
Vale of Glamorgan Destination Management Partnership

11.30am Tuesday 27th September 2016

The Cory Centre, Dyffryn Gardens, St.Nicholas, CF5 6SU

1. / Welcome, apologies & introductions
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked that each member introduce themselves
Elected Member / Cllr. Lis Burnett
VoG – Regeneration / Bob Guy
Vale Tourism Association / Mandy Davies
Penarth Tourism & Visitor Association
Penarth Momentum Group / Anthony Ernest
Gary Soltys
Barry Chamber of Trade (Holton Rd/High Street) / David Elliott
Visit Wales (VW) / Viv Wilfred
VoG - Head of Visible Services and Transport
VoG – Transportation Officer
VoG Events Officer / Emma Reed
Clare Cameron
Sarah Jones
VoG – Tourism & Marketing / Nia Hollins
Cowbridge with Llanblethian Town Council
Barry Town Council / Sian Vaughan
Jeff Evans
Llantwit Major Town Council
Llantwit Major Events Group
VoG Town Centre Dev Officer
Penarth Town Council
Cowbridge Chamber of Commerce
Penarth Town Council
Representing Penarth Traders / Ruth Quinn
Derek Driver
Chris Edwards
Rosemary Cook
Chris Legg
Alice Turner
Karen Dunlop
Apologies were received from the following: Cardiff Airport, VoG Works Manager in Visible Services, VoG Head of Regeneration & Planning, VoG Communications Manager, Glamorgan Voluntary Services
2. / Minutes of the previous meeting
There was no update to give regarding Public Conveniences. ER to report any updates at the next meeting.
Signage – The signage policy document was distributed following the previous meeting and a copy was available for circulation at the meeting.
Llantwit Signage review has been sent to VoG for consideration. ER noted that she will ask WS from her team to discuss with Llantwit TC and an update will be provided at the next meeting.
M4 Signage; AE to send details to ER as requested previously.
Dingle steps (Dolly steps) – LB reported that consultation on 2 additional parks now being launched, which takes the total to 6 parks in Penarth.
Wales Coast Path way markers – BG reported that a review by the Council of the WCP at Penarth identified that there were adequate waymarkers at junctions along the WCP, however an additional 25 roundels are due to be installed in the pavement shortly, to assist walkers between junctions. .
Superfast Cymru - It was reported that 91% of the Vale is now covered with Superfast Broadband cover. VW reported that a new officer is being recruited within WG to manage the project. Contact details to follow. MD noted that they are being invited to attend the VTA event on the 18th November.
RDP Funding – NH advised that a series of workshops are being held to advise on funding specific themes. DMP to be advised on dates for the ‘tourism’ theme, due to be held in January.
‘Paws in the Vale’ – An update was given on the pilot project which was underway. Further details can be found at http://www.visitthevale.com/en/Paws-in-the-Vale/Paws-in-the-Vale.aspx
ER reported that the ‘pick-up’ campaign was ongoing. She further reported that subject to formal approval at Council, an environment enforcement company; 3GS will be in place by the end October. The operatives (5 x Crime Officers) will have the ability to either issue a fixed penalty notice or environmental advisory notices.
GS asked which locations in the towns are being prioritised as key hotspots? ER requested that feedback would assist in targeting those areas.
AE asked if there are any plans to review the ‘dogs allowed’ signage? ER responded that as regulations have changed this in an on-going process where signage needs to reflect new by-laws etc. BG reported that the new ‘traffic light’ pilot system has now been introduced at Cosmeston.
RTEF Funding – NH provided an update of the Digital Vale Trails project which has now been commissioned utilising RTEF funding.
Beach cleaning – LB noted that a number of initiatives had been undertaken to tackle the problem of rubbish on Whitmore Bay beach, including the Beach Heroes initiative and increased public announcements and social media messages about keeping the beach clean. NH reported that a Customer Satisfaction survey conducted through the summer found that satisfaction levels at Barry Island were high and that many comments were made as to the cleanliness of the destination.
Sausage Dog World Record Attempt – It was reported that due to inclement weather on the day, the world record attempt wasn’t succesful. To be re-scheduled at a later date. / ER
3. / SEW Tourism Forum Update
VW gave an overview of the recent SEW Tourism Forum which was attended by VTA and the Tourism Dept.
