Avicenna Academy, Tinsley Park Road, Sheffield, S9 5DL

Return form to: 4 St Hilda’s Road, Doncaster, DN4 5EJ

Tel: 0114 221 7010




1. Pupil Details:Secondary SchoolPrimary School

Pupil’s Surname

First Name

(Please underline the preferred name by which the child is usually known)

Male / Female

Date of Birth Day Month Year

Any Disability(please describe)Please give details of reasonable adjustments

(SENDA 2001) that your child might require:


2. Father’s Details :Please tick box if you are the main applicant

Full Name and title


Telephone No Mobile No

Email address...... Nationality......


Workplace Address

and Telephone No

(In Case of Emergencies)

3. Mother’s Details :Please tick box if you are the main applicant Please tick box if you are a joint applicant

Full Name and title


Telephone No Mobile No

Email address...... Nationality......


Workplace Address

and Telephone No

(In Case of Emergencies)

4. Doctor’s Details:

Full Address

Telephone No


Version no: app.10.1

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5. Other Contact Details: (In Case of Emergencies)

Name and Address

Telephone Number

6. Present/Previous school details:(Tick here if N/A )

Full Name and

Address of


Telephone number Date of joining present school

Name of Head teacher Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss

7. Finance:

Which payment option below suits you?

Upfront (£1900) Quarterly (£800 x1, £550 x 2)

If by this application you will have more than one child attending the Academy please tick here:

Please note full feesare payablefor acceptance of a place at Avicenna AcademySecondary and parents who wish to withdraw their children from the School at any time must give one full term’s written notice. 20% of fees for a term will be deducted after 1 week and after two weeks a full term of fees will be deducted.

8. Ethnic Origin Monitoring (Please tick one)

White British

White Irish

White Other

Black Caribbean

Black African

9. Applicants’ Declaration:

Please read the terms and conditions below and tick to confirm acknowledgement:

a) Submission of a completed application form does not guarantee a place;

b) the school’s up-to-date School Prospectus in its entirety has been read and understood and I/we understand the procedure by which the application will be assessed;

c) I/we understand a formal interview with both parents and child is a mandatory part of the admissions process;

d) I/we understand that should our child be offered a place we must pay full fees for at least one term to secure the place;

e) the information submitted in the form is correct and that any misleading information or contradictions will have negative implications on the application and if the child has already been admitted to the school, could lead to his/her withdrawal (without refund);

f) only children of the correct age will be admitted into each class, unless we permit otherwise.

h) unsigned and incomplete applications will not be accepted. We may not contact you to inform you your application has been rejected;

i) a copy of our child’s birth certificate is attached with this form.

j) I/we give full permission for Avicenna Academy to contact any previous/current school(s) for records and reportsof my/our child

By signing this application form we confirm agreement to the above:

Signature of applicant Date

Signature of joint applicant Date

Avicenna AcademySecondary School Admissions Application Form Page 3 of 3 Version no: app.q.10.1.

Please supply any relevant information in support of your application. Feel free to tell us more about yourselves. Please write neatly and do not attach additional sheets to this application form.