English II- Miss Marco
732-528-8820 x1648
Extra Help: Tuesdays in Rm. 108
Golden Rules for English II
- Be respectful of this classroom, your teacher, and your fellow classmates! Treat others how you would like to be treated.
- Be prepared for class everyday. You will not be allowed to go to your locker and should enter class each day with the following:
a)1 inch three ring binderdivided into the following sections:
- Class Notes
- Vocabulary
- Reading Notes
- Homework
e)Pen and pencil
- Raise your hand to speak or answer a question. Be respectful to those speaking and wait to speak until you are called upon.Do not talk while someone else is talking.
- Inappropriate language will not be tolerated.
Cell phone / Ipod
The use of cell phones and Ipods is not permitted in class. I will not warn you to put it away; if I see it I will take it. If I take your phone/Ipod you will receive a green slip.
Food / Drink / Backpack
Food, drinks, and backpacks are not allowed in class. Water is acceptable, but please discard all other types of beverages and food before entering the classroom. Leave your backpacks in your lockers and be sure you have all materials needed to be a part of class.
Absence / Tardy
- If you are late to class without documentation you will receive a detention.
- Please refer to theManasquan High School Student Handbook (online) for more information about the policy.
- “10-10 rule”: You will not be permitted to use the bathroom 10 minutes after the bell at the start of class and 10 minutes before the end of the period.
- Since there are numerous opportunities throughoutthe day to use the bathroom, students will be allowed to use the bathroom in emergency situations only.
- You must sign the bathroom pass when you leave the room.
Your participation in this class is welcomed, encouraged, and expected in order to guarantee your success in this course! You have the potential to earn 10 participation points each time I record your participation grade in Genesis on the 30th of the month.
Participation expectations:
Grading Policy
- Assignments will be graded on a points system. Students’ grades will be the amount of points earned over the amount of points possible.
- Grades will be updated on GENESIS on the 15th and 30th of each month.
Homework Policy
- Homework will be posted on the board as well as daily on my website by 3:00 PM. Any homework posted before 3:00 might change due to the day’s lesson. Please check assignments after 3:00.
- Late homework will not be accepted. Only written compositions assigned for homework will be accepted late with points deducted. The written composition will not be accepted if it is more than 2 days late.
- Homework must be completed in order to receive a grade for it.
- If you are absent, your homework is due upon your return to school. You have one day per absence to make up the work you missed. Remember that you have access to the homework and any classwork through my website and you are accountable for staying up-to-date with assignments.
Paper Policy
- Since a paper’s due date is announced well in advance, all papers are expected to be handed in on the specified due date.
- A late paper will be deducted 10 percent of an assignment’s total point value for every day it is late.
- If you are absent, I must have your paper no later than 7:40 AM on the day it is due. You have the option to either e-mail it to me or have it dropped off in my mailbox.
- When e-mailing a paper, it is YOUR responsibility to make sure I receive your work.
Student E-mail Account & Privacy
Each student has a Manasquan e-mail account which is to be used for school related work – this is not a personal account!
- Your accountcan only communicate with district personnel. E-mail from outside of the district will not go through to your Manasquan account.
- When you e-mail me with questions, assignments, etc. you must use your Manasquan account, not your personal account.
- The administration can access your account and tablet.
- ______
Plagiarism / Cheating
Plagiarism/cheating of any kind will not be tolerated! The following are examples of plagiarism/cheating:
- Sharing answers with another student on an assignment
- Copying answers from another student on an assignment
- Turning in the work of another as your own
- Using words/information from a source without properly giving credit to the source (will be reviewed in class)
Any student discovered to be cheating/plagiarizing will automatically receive a zero for the assignment and a call home. Cheating/plagiarism is a serious offense and will result in disciplinary action.
Extra Help
I am available after school on Tuesdays for extra help. However, I will also be around after school every day until 3:00 PM. You are expected to come to extra help prepared with questions.
Entering the classroom – You are expected to arrive on time to class, take your seat, and immediately take out your homework and begin working on the “Do Now”.
Checking homework – If you did not complete your homework or you do not have your homework in class and ready to be checked you must fill out a PINK SLIP. A pink slip can be found in front of the Absentee Bin and it is your responsibility to pick one up before completing your Do Now. Fill out the slip and I will collect it while I check homework. Please do not come up to me to explain why you do not have the assignment.
Paper heading – All assignments handed in to me must have the following MLA format heading in the top left corner of the paper:
Your Name
English II – Block 1
Ms. Marco
8September 2015
Returning from an absence – Upon your return to class after an absence:
- You are responsible for talking to a classmate about what you missed while out, as well as obtaining notes taken on the day of your absence. If you have any questions about what you missed, please stay after class to arrange to meet with me.
- After class look in the Absentee Bin for handouts distributed while you were absent. You are responsible for checking the bin after your absence!
- Schedule a time after class to meet with me to make up any quiz or test you missed while out
- If absent the day of a quiz or test, you are expected to take that quiz/test the day you return to school. Failing to make up the quiz/test will result in an automatic zero.
- No make up quizzes or tests will be given during regular school hours.
- Homework website:
Tablet Expectations
- You are expected to have your charged tablet in class every day. You will not be able to charge your tablet in class.
- You should bring a pair of earbuds to class with your tablet - you may be required to watch a video to complete an assignment. Your earbuds should only be in your ears while viewing a clip and are to be placed on your desk when the task is completed.
- When using your tablet, you are expected to remain on task and view appropriate material related to the day’s activity.
- Viewing social media sites (without teacher approval) or inappropriate material and getting off task will impact your participation grade.
- Repeated unpreparedness or inappropriate use of the tablet will result in the consequences outlined in the Behavior section below.
- When we are not using the tablet during the lesson, your screen should be dark or closed.
- Similar to your smartphone, your tablet has a camera feature. Please be aware of the Manasquan Board of Education Policy about using this function without permission:
The Manasquan Board of Education policy #5516 states: “Any audio and/or video recording by a pupil using theirpersonal ECRD (Electronic communication and recording device) with permission of a school staff member while participating in a curricular or school-sponsored activity where other pupils or staff members are present shall require thepermission for such recording from any other pupil and their parents or guardians and/or staff members whose voice orimage is to be recorded.”Students that do not abide by this policy will be subject to the consequences outlinedin policy #5516.
- ______
Behavior – Disruptions, inappropriate and disrespectful behavior, being inattentive or distracting, and failure to participate in classroom activities will not be tolerated. I expect and encourage you to be an active student in this classroom who will share and participate in all activities by putting forth your best effort.
- Failure to follow the rules and procedures will receive the following consequences:
-Strike 1: You will receive a teacher detention.
-Strike 2: You will receive a teacher detention and a call home.
-Strike 3: You will receive a discipline referral slip.
End of the period – The bell does not dismiss the class -I will dismiss the class. Do not begin packing up your things before the bell rings; wait until I finish the day’s lesson and dismiss the class with a “Have a nice day”.
Please fill out the form in its entirety to confirm you have read and understand all classroom expectations and procedures. Please have your parents read and sign the classroom expectations and provide their contact information.
Student Name (please print) ______
Student Signature: ______
Dear Parents,
Pleaseprovide the method of communication you prefer I use to get in contact with you. Thank you.
Home phone: ______
Cell phone: ______
E-mail address: ______
Parent/Guardian Name (please print): ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______