Certificate IV Training and Assessment - Workbook C: Assessment (V2.2)
Instructions to Candidate
Workbook C: Assessment is the third and final workbook you must complete to be awarded the Certificate IV Training and Assessment.
The tasks you complete in this workbook will be used as evidence to demonstrate your competency in the following TAA40104 Certificate IV Training and Assessment units:
- TAAASS401C: Plan and organise assessment
- TAAASS402C: Assess competence
- TAAASS403B: Develop assessment tools
- TAAASS404B: Participate in assessment validation
- TAATAS401B: Maintain information requirements of training
For more information on the assessment process used by LIV Training for this course please refer to the ‘Quick Start Guide’ to Certificate IV Training and Assessment.
You are required to complete the following tasks:
TASK C1: Develop Assessment Plan and Tools for a Learning Program
C1.1: Attach the completed final Assessment Plan.
C1.2: Attach the documented feedback from the trial process.
C1.3: Attach the completed final Assessment Tool Template.
TASK C2: Plan, Develop, and Conduct an Assessment Only Pathway
C2.1: Attach the completed final Assessment Plan.
C2.2: Attach the completed candidates’ Record Management tool.
C2.3: Attach the documented feedback from the trial process
C2.4: Attach the completed Assessment Tool.
C2.5: Attach the Candidate Assessment Evaluation Template.
C2.6:Attach completed Hazard Checklist and Risk Control Action Plan
TASK C3: Plan, Develop, and Conduct an RPL/RCC Assessment Process
C3.1: Attach the completed RPL RCC Planning Template.
C3.2: Attach the Candidates’ Record Management tool.
C3.3: Attach the documented feedback from the trial process.
C3.4: Attach the completed Assessment Tool.
C3.5: Attach the completed Candidate Assessment Evaluation Template.
TASK C4: Report on Assessment Tool review process
TASK C5: Take Part in Assessment Validation #1
C5.1: Attach the completed ‘Validation Planning Template’.
C5.2: Attach the completed ‘Validation Results Template’.
TASK C6: Take Part in Assessment Validation #2
C6.1: Attach the completed ‘Validation Planning Template’.
C6.2: Attach the completed ‘Validation Results Template’.
TASK C7: Assess Presentations
Due Date
This workbook is due within 9 months of your enrolment unless you have made prior arrangements with your facilitator.
Reasonable Adjustments
We recognise you may need reasonable adjustments to meet your individual needs. If you need to speak confidentially to someone about your individual needs please contact your course coordinator.
Assessment Process
The units you are undertaking in this workbook will be assessed as competent or not yet competent. If your tutor assesses you as being not yet competent, you will be given oral or written feedback on areas needing improvement. You will then be able to resubmit your work for reassessment. A result of not yet competent will be given to students who are unable to demonstrate competency after three unsuccessful attempts.
Assessment Conditions
You are able to access any relevant resources. You must keep a copy of materials you submit for assessment.
All evidence submitted must meet the rules of evidence by being valid, authentic, consistent, sufficient, current, and reliable.
You will be allowed a maximum of three attempts for this assessment. That is, if your first attempt does not meet the performance criteria, you will be given the opportunity to resubmit twice only. If you require a second attempt, this must be submitted within four weeks of the return of your unsuccessful attempt. Please ensure all original work is also submitted with your resubmitted work.
When you have completed this workbook email a copy of it and the required attachments to:
The Subject line must include your name, workbook name, and your attempt number:
<Your Name>: Workbook C, Attempt #.
Partial submissions will not be accepted as your assessor will use evidence from all tasks to make a judgement on your ability to demonstrate the required competencies.
I ______declare that I have personally completed all tasks required in this workbook and that all evidence submitted is valid, authentic, current, and reliable.
Signed:______Date: ______
TASK C1: Develop Assessment Plan and Tools for a Learning Program
In this task you’ll be creating an Assessment Plan and an Assessment Tool for a unit of competency from one of the Learning Programs you created in the Design Workbook.
Please note: You are NOT required to do this for a full qualification. This task only requires you to complete an Assessment Plan and Assessment Tool for ONE unit of competency.
