Registered Charity No 1075028

Acting President: PENELOPE HORSFALL, Chairman: CHRIS BREWER, Chief Executive:IAN BURKS

Prince’s Road, REDHILL, Surrey, RH1 6JJ. Tel: (01737) 779979, Fax (01737) 780356

Dear Applicant,

RE: Finance Manager

Thank you for your interest in the work of the YMCA.

In order for you to find out more about this post please refer to the job description and person specification.

Our website is full of information regarding the work that we do and also contains our annual review document.

For your convenience you will be able to complete an application form on our website. This can be either an on line form or a word document form. Alternatively you can email me at the email address below or contact me on 01737 779979 to be sent an application pack.

The closing date to apply for this post is Monday 21st July 2014 at 9am.

Interviews are planned for Monday 28th July 2014.

We look forward to receiving your application.

Yours sincerely

Katie Cooper

HR Administrator


Association: / Reigate and Redhill YMCA
Address: / Prince’s Road
Tel. No.: 01737 779979
Responsible for / The Association's financial and accounting systems and staff including the Payroll Supervisor and two Finance/Admin Officers.
Job Purpose: / To oversee all of the financial activities of the RRYMCA, including the management of finance staff, processes and IT systems and the preparation of financial reports.
Main Responsibilities: /
  1. To develop, review and maintain financial systems, policies and procedures and monitor adherence to them.
  1. To liaise with the CEO and senior managers to prepare individual budgets for each department and for the whole association and to monitor actual income and expenditure against these budgets (also to ensure budget holders are trained and fully aware of their responsibilities in managing budgets and following financial control procedures).
  1. Take responsibility for the RRYMCA Finance Department IT systems (including accounting software and payroll application) ensuring they function properly and are secure.
  1. To produce timely and accurate monthly management accounts and other financial reports as required by the CEO and for presentation to the Finance Committee and full Board of Management.
  1. Monitor and control the financial risks to which the Association is exposed and report on those risks to the Finance Committee and Board.
  1. Offer financial advice and strategic guidance to the CEO, Project Managers, Finance Committee and Board as required and to attend and report back to meetings of Senior Management and the Board.
  1. To manage the Finance Team and to be responsible (with HR support) for their recruitment, training, development and appraisal.
  1. To provide financial planning to help the Association devise and meet targets laid down in the business plan and to advise the Board onRRYMCA's investment policy to ensure that maximum return is achieved with minimum risk.
  1. Oversee the Association's bank accounts, and monthly bank reconciliations, including acting as a signatory to the accounts.
  1. Supervise the accounting function, including management of expenditure/creditors, and invoicing/debtors.
  1. Ensure income and expenditure for each restricted fund is recorded tracked, and reported on individually
  1. Act as the focal point of liaison with RRYMCA's auditors and bank manager.
  1. Prepare the annual Trustees Report and Financial Statements and arrange for them to be audited.
  1. Support the senior management and fundraisers by producing supporting information for fundraising bids and financial information for monitoring reports.
  1. To support the Payroll Supervisor and oversee the monthly payroll including pension contributions and to ensure that systems are in place to share information with HR as and when needed.
  1. To manage and supervise the purchase and sales ledger systems including the issuing and payment of invoices and recovery of all debts.
  1. Maintain liaison with the fundraising team and deal with the submission of gift aid claims to HMRC.
  1. Ensure that VAT returns and PAYE returns are accurately prepared and submitted electronically to HMRC as per regulations.
  1. Undertake any additional tasks commensurate with the grade and level of responsibility of this post, which may from time to time be required.

