GeoTac: GeoTac is a peel and stick-waterproofing membrane. This product is installed over pavement cracks prior to resurfacing. The GeoTac prevents water permeation or penetration through the pavement crack keeping the water out of the base. The elimination of water intrusion into the base does result in increased longevity of the road.

GeoTac Polyester: This product is the same as GeoTac with the exception of the added Polyester Fiber. This fiber gives it additional durability.

GeoTac Polyester HS: This product is the same as GeoTac with the exception of the additional Polyester Fiber increasing its design tensile strength and flexibility.

PavePrep: PavePrep is the leading reflective crack control geocomposite. Consisting of high-density mastic between two layers of polyester fabric. Installed in strips over cracked, spalled concrete or asphalt, PavePrep intercepts and reduces stresses induced by thermal expansion and contraction, thereby reducing the tendency for cracks reflecting through the new overlay.

PavePrep SA: PavePrep SA is an innovative, self-adhesive version of PavePrep. This product eliminates the need for a tack coat prior to installation while maintaining the same performance characteristics as the standard PavePrep.

ISAC: Interlayer Stress Absorbing Composite. By incorporating the principle of base isolation found in seismic engineering, ISAC isolates the pavement sub-grade from the top wearing coarse. As a result, ISAC protects the top overlay from the riggers of multi-rotational movements and reflective strains that propagate vertical displacement of the new pavement layer.

GeoFilm: GeoFilm is a peel and stick waterproofing membrane designed specifically as a moisture barrier. It prevents water permeation and penetration and subsequent moisture damage. Supplied in rolls requiring only the removal of a release film, GeoFilm is particularly suitable for the following applications: Box culverts, Abutment Back walls, Retaining walls, Pipe joints, manholes, foundations, headwalls, catch basins and barrier median inlets.


Matrix 502: Matrix 502 is an asphaltic plug expansion joint accommodate

Thermal movement of +/- 25mm. Waterproof, safe, smooth riding, durable and

Economical, Matrix 502 can be installed on all types of simple and

Multi-span structures. Matrix 502 is suitable for use on both concrete and

Asphalt overlaid decks. Matrix 502 has been installed continuously worldwide

Since 1989.

Matrix Blue is comprised of a specially formulated electrometric concrete

Header material and Rallithane 862, a cold pour, rapid cure polymer sealant.

Matrix Blue was developed for the maintenance of small movement bridge and

Parking structure expansion joints. The design of Matrix Blue allows for

Ease of installation by maintenance crews with minimal interruption to

Traffic. The thermal movement accommodation factor of Matrix Blue is +/- 2"

(50 mm).

Matrix CMX is a cold applied polymer-modified expansion joint system. A low

Profile system, Matrix CMX is designed for use on concrete bridge decks and

Parking structures and accommodates thermal movement of +/- 25mm. A

Completed installation provides a smooth riding, safe, watertight and

Uninterrupted profile across the expansion joint. Matrix CMX may be designed

For use within a wide variety of depths and widths according to site

Conditions and requirements.

Matrix One is a state-of-the-art, all-in-one version of our Matrix 502.

Eliminates component ratio variation and on-site mixing of separate

Components. Matrix One is heated and blended in a Pavetech HB-200 mixing



Rallithane 862: A two component, Federal Spec. 200 E/H compliant, rapid

Curing polymer sealant. Easy mix packaging for quick installation under

Limited traffic control conditions. Ideal for the repair of small movement

Bridge expansion seals and parking structure joints.

Rallithane 872: A two-part fuel and jet blast resistant sealant, which meets

Federal Spec. 200 E/H. Used worldwide on military and civilian airports for

Sealing concrete joints.

PCF 100: High quality, hot applied polymerized sealant. Will not track.

Ideal for use on roads, bridges, surface lots, and for waterproofing with

PavePrep and GeoTac.

PCF 3405/5078: State agency specification grade hot applied joint and crack

Sealant. Special blends available to suit customer’s particular needs.


Mastic One: Pre-Blended hot applied black repair mastic. A heavy duty

Pavement repair product, ideal for repairing center lane cracking, leveling

Off uneven surfaces, and patching other critical maintenance areas.

PaveCrete: Concrete colored hot thermal setting pre-blended mastic.

Developed for concrete slab repair, bridge deck patching, concrete pavement

Repairs and airport maintenance.

ElastoCrete: Three part elastomeric concrete ideal for bridge expansion

Joint header repair and for use in parking structure joints. Capable of

Withstanding high impact loading, flow able and fast setting.

Elastopatch: Grey cold applied pre-measured elastomeric concrete. Ideal for

Repairing bridge decks, airport runways and taxiways, concrete pavements,

Parking structures, warehouse floors and other time critical areas in need

Of flexible and rapid cure elastomeric concrete.

HB-200 : Hot materials blender applicator engineered to provide the options

of more elaborate machinery. The HB-200 offers the flexibility of a high

output mixer at an economical cost.

AT-4812: Specially designed hand applicator unit for the application of

geo-composites in an efficient, safe and workman-like manner.