„Hier, (Familienname)“
Auf Wiederhören!
Kaffee und Kuchen
S-bahn, U-bahn, der Zug,
Taxi / Learn proper table setting and etiquette.
Learn how to use a telephone directory or Internet resource and how to leave voice mail message.
HL: Make a video about relevant family events. / Write a note to a friend reminding them of simple etiquette that will help them fit in with the habits of their host family in Germany/Austria/Switzerland
3.  Identifies some major, traditional events.
Birthday celebrations
New Year
Day of Germany Reunification / Geburtstag
3. Oktober/Tag der deutschen Einheit / Invite a native speaking child into class to be interviewed by the class about the child’s birthday celebration.
HL: Research and make a project of the origin of a traditional event and its incorporation into life in the United States.
Standard 2.2 Cultures - Products and perspectives. The student demonstrates an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of target language cultures.
K-12 Benchmarks 2.2 Novice Mid. The student identifies and describes the most common objects, symbols, and contributions of the target culture.
Indicators / German / Instructional Examples / Assessment
1.  Identifies and describes 20+ tangible products, i.e., flags, symbols, classroom objects, landmarks, clothes, transportation ,and technology.
Federal Republic of Germany
BMW and Volkswagen
Berliner Bear
Brandenburg gate
Neuschwanstein castle
Cologne cathedral
neck scarves
Birkenstock sandals / BRD
Die Schweiz
Berliner Bär
Brandenburger Tor
Kölner Dom
Birkenstock / Use PowerPoint or research for a specific location to learn about symbols, landmarks, geography, and lifestyle. Take a ‘virtual tour’ of a target-language location then make a list of what was discovered.
2.Identify expressive products such as stories, poetry, music, art, dance, and drama.
Look at videos from stepintogerman.org / Struwwelpeter
Max und Moritz
An die Freude / Explore art, famous people from target culture, poetry from target culture and present verbally. Learn traditional dances.
Use songs/lyrics to model structure in language. Discuss meaning and style of language/expression in the song.
Standard 3. Connections - Content. The student makes connections to other disciplines and to authentic sources through knowledge of a world language.
K-12 Benchmarks 3.1.1 Novice Mid. The student reinforces and furthers reading skills through world language (based on Kansas Reading and Literature Standards).
Indicators / German / Authentic sources / Assessment
1. Recognizes cognates, root words, prefixes, and suffixes similar to English to determine meaning. / -hin-
so, also, fast / www.en.childrenslibrary.org
Speisekarten, Kinderbücher
2.  Recognizes the difference between literal expressions and some idioms.
I’m fine.
Its not a problem.
participate in sports
take a picture, take a trip / Es geht mir gut.
Das macht nichts.
Es tut mir leid.
Es freut mich.
Du hast Recht.
Sport treiben
Foto machen, Reise machen
3.  Uses text features (e.g., title, graphs/charts, and maps, table of contents, picture/illustrations, glossary, index, headings, subheadings, captions.) Identifies the topic and supporting details in appropriate-level texts.picture
graphic illustration
vocabulary list
city map / das Bild, das Foto
der Titel, der Untertitel
das Kapitel
der Paragraph
der Satz
die Tabelle
die Vokabelliste/Wörterliste
die Landkarte
der Plan/Stadtplan / Have students prepare summary statement in the target language about a topic, based on the text features provided.
Have students state the main ideas of a text using vocabulary in the text, then rephrase that idea in other vocabulary or sentence structure.
4.  Identifies and describes characters’ personality traits and the setting (time of day, season, place) of a story.eye color, hair color