Questionnaire for satisfaction assessment of KraMZ Ltd customers

Начало формы

1. Customer-Consumerdetails

*Company name

*Mailing address

Full name and position of the company executive


Are you a firm consumer of our products and since what time?

2. Information about the quality system of the Company-Consumer

Does your company use the quality system, which complies with ISO 9001:2008

Is the quality system certified? If yes, then when and by which certification center?

3. Satisfaction with products of KraMZ Ltd

Satisfaction with products of KraMZ Ltd for a period

Do you consider KraMZ Ltd to be a reliable supplier?

Use the 5-grade scale to estimate your level of satisfaction with our products
(1 - bad... 5 - excellent)
Does the quality of the supplied products meet the agreed requirements (contract terms)? /
Are the products supplied in time? /
Is the information about our products available to you? /
Do we promptly work with your inquiries? /
Do we promptly consider your remarks and quality claims? /
Do we promptly consider your remarks and claims concerning the delivery time of products? /
Are you satisfied with the attitude of our personnel to you in process of working under the contract? /
Are you satisfied with terms of shipment and transportation of our products? /
Qualityofshippingdocuments preparation /
Will you recommend other customers to purchase our products? /

4. In which way and to what extent are you informed about KraMZ Ltd and our products?

From specialized publications (if yes, then which?)

Information received from mass media (if yes, then which?)

Internet (what sources?)

Information received from exhibitions, fairs etc. (if yes, then which?)

Informationreceivedfromthecustomers/suppliersofproducts (givetheirnames)


5. Other questions

Your opinion about the quality of our products in comparison with other suppliers?

What is the most important for you, when choosing the product supplier (put the numbers, depending on the level of importance from 1 to 7)?

Price / Supplierreliability
Quality / Oldrelationship
Closelocation / Supplierimage

What will give you an opportunity to increase the volume of purchases (put the numbers, depending on the level of importance from 1 to 9)?

Additionaldiscounts / Deliverytime compliance
Improvementof product quality / Product mix expansion
Price reduction / Orderleadtimereduction
Change of payment terms / Use of different insurance forms against risks

Your suggestions for improving our work with customers?

* Questionnaireis filled in by: /
*Position: /

Конец формы

Note: To fill in the Questionnaire on-line, you should enter the menu: View/Toolbar/Controls, put the cursor in the necessary cell and click “form designer” - upper sign on the left. The questionnaire is ready to fill in.