June 7, 2010
Regular Meeting
Town of Pine Bluffs
Laramie County, Wyoming
Present: Bill Shain, Mayor; Michael Ragsdale, Council Member; Alan Curtis, Council Member; Mark Fornstrom, Council Member.
Staff: Catherine Cundall, Clerk/Treasurer; Bryan Yeomans, Police.
Mayor’s Youth Council: Ronnie Smith, Kayla Kay, Rachael Purdy, and Ann Lansden.
Mayor Shain called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m., with Council Members Ragsdale, Curtis and Fornstrom present and Councilman Cushing absent.
Guests were welcomed to the meeting and the assembly joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Ronnie Smith, Youth Council Mayor, gave a recap of the past years activities for the Youth Council. Sponsor Ann Lansden presented to outgoing members Kayla Kay and Ronnie Smith a plaque in appreciation of their work on the Council. Not present, but receiving recognition was James Shults and Donna Crandall. Although there have been no applicants to date for the Mayors Youth Council the two remaining members, Rachael Purdy and Chris Canady, will continue to participate in council activities.
Councilman Ragsdale moved to approve the agenda, with additions, Councilman Fornstrom seconded and motion carried unanimously with 4 ayes.
Councilman Fornstrom moved to approve the minutes of the May 17, 2010 Regular Meeting, Councilman Curtis seconded and motion carried with 4 ayes.
Councilman Ragsdale moved to approve all vouchers presented for payment, Councilman Fornstrom seconded and motion carried unanimously with 4 ayes.
The Lock Shop / service / 15.00Amerigas / ambulance supplies / 33.54
Ampride / fuel / 39.08
Terminix / spraying / 40.00
Ideal Linen Supply / community center supplies / 45.88
Paetec / phone service / 50.86
Bluffs Vet Clinic / dog boarding / 55.00
Traders / garage sale advertising / 56.76
Champion Cable / service / 62.50
K&M Sod / sod / 73.50
Indoff / office supplies / 81.00
Spradley Ford / ambulance service / 95.74
Allwayz Manufacturing / repairs / 100.83
Verizon Wireless / cellular service / 127.55
Wyoming Mint / police badge / 131.25
Texas Trail Market / supplies / 142.34
WAM / registration / 150.00
Altec Parts / basket truck parts / 152.15
Cash-Wa Distributing / community center supplies / 163.45
Rene Baker / mileage / 177.24
Linda Clark / mileage / 186.48
Rose Brothers / parts / 191.46
Moore Medical / ambulance supplies / 200.00
Robinson Brick / pool supplies / 201.60
USTI / office supplies / 207.95
Public Safety Center, Inc. / police supplies / 224.22
Bryan Cushing / repairs / 264.40
UW Medical / employee hiring / 281.00
FVC / fuel / 286.51
Bowman Irrigation, Inc. / supplies / 293.38
Josh Benz / pool startup / 300.00
CPS / repairs / 315.75
Comtronix / alarm / 330.00
Pine Bluffs NAPA Parts / supplies / 434.39
Rikachee Café / receptions, meals / 504.24
Patton & Davison / legal fees / 514.28
Town of Chugwater / conference room / 630.54
Kriz-Davis / supplies / 662.59
W.G. Dale / well pump repair / 805.00
Pine Bluffs Conoco / duel / 817.86
Dell Marketing, LLP / daycare computer / 841.00
Pine Bluffs Post / advertising / 1,157.45
RT Communication / service / 1,468.06
Meridian Trust / supplies / 1,657.20
Construction Specialists, Inc. / senior center door / 1,730.00
Cheyenne Light / service / 1,977.41
WYDOT / airport appraisal review / 2,266.10
Pine Bluffs Sinclair / fuel and repairs / 2,415.29
Motorola / police hand held radio / 2,552.00
Jerry's Electric / business park project / 2,800.00
Stateline No 7 / daycare architectural fees / 3,126.27
Eastern Laramie County Landfill / dumping fees / 3,293.75
M.C. Schaff / airport acquisition fees / 4,600.00
PNC Equipment Finance / snow plow payment / 7,425.53
Lidstone & Associates, Inc. / sewer project engineering fees / 7,838.59
American National Bank / meter project retainage / 8,125.22
LGLP / liability insurance pool / 9,145.00
Crescent Electric / business park project / 12,801.85
Stateline No 7 / community center architectural fees / 24,295.06
Avfuel Corporation / aviation fuel / 28,304.61
WMPA / May useage / 38,818.06
Aztec Construction Co., Inc. / meter project pay request #6 / 73,126.96
WY Bank & Trust / Last electrical project payment / 103,188.08
Construction Specialists, Inc. / pay request #5 / 140,026.44
Officer Richard Hillhouse and Drug Enforcement Dog Caesar were presented with awards from the United State Police Canine Association for a March 21, 2010 narcotic case resulting in 948 grams of meth being seized, a street value of $380,000. Mayor Shain said the Town is also proud of the work of Officer Hillhouse and Caesar.
