Environmental Science Section 6.1 Name:
Learning Objectives: After reading section 6.1 you should be able to…
· Define: air pollution – primary pollutant – secondary pollutant – thermal inversion - smog
· Name the major causes of air pollution.
· Distinguish between primary and secondary pollutants.
· Explain how a thermal inversion can make air pollution worse.
Complete the learning objectives and vocabulary in the space below:
Reflection/Reaction: In the space below, work with your group to list as many benefits of living in an industrialized country as you can think of. After that, answer this question on your own – What is the environmental cost of living in an industrialized country?
Section Review:
1. Sulfur trioxide is a pollutant that is formed in a chemical reaction between oxygen in the air and sulfur dioxide emitted from smokestacks. Is sulfur trioxide a primary or a secondary pollutant? Explain your answer.
2. In what ways has the clean air act reduced air pollution from automobiles?
3. Name 2 factors that contribute to the air-pollution problem in Los Angeles.
Use your technology: Use your phone or tablet to research the following link and write a brief summary of your findings: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/11/05/report-iranians-rush-to-hospitals-in-southern-city-struck-by-high-air-pollution/
Environmental Science Section 6.2 Name:
Learning Objectives: After reading section 6.2 you should be able to…
· Define: sick building syndrome – radon gas - asbestos
· Describe some possible health effects of air pollution.
· List and describe some possible sources of indoor air pollution and how they can be avoided.
Complete the learning objectives and vocabulary in the space below:
Reflection/Reaction: Think about our air quality lab activity and reflect on the following things. Which environment showed the greatest number of contaminates and which environment showed the least. Hypothesize possible explanations to support each observation. (you should use your activity three results table to help)
Section Review
1. Why do you think it is often hard to establish a link between air pollution and health problems?
2. If a person was trying to renovate an old house, what indoor air pollutant should they be most aware of? Why?
Use your technology! http://news.yahoo.com/dozens-hospital-over-pollution-south-152055933.html;_ylt=A2KJ2PZlCJ5SojgArUHQtDMD
Explore the above link and write a short summary below.
Environmental Science Section 6.3 Name:
Learning Objectives: After reading section 6.3 you should be able to…
· Define: acid precipitation – acid shock – pH
· Explain what causes acid rain.
· Describe why acid shock is so damaging to ecosystems.
· Describe what can be done to prevent/limit acid precipitation.
Complete today’s learning objectives in the space below:
Reflection/Reaction: Areas that have little or no part in creating the pollution that causes acid rain are often the ones that suffer the most from its effects. Reflect on this apparent injustice as well as on the attitude of people who know what causes acid rain but refuse to change behavior in order to make it better.
Section Review
1. What human activities contribute to acid precipitation?
2. Why is international cooperation necessary to reduce acid precipitation?
3. Why is powdered lime often added to acidified lakes?
Use your technology! http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2013-11/miot-raa112513.php
Read the article attached to the link above and write up a brief summary of your findings.