Dear [Add Name]
Requirement to attend an investigatory interview
[*Delete as appropriate]
[*I am writing to you further to the letter of <date>.]
As part of the investigation, I wish to advise that in accordance with the University’s Disciplinary procedure, [*a copy of which is enclosed (delete if previously provided)], you are required to attend an investigatory interview. As the investigating officer, I would like to meet with you on <date/time/venue> to undertake the investigative interview.
[OR] *the below paragraph relates to an employee who has been suspended.
[*I am writing to you further to your meeting with <name/title> on <date>, at which you were suspended from duty with immediate effect. As you may be aware, I have been asked by <name of manager> to conduct an investigation in relation to allegations involving <specify allegations/concerns including dates/times if applicable>. As the investigating officer, I would like to meet with you on <date/time/venue> to undertake an investigative interview. You will have been informed in the letter of suspension dated <specify>, whilst on paid suspension you are required to make yourself available to attend any investigatory interviews.
The purpose of the interview is to seek further information in relation to the above (*allegation(s)/areas of concern) and the circumstances giving rise to [*it/them]. This will involve providing you with the opportunity to respond and offer an explanation including any special circumstances.
[**Whilst the interview will be informal, you may choose to be accompanied by a companion i.e. a work place trade union representative, an official employed by a trade union or work colleague. Should you wish to do so, please provide me with their name and the capacity in which they will be accompanying you, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.]
Should you wish to provide a written submission or submit any related evidence to assist with our investigation in advance of (or during) our meeting, you may do so. Please could you forward this to me at the address at the top of this letter, or alternatively bring this along with you to the meeting.
The interview does not constitute formal action under the disciplinary procedure, but a possible outcome of the investigation is that formal action may be instigated. Once the investigation has been completed, you will be informed in writing of the outcome.
Any information which is obtained during the investigation may be presented at any subsequent disciplinary hearing.
I will be leading the investigation [*and will be supported in this process by <name, job title, dept>]. If you have any special requirements or consider that any reasonable adjustments are necessary regarding the arrangements for the investigatory interview, please notify <name> via email or telephone <specify contact details, as soon as possible, in order that any such request can be duly considered and actioned as appropriate.
[**Delete if the employee has been suspended]
[**I wish to confirm that you will be expected to attend work during the investigation process].
[Only use if the employee has been suspended or restrictions placed on duties]
I wish to confirm that, during the period of investigation, you are required to adhere to the terms of your suspension as outlined in the letter <dated>.
To avoid any potential of prejudicing the case you may wish to refrain from discussing this matter with anyone, other than appropriate contact in the course of preparing your response e.g. your companion.
May I remind you that there are a number of sources of confidential support are available to you if you wish to use them, further details can be found at:
In the meantime, if you have any queries please feel free to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Investigating Manager’s Name/Designation>
Enc <Document/s>
Cc <Name/s>