Hailey C of E Primary School
Annual SMSC Plan
Term / WholeSchool Initiatives / Spiritual Development / Moral Development / Social Development / Cultural DevelopmentAutumn 1 / Sept:
- Classroom transitions
- Harvest festival
- Junior Citizen
Who am I? My story so far… Being human…
What do I bring to the ‘plate’?
Where do my thoughts,ideas andopinions come from? / Understanding the difference between right and wrong
Classroom rules expectations
Must, shoulds, coulds
Do I behave differently in different circumstances? / Responsibilities and rights of being members of families and local communities
Giving and receiving praise and criticism
Establishing the rules for creating a positive learning environment / Appreciate and respond to a variety of aesthetic experiences
Awe and wonder in the classroom… how do I connect?
How can I develop my knowledge?
What is my learning style?
Am I a creative thinker?
Autumn 2 / Nov:
- Children in Need
- Anti-bullying week
- Interfaith week
- Pantomime visit
- Christmas performances
- Carol concert
What is special about me?
What is the sum of my parts? / Concern for others
Paired experiences and shared opportunities – what would you do?
Using positive language
Looking at the bigger picture - what do you think? / Sense of belonging and ability to relate to others
What does minority and majority mean?
What minorities and majorities do I belong to?
What are similarities and differences worth? / Cultural traditions
What do/don’t I do as a result of my heritage?
What is diversity?
Is diversity a good or bad thing?
Spring 1 / Feb:
- Safer Internet day
- UNICEF day for change & Talent Show
- Fairtrade Fortnight
- IMPs
Positivity vs Negativity – how do I turn a negative into a positive?
What do I need to learn?
What do I want to learn?
How am I ‘smart’? / Learn how to forgive yourself
Loving the ‘lessons’ of life…
The longest journey starts with a single step…
Positive self-talk…
Collecting opinions… / Responsibilities and rights of being members of families and national communities
Opinions – what forms my views?
What does respect mean?
How has my environment shaped me / how have I shaped it? / Respect for my own culture
Where do I belong?
Exploring local, national and global pride
How much do I know about myself?
Who is my hero/heroine?
Spring 2 / March:
- Red Nose Day
- Sports Relief
- World Book Day
- Yr 6 Music Concert
- One World week
- Autism Awareness day
Standing still vs moving forward
What is emotional intelligence? / Moral conflict / Will to do what is right
What is right and wrong?
How can I make a positive difference?
What is positive behaviour for learning? / Responsibilities and rights of being members of families and global communities
Am I a global citizen?
How can I make a difference? / Respect for other cultures
Am I a global citizen?
Summer 1 / May:
- Yr 2 Music Concert
- Health & Safety week
Which piece am I in the jigsaw puzzle?
What different identities do I have?
How am I similar/different to others?
How can I be an independent thinker? / Reflect on the consequences of your actions
What is wisdom?
Proactive vs reactive
What makes a ‘good’ student?
Am I a reflective learner? / Working with others for the common good
How do I rate success?
How can I learn lessons from the past?
How can I teach others what I know? / Taking an interest in others’ ways of doing things
What are cultural differences?
Will the same question give the same answer?
Summer 2 / July:
- Yr 6 Music Concert
- National Sportsweek
- Sportsday
- Leavers Play
- LeaversChurch Service
- Transfer days
Why am I me?
Why am I here?
How can I develop a mind of my own?
What do I like/dislike?
What defines right and wrong? / Learn how to forgive others
Reading between the lines
Focussing on the issue, not the person
What is compromise?
Should I agree to disagree? / Willingness to participate
How can I add value?
What are the skills of a team player?
What is my role in the team? / Being curious about differences
Basic needs vs basic wants
What shapes us?
What do we as individuals and/or groups have in common?
We aim to explore other SMSC opportunities as part of our curriculum. For example, SMSC-related visits are included as part of our topic work. Each term the ‘Express’ part of our curriculum provides opportunities for children to showcase their work through parent open afternoons and sharing assemblies – all of which contribute to their social and cultural development.
Spiritual Development / Pupils develop the knowledge, skills, understanding, qualities and attitudes they need to foster their own inner lives and non-material wellbeingMoral Development / Pupils develop the knowledge, skills, understanding, qualities and attitudes they need in order to make responsible moral decisions and act on them
Social Development / Pupils develop the knowledge, skills, understanding, qualities and attitudes they need to make an active contribution to the democratic process in each of their communities
Cultural Development / Pupils develop the knowledge, skills, understanding, qualities and attitudes they need to understand, appreciate and contribute to culture
Promoting British Values at Hailey CE Primary School
The DfE have recently (2014) reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”
Democracy is prevalent throughout the school. Each year, each class has the opportunity to vote for a year group representative on the School Council and Eco Council. Pupils have the opportunity to have their voices heard through our School Council, Eco Council and the annual Pupil Voice questionnaires. Our school behaviour policy involves the pupils in developing class codes of conduct which the pupils vote on as a class group.
The Rule of Law:
The importance of Laws, whether they be those that govern the class, the school, or the country, is consistently reinforced throughout the daily school routines, as well as being addressed through school assemblies. Pupils are taught the value of and reasons behind laws; that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken.
Individual Liberty:
As a school we provide boundaries for young pupils and educate them to make choices safely, through the provision of a safe environment and empowering education. Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our E-Safety and PSHCE lessons and assemblies. Through our charity work for Unicef the children come to understand the rights of the child as defined by Unicef and how important these rights are.
Mutual Respect:
Our school ethos is built on our core values of‘Love’ and ‘Tolerance’ and pupils are frequently engaged in discussions and assemblies about what these mean and how they are demonstrated. Our behaviour policy and home school agreement also reinforce these values across all our school community: parents, staff, governors and pupils.
Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs:
This is achieved through enhancing pupils’ understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society and by giving them opportunities to experience such diversity. The RE curriculum teaches the children about other world faiths and assemblies celebrate festivals from other Faiths. Assemblies and discussions about prejudices and prejudice-based bullying have been supported by learning in PSHCE as well as Anti-bullying week, Safer Internet Day and other whole school initiatives. Members of different faiths or religions are encouraged to share their knowledge to enhance learning within classes and the school.