Colorado USAG Board Meeting Minutes October 16, 2014
Level 3 and 4 State Meets: Clubs must notify the state about the number of gymnasts who will be competing in the state meets by NOVEMBER 1st. The birth dates for each division will be decided after November 1st. Sessions will be assigned by averaging the top three AA scores for each gymnast. If there are more than 60 gymnasts in a session, the age groups will be divided into five instead of four. For an in-house meet, more than 200 gymnasts will require four sessions. For an out-of-house meet, more than 216 gymnasts will require four sessions. If the number of gymnasts determining small vs. large meet is equal, the assigning will be based on geography.
DROPPED-Level 6/7 State Meet: After much discussion about concern for numbers of gymnasts, the board has raised the qualifying score for Level 6 and Level 7 state to 34.5. The score may be lowered later to ensure the meets are adequately full with 64 gymnasts per session.
Level 8/9/10 Athlete of the Year: Any gymnast who is in high school is eligible for the athlete of the year. There will be one chosen for Level 8, Level 9, and Level 10. There will be an application form and a recommendation form posted on the COUSAG website. The recommendation may come from a coach, but a second recommendation must come from outside the gym (boss, teacher, minister, community leader).
Xcel Program: The Xcel program is looking for options to increase revenue to enable sending a representative to the USAG national congress each year and to offset the rising cost of awards. There has been discussion about a competition fee and increasing gate fees. There is a regional invitational scheduled the last weekend in May in Albuquerque. The USAG board will be working with the Xcel committee to incorporate the Xcel program needsinto future clinics.
Clinics: The next USAG/NAWGJ clinic is scheduled for January 4th at DU Sturm Hall. It will include start value practice judging along with videos on series, angles, and beam mounts. We are looking into including some Xcel work in tandem and separate.
Level 7 Regionals: The regional meet will be held at the Estes Park Events Center on May 1-3. The board will be overseeing the meet and will be looking for assistants to help with the meet. Board members are assigned the following tasks: Tim – meet workers (also before and after); Lesley – judges; Rich – equipment, computer, vendors; Cindy –decorating; Pam – organization (competition cards, state signs etc). Nichole will loan us the event boxes and clipboards from the Judges Cup. All board members will be assisting at the meet.