In summary:
·  *Presentation by Finance Wales
·  *Presentation by Superfast Cymru
·  VW Brand Marketing, including the proposal to develop the A470 as ‘Wales Destination Route’
·  National Tourism Awards will not take place in 2017, a full review will be undertaken with hoped to re-introduce in future years.
·  Update from Wales Tourism Advisory Board, including the imminent outcomes of the Tourism Association and TIC reviews.
·  Business Tourism Scoping report now complete – VW to circulate
Next meeting will include an update on City region and Business Tourism.
*NH circulated to the tourism trade following the meeting. / VW
4. / Active Travel Update
CC gave a presentation on the Active Travel Integrated Network Plan and how this impacts and influences future developments within the Vale. The DMP thanked CC for the presentation.
NH to circulate the presentation following the meeting. / NH
5. / Action Plan Update & Review
A copy of the DMP had been circulated to the partnership ahead of the meeting. Any updates/clarification was requested as opposed to a review of the full document due to its size.
DMP – 1.8 – It was noted that the current update is specific to GHC. A wider update was requested. Action Plan to be updated accordingly in future.
DMP – 2.14 – LB reported that the road is complete and that 2 way traffic will be operational on completion of the development of the flats which is expected within the next few weeks..
Destination Management Plan Review
BG noted that the current DMP is nearing the end of its 3 year life and therefore consideration needs to be given to a revised plan. There was much discussion as to how the DMP is reviewed; local geographical level; thematic areas etc. Though there was support to do this on a geographic level, there was concern that this would splinter the action plan and not embrace the diverse nature of the VoG. It was also agreed that localised workshops wouldn’t embrace an outsider’s viewpoint which can be very beneficial.
It was agreed that a future meeting would be dedicated to reviewing the DMP Action Plan, where ‘thematic workshops’ would be held looking at each Priority Area within the plan. NH to arrange a date/venue and organise the order of workshops. / NH
6. / STEAM Report 2015
NH gave an overview of STEAM findings for the Vale of Glamorgan.
Indications are very positive with headline figures as follows:
Total economic impact of tourism - £219.71M (4.7% increase on 2014)
Total visitor days (millions) – 5.4m (5% increase on 2014)
Staying visitor days (millions) – 2.04m (2.4% increase on 2014)
Total visitor numbers (millions) – 3.96m (5.6% increase on 2014)
Number of staying visitors (millions) – 0.60m (0.7% increase on 2014)
Number of day visitors (millions) – 3.36m (6.6% increase on 2014)
Number of FTE jobs supported by tourism spend – 2,947 (5.7% inc on 2014)
7. / Any Other Business
Wales Coast Path - AE suggested it would be useful to undertake research on the impact of the WCP within the Vale, and it would be useful to develop closer links between the WCP and Vale Trails. BG reported that research had been carried out by Natural Resources Wales previously, on the economic impact of the whole WCP. This could be circulated for info.
NH reported that the 2016 Wales Visitor Survey incorporates WCP within the survey therefore details could be extracted from the findings.
NH noted that the Vale Trails are very much linked in to the WCP but this could be looked at being incorporated within the RTEF Digital Vale Trail project further.
Car Parking Charges – DE requested an update as to charges introduced. This year winter charges at Barry Island are being introduced in line with other ‘destination’ car parks in the Vale, at a 50% reduction against summer charges. ER reported that charges are subject to an annual review. LB noted that due the Island now becoming a year round destination increased services are required which increase the associated costs. Car parking charges go some way towards subsidising these costs relieving the pressure of local tax payers.
The DMP were keen that car parking charges offer a fair balance between income generation and the encouragement of visitors to come and visit.
Refuse collection - Barry TC asked who is responsible for litter discarded after the collection of black bin bags. ER reported that a cleanse is done after collection, however if there is a misuse of ‘bin days’ it is the responsibility of household/business owners and action will be taken accordingly. / BG/NH
8. / Date of the next meeting - To be advised / NH