- Select a unit of competency from one of the Learning Programs you created in the Design Workbook.
- Consider your candidates occupancy and/or relevant skills then find a Unit of Competency from NTIS that the candidate can be assessed against.
- Use the ‘Assessment Plan Template’ you will find on your Learner USB Drive to create an Assessment Plan for the candidate.
- Confirm the Assessment Plan with your clients and other relevant personnel.
C1.1: Attach thecompleted final Assessment Plan.
- Use the Assessment Instrument Templates (on the Learner USB Drive) to create an Assessment Tool which includes the following:
- Instructions for the Candidate
- Instructions for the Assessor
- Assessment Process Checklist
- Evidence Recording tools
- Assessment Evaluation Form
- Trial the Assessment Tool then document feedback
C1.2: Attach thedocumented feedback from the trial process.
- Make adjustments to the assessment tool based on the trial (if required).
- Ensure your adjusted Assessment Tool still addresses specifications of all competency standards
C1.3: Attach thecompleted final Assessment Tool Template.
TASK C2: Plan, Develop, and Conduct an Assessment Only Pathway
In this task you’ll be creating an Assessment Plan, Assessment Tool, and conducting a simulated Assessment process for a candidate undertaking an Assessment Only Pathway.
Please note:
- The unit of competency you select for this task must be from a different AQF level than used in the previous task.
- In this task you must show an example of a ‘reasonable adjustment’ you identified to meet the candidates individual need (this can be real or simulated).
- Find a person who is willing to take part in a simulated assessment process. This person could be a colleague, friend, or family member.
- Consider your candidates occupancy and/or relevant skills then find a Unit of Competency from NTIS that the candidate can be assessed against.
- Use the ‘Assessment Plan Template’ you will find on your Learner USB Drive to create an Assessment Plan for the candidate.
- Confirm the Assessment Plan with your clients and other relevant personnel.
C2.1: Attach thecompleted final Assessment Plan.
- Create a Records Management System for the candidate. The system must include:
- Learner details
- Appeals process record
- Payment details record
- Any additional requirements that need to be recorded
You can add your candidate’s details into the Records Management Template (on the Learner USB Drive). You also have the option to use individual documents, or an integrated record system (For example: A database or spreadsheet) from your practice environment.
C2.2: Attachthecompleted candidates’ Record Management tool.
- Use the Assessment Instrument Templates (on the Learner USB Drive) to create an Assessment Tool which includes the following:
- Instructions for the Candidate
- Instructions for the Assessor
- Assessment Process Checklist
- Recording tool
- Assessment Evaluation Form
- Trial the Assessment Tool then document feedback
C2.3: Attach the documented feedback from the trial process
- Make adjustments to the assessment tool based on the review (if required)
Risk Assessment
- Use the Hazard Checklist and Risk Control Action Plan Template (on yourLearner USB Drive) to conduct a risk assessment for the assessment only pathway.
C2.6: Attach completed Hazard Checklist and Risk Control Action Plan
- Using the Assessment Tool you have just created conduct the Assessment Process with the candidate.
- In this task you must show an example of a ‘reasonable adjustment’ you identified to meet the candidates individual need (this can be real or simulated).Ensure that any reasonable adjustments maintain the integrity of the relevant competency standards.
- Inform the candidate and any other relevant parties about the assessment decision.
C2.4: Attach the completed Assessment Tool.
C2.5: AttachtheCandidate Evaluation.
TASK C3: Plan, Develop, and Conduct an RPL/RCC Assessment Process
In this task you’ll be creating an Assessment Tool for a RPL/RCC process, and conducting the RPL/RCC process for a candidate seeking Recognition of Prior Learning /Recognition of Current Competency.
Please note:
- The unit of competency you select for this task must be from a different AQF level than used in the previous 2 tasks.
- The candidate must be different from the candidate used in the previous 2 tasks.
- Find a person who is willing to take part in an RPL/RCC process. This person could be a colleague, friend, or family member.
