Updates on Global Fund (GF) for DPG Health Meeting, March 2, 2016

1.Audit by the Office of the Inspector General

  • The OIG Report has been shared and discussed by DPs (minutes currently being circulated by UNAIDS).
  • Recoveries likely to amount to 10 million USD. The final list of items will be shared in a management letter from GF to PR copied to TNCM in April. The repaid amount will reduce the Tanzania GF portfolio.
  • A time-bound work plan will be agreed upon between GF and PR/TNCM. A Sub-Committee of the Oversight Committee to track implementation. Auditors will check if management actions are being addressed.
  • A joint letter from DPs to MOH to be written taking up different aspects for follow up from the OIG report and its recommendations.
  • New auditing guidelines by the GF. Will be applied strictly to upcoming CAG audits of GF grants.
  • Recommendation to GF by DPs with regards to agreed action on supply chain management: to use operational plan on SCM that was developed during the BRN process
  • ARV funding gap: GF requesting additional funds for 2017 (without having calculations from Tanzania). GF Secretariat instructed to look into efficiency gains in all grants so that these funds will be used for ARV procurement. GF is trying to guarantee continuity of services but this does not include any scale up.
  • In order to improve performance of MOF as PR a procedures manual for MOF/PMU developed 2 years ago by GMS will be used to improve processes and accountability.
  • GF to be involved in PFM sub-working group of TWG HF.

2.TNCM Meeting

  • Critical expenditure review of TNCM grant:Financial management by TNCM Secretariat needs to be addressed byPMO and Management Committee when receiving further GF support for TNCM functioning
  • PS MOH announced that all health commodity procurement will go through MSD. Background is that coordination of vertical programs and MSD has been poor historically and should be improved. MSD wants to take control of the entire commodities portfolio.
    Orders for HIV commodities under GF grant have already been placed for 2016. Pooled procurement of commodities under GF grants is no more voluntary, GF needs to discuss with MOH/MSD if/how this will be continued.
  • GF funds being absorbed slowly vs. GF under allocation to Tanzania; Implementation though Partnership Initiative by GF addressing this. 6 actions identified to be implemented with support of DPs.

3.DPG Health representation in TNCM:

  • New alternate TNCM member is Thomas Teuscher, Head of Health Sector, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), +255 22 266 62 20, +255 687 235 478, ;

4.New members of Oversight and Management Committee

  • MC: Brian Rettmann (PEPFAR), Jumanne Issango (TACAIDS), Peter Maduki (CSSC, TNCM Vice Chair), Prof. Ndossi (academia), Joan Chamungu (PLWH), Salum Bisarara (Private Sector),
  • OC: Warren Namarra (UNAIDS), TACAIDS Executive Chairperson, Dickens Bwana (TB), John Kashiha (KP), Rashid Khatibu (Malaria), Moses Lyimo (informel private sector)

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