Background Information / Reigate and Redhill YMCA has expanded considerably over the past 15 years and turnover has grown from less than £400k in 1999, to £3m in 2014. The Association operates from 5 sites in the local area and has ambitious and exciting plans to continue its expansion throughout East Surrey. As part of a major review of financial systems, new financial software, Access Dimensions, was installed in January 2013. Further upgrades to IT are planned, including new leisure management software. The new Finance Manager will be required to contribute to the configuration of that software and its integration with Dimensions. Access Select HR software has recently been installed and a review of payroll procedures and systems will be required in the near future with a view to integrating all systems.
The Association is in the process of registering as a Registered Provider of Social Housing, and the 2015 statutory accounts will need to be presented in the format required by the Statement of Recommended Practice: Accounting by Registered Social Housing Providers.
Relationships: / The Finance Manager is a senior position with considerable levels of responsibility. You will work closely with the CEO, the Treasurer and the Board of Management to provide financial information and guidance that can assist with strategic decisions about the future direction of RRYMCA work.
In this role you will also need to develop links with charitable trusts, funding agencies and local authorities who contract with the RRYMCA as well as major donors.
The postholder will be expected to develop regular supervision, annual appraisals and meetings with their own staff, working particularly closely with the Payroll Supervisor and Finance/Admin Officer.
Your monthly one to one supervision sessions will take place with the CEO.
The postholder will be part of the Senior Management Team, and they will be expected to attend regular meetings with other RRYMCA managers. They will work particularly closely with other key staff members who operate centrally such as the Operations Manager who oversees IT, Health and Safety and maintenance in all sites and the HR Manager who looks after personnel issues.
The post-holder will be expected to take part in the RRYMCA induction programme and occasionally with regional, national and international YMCA events as appropriate, particularly those relating to financial matters. The post-holder would also be expected to participate in appropriate on-going training and development, including an annual review/appraisal process.
It is also expected that the post holder will conduct Finance Training as and when required with Managers.
Scale and impact: / The Finance Manager will advise the Board and senior managers on financial policy, including business planning, risk management and financial control at RRYMCA. He or she will support trustees and the CEO in setting the organisation’s strategic direction.
The postholder will lead in the development of a financial strategy for the Association, to advise on fundraising, significant investments and cash flow forecasting.
He or she will take lead responsibility within the management team on all matters relating to finance and will be aware of and advise the Board and CEO about any changes in the external environment that may impact on the Association and its finances.
The RRYMCA annual budget is in excess of £2.8m and the postholder will take responsibility for accounting for all income and expenditure and ensuring accurate and legally compliant records. The postholder will be required to remain abreast of changes to statutory accounting regulations, including those specific to charitable organisations.
Environment: / The Reigate and Redhill YMCA is a local charity committed to helping individuals to develop to their full potential with a focus on children and young people and those who are vulnerable or facing disadvantage. We are an independent organisation that has been responding to local need since 1870, and we are a member of the wider YMCA movement.
From sport, fitness and children's play, to housing service, youth work and volunteering - our services support local people to be the best they can be, with a focus on those who need a little extra help.
We help people to believe in themselves and encourage them to raise their aspirations to achieve what they previously thought impossible.
The RRYMCA operates across four main locations in East Surrey which are; The Sports and Community Centre in Earslwood, Hillbrook House Supported Housing Scheme in Redhill, The Banstead Youth Centre and our recently refurbished YMCA Sovereign Centre for children and young people in Woodhatch.
The Association’s geographical area of concern has expanded from Reigate and Banstead tofour boroughs in the East of Surrey and the name of the organisation is about to be changed to East Surrey YMCA to reflect this.
You are joining a friendly and dedicated team of over 130 staff and volunteers all of whom are committed to helping children and young people build a better future.
The RRYMCA offer a range of sport and physical activity programmes and the Princes Rd site has a gym which houses a range of the latest accessible and adapted fitness equipment accredited by the Inclusive Fitness Initiative and suitable for use by those with physical disability, mobility problems and learning difficulties.
The Princes Rd centre has over 1,700 adult members including between 400 and 500 who have support needs. The Centre has a good track record of inclusion work and has built many strong relationships with professionals in the health authorities and other agencies concerned with improving the quality of life of local people through safe and controlled physical exercise.
Current programmes and activities at Princes Rd include disability sport and specialised classes for adults with experiencing physical disability, learning difficulties, sensory impairments, mental health issues, cardiac problems, MS, arthritis and mobility problems. Programmes are also offered to short stay schools and other agencies working with young people who may exhibit challenging behaviour.
The RRYMCA caters particularly for those who are vulnerable or disadvantaged and all activities are made affordable through concessionary pricing and in some cases bursary places.
The YMCA does however rely on mainstream fitness members to generate income and a significant element of this role will be dedicated to boosting membership and usage of our Princes Rd facilities.
The Finance Manager will have responsibility for financial activity in each of these four centres but will be based in the Finance Office at Princes Rd which also houses other staff involved in central services such as the HR Manager and HR Administrator.
At Hillbrook House the RRYMCA offers safe and affordable housing to 44 young people mainly between 16 and 25 years of age who are able to access a range of support services to help them gain in confidence and skills and move on to more independent living. Hillbrook House is also the base for Heads Together, our free counselling service for young people plus Next Step which is a Rent Deposit Guarantee Scheme.
The RRYMCA runs a Children's Centre and playscheme programme from Banstead Youth Centre and the Sovereign Centre at Woodhatch, Reigate is a specialised facility for children and young people with disability as well as a thriving community resource offering mainstream sports and youth provision for local people.
Since 2011 the YMCA has managed the centre based youth work in 7 Surrey Youth Centres on behalf of the county and also delivers a range of NEET prevention youth projects in Reigate and Banstead and Mole Valley. We also offer the Heads Together free counselling scheme for young people and a detached youth work project.
The RRYMCA is also the lead agency for the delivery of the LiveSMART Project based at the Belfry in Redhill. The Project aims to cut costs, calories and carbon though sustainable travel, healthier and active lifestyles. The project works in partnership across many organisations to help us deliver advice and support to the local community.
See the RRYMCA web site or annual Review for more information about YMCA work in the community.
Terms and Conditions / Hours of work – This post is full time at 40 hrs per week (including a paid lunch break) and a schedule of working hours will be agreed following discussions with the CEO.
Salary - From £ 42,159.36 depending on qualifications and experience.
Holiday Entitlement – 5 weeks plus bank holidays. The holiday year runs from 1st April – 31st March. An incremental increase applies with service and commences after 2 years completed service. A maximum of 6 weeks annual leave is available after 6 years service.
Benefits - The post holder will be entitled to free use of RRYMCA fitness centre and half price childcare and recreational activities for dependents. There is free parking available at Princes Road.
Pension- There is a YMCA pension scheme - details available on request.
Closing date and Interviews / The closing date for applications is Monday 21st July at 9am.
Interviews are planned for Monday 28th July 2014.

