
Instructor: Mr. Matt Micek Email: Website: find staff pages

Support Times: Mon P0; M—F at Nutrition Various times posted on class wall Tue 6pm

Math Tutor Center rm I-1 Daily

Text: Understanding Basic Statistics, by Brase and Brase.


To develop a basic knowledge in probability and statistics, including vocabulary, collection of random and representative samples, organized display of data, averages & variations, binomial & normal distributions, hypothesis testing, bivariate data and interpretation of results.

To apply this knowledge to solving problems, and thus gain a level of mathematical confidence as a result.

To become more comfortable working individually or in small groups on collecting, and analyzing data; thinking through situations, making good decisions, and sharing questions and concerns with other students.

To prepare to excel in a university level statistics course.

Grading Procedure:

Class Participation is part of the course. Communicating mathematically will be done in a variety of ways: whole class response to teacher, small group discussions, organized demonstration of work on paper, giving full sentence responses of the thought process behind approaching and solving problems. Talking and writing about math assists your understanding of the concepts at a deeper level, plus it helps you stay awake!

Homework will be assigned nearly each class meeting. Use pencil and show work clearly. Late homework does not earn full credit, but is accepted until the exam over that material, however, not after the test. This is done to encourage students to keep pace with the course. Homework is practice for the tests. Normally 5-7 problems per section will be required to fully gain mastery of that particular topic. Welcome the work.

Work Together! Research clearly shows improved learning and lowered anxiety when we work with others.

There will be several Tests per semester, and a Quiz or two per chapter. Notice will be given before each. Answers to test and quiz questions may come from teacher lecture, class activity, textbook reading, video presentation, group work, internet investigation, or homework. If a test or quiz is missed, it must be made upwithin a week of the original exam date. It is up to the student to arrange a time with the teacher for this makeup during support time. If this is not done, the score remains zero in the grade book.

A special test will be given Fall Semester over the classic book “How to Lie with Statistics.” This exam will be open book, but timed. Students succeed if they have read the entire book, and made notes in their text. The student who hasn’t read in detail and hunts for answers during the exam, will probably not finish. Please read this outstanding book! This will happen in mid October. It counts the same as any other test.

The Final Exam is comprehensive. There will be no surprises. Questions are closely related to previous tests, and assignments.

CP & HW25%A= 90- 99.9

Quizzes 25%B= 80- 89.9

Tests25%C= 70- 79.9

Final Exam25%D= 60- 69.9