- Consider your candidates occupancy and/or relevant skills then find a Unit of Competency from NTIS that the candidate can be assessed against (remember the unit of competency you select for this task must be from a different AQF level than used in the previous 2 tasks).
- Plan for the RPL/RCC Process by completing the RPL RCC Planning Template.
C3.1: Attach the completed RPL RCC Planning Template.
- Create a Records Management System for the candidate. The system must include:
- Learner details
- Appeals process record
- Payment details record
- Any additional requirements that need to be recorded
You can add your candidate’s details into the Records Management Template (on the Learner USB Drive). You also have the option to use individual documents, or an integrated record system (For example: A database or spreadsheet) from your practice environment.
C3.2: Attachthe Candidates’Record Management tool.
- Use the Assessment Instrument Templates (on the Learner USB Drive) to create an Assessment Tool which includes the following:
- RPL/RCC Instructions for the Candidate
- RPL/RCC Candidate Application Form
- RPL/RCC Candidate Self Assessment Checklist
- Recording tool
- Assessment Evaluation Form
- Trial the Assessment Tool then document feedback
C3.3: Attach the documented feedback from the trial process.
- Make adjustments to the assessment tool based on the review (if required)
- Using the Assessment Tools you have just created conduct the RPL/RCC Process with the candidate.
- Inform the candidate and any other relevant parties about the assessment decision.
C3.4: Attach the completed Assessment Tool.
C3.5: Attachthecompleted Candidate Evaluation.
TASK C4: Report on Assessment Tool review process
Write a report on your experience trialling and reviewing the assessment tools you created in tasks C1, C2, and C3.
The report must be at least 500 words and include details of the changes you made to each assessment tool as a result of the review process.
TASK C5: Take Part in Assessment Validation #1
In this task you will need to prepare for and contribute to an assessment validation process of the Assessment Plan and Tools you developed for Task C1.
Meet with your Manager to discus and confirm:
- The approach to validation
- What competency standard/unit of competency will be used as a benchmark for assessment
- Evidence needed to demonstrate competency
- Validation tools and any additional related documentation to be used in the validation process (ensure that all documents are checked for accuracy and version control before use).
- Purpose, focus, and context of validation.
C5.1: Attach the completed ‘Validation Planning Template’.
- Participate in the validation process
- Discuss, analyse, and agree to validation findings
- Recommendations to improve assessment practice
C5.2: Attach thecompleted ‘Validation Results Template’.
C5.3:What changes to your own assessment practice have you implemented as a result of participating in this validation processes?
TASK C6: Take Part in Assessment Validation #2
In this task you will need to prepare for and contribute to an assessment validation process for the Assessment Plan and Tools you developed for Task C2. The approach and activities to be part of this session must be different to the validation approach and activities in Task C5
Meet with your manager/supervisor to discus and confirm:
- The approach to validation
- What competency standard/unit of competency will be used as a benchmark for assessment
- Evidence needed to demonstrate competency
- Validation tools and any additional related documentation to be used in the validation process (ensure that all documents are checked for accuracy and version control before use).
- Purpose, focus, and context of validation.
C6.1: Attach the completed ‘Validation Planning Template’.
- Participate in the validation process
- Discuss, analyse, and agree to validation findings
- Recommendations to improve assessment practice
C6.2: Attach thecompleted ‘Validation Results Template’.
C6.3:What changes to your own assessment practice have you implemented as a result of participating in this validation processes?
TASK C7: Assess Presentations
In this task you will conduct 2 assessments of candidates delivering a presentation using the Presentation Assessment Tool found on your Learner USB Drive.
This task will be conducted during the face-to-face delivery component of this course.
If you are completing this course via self-paced delivery:
Find two presentations that are at least 8 minutes in length and viewable online (you could visit a video sharing site like youtube.com). Use the Presentation Assessment Tool found on your Learner USB Drive to assess the presentations and ensure you include a link to the presentation for your assessor.
C7.1: Attachthe completed Presentation Assessment Key for Presentation 1
C7.2: Attachthe completed Presentation Assessment Key for Presentation 2