The Town was awarded an additional SLIB Grant in the amount of $650,000 to complete all identified repairs to the sewer mains. Pine Bluffs was one of the seven grants awarded out of thirty-two applications. Chris Lidstone, project engineer, requested permission to enter negotiations with Aztec Construction, sewer project contractor, for the additional work listed on the original bid as alternates one to four. A change order for price and time will be presented for Council’s approval later. Also introduced was Chuck Larson, the on-site inspector for this project.
Jack Whyatt, Cheyenne Light and Power, reported they have begun their work redoing gas mains affected the sewer project.
Mayor Shain expressed his appreciation to Cheyenne Light and Fuel for their cooperation.
Received from the Department of Environmental Quality was a letter stating that the sampling at the closed landfill is complete and no further actions are needed.
The permit to construct has been received from D.E.Q. and after receiving title document advertising for bids will begin for drilling the new well.
This project is 90% completed and appears to being completed with no cost overruns. Mayor Shain said that work will continue on resolving the meter changes to get acceptable results at residences experiencing problems. Some services were downsized from 1” to ¾” meters. Proposed by the engineer was to remove old meters on an experimental basis for ten homes to see what increases in pressure are gained. Another seven to ten days are needed to investigate and obtain pressures.
During the preparation of grant applications it was found that water rates were not sustainable over the long term due to decrease sales. It was proposed that the Council would look at a rate structure based on meter size, larger meters having a larger base rate and EDU basis. The optimum rate structure should have 75% of operating expenses paid for by base rates. For homes with two service lines adjustments will be made.
Base rates may increase gallonage and anything above 40,000 gallons per month would incur a rate for conservation.
Tap fees will also be increased, to cove the expense of a meter pit and meter. Chris Lidstone recommends hiring a backflow preventer surveyor to assess needs and types and also categorize all commercial taps.
Councilman Curtis moved to increase tap fees, effective immediately, to $1,200 for ¾” service and $1,600 for 1” service. Councilman Ragsdale seconded and motion carried unanimously with four ayes.
With the new metering system, meters will be read for a period of time before the rate changes.
Inserted in future water billings will be a flyer of existing rates and proposed rate changes.
Council heard comments from visitors concerning residences water pressure.
Bonnie Paniagua requested Councils consideration of a building permit for a shed at her residence. Councilman Curtis moved to approve the application for Howard Jessop – 917 East 10th Street – Shed, and a conditional permit, pending submission of proper documents, for Bonnie Paniagua, - 709 Blair Street – Shed. Councilman Ragsdale seconded and motion carried unanimously with 4 ayes.
WAM Convention will be June 9-12, 2010 and the Retirement Party for Thomas Mohren and Dulsa Brammeier is June 15, 2010. Clerk Cundall reported there is a new tenant at the Commerce Building, Lidstone and Associates have opened a local office.
In accordance with §16-4-405 Councilman Ragsdale moved to move into Executive Session at 8:55 p.m., Councilman Fornstrom seconded and motion carried. Councilman Ragsdale moved to reconvene into regular session at 9:35 p.m., Councilman Curtis seconded and motion carried unanimously.
Council directed Clerk Cundall to notify employees of the changes in payroll that was first discussed some time ago, changing salaried employees to hourly and changing the frequency of pay to every two weeks. This change will take effect July, 2010. Changes also addresses overtime hours and making all department uniform on how salaries are figured.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
William Shain, Mayor
Catherine Cundall, Clerk/Treasurer