FINANCE MANAGER - Person Specification

Essential / Desirable
Accountancy qualifications i.e. ACCA,CIMA,CIPFA,ICAEW / Management qualifications
Knowledge of statutory financial regulations especially those relating to SORPS / Qualifications and training in IT
A sound knowledge of business control systems including audit procedure and financial planning
Essential / Desirable
Several years experience in financial accounting including production and analysis of financial reports, development and application of accounting procedures and control / Management experience within the voluntary/charitable sector
5 years management experience in a financial setting / Experience of accounting in a charitable organisation
Experience of completing VAT returns within organisations where there is partial VAT exemption / Experience of implementing new accounting packages
Experience of preparing monthly management accounts and annual accounts / Experience of accounting within an organisation with many restricted funds
Experience in liaising with, and presenting to, senior management and Trustees / Experience of using Sage payroll and Access Dimensions accounting software
Demonstrable experience of initiating changes and improvements in financial systems
Essential / Desirable
Good people skills / Ability to communicate clearly on financial matters to those who do not have specific finance skills
Ability to take a strategic lead on financial planning / Ability to train and support managers so they can better understand financial matters
Good management skills / Knowledge of strategic financial and risk management
Financial report writing skills / Knowledge of working with leisure management software, rent management systems and export of data.
Ability to work strategically and independently
Problem solving skills and ability to work under pressure
Providing leadership by inspiring and motivating staff, setting a positive example and promoting the values and ethos of the organisation
To understand and support the aims and purposes of the YMCA, and to be committed to improving the lives of young people, children and families.
/ helping young people build a future
The Reigate and Redhill Young Men’s Christian Association is a registered charity No. 1075028 and a registered company No. 3716594.
Registered Office: Prince’s Road, REDHILL, Surrey RH1 6JJ. VAT No 515 1936 55
The Y.M.C.A. is a Christian charity committed to helping young people, particularly at times of need, regardless of gender, race, ability or faith.