June 13th, 2010


**When you see this sign, please stand as you are able.

We Gather in God’s Name

**Processional Hymn: VU# 658 O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go

Welcoming and Announcements

Call to Worship

We wait on you, O God, in the assurance that you hear and answer us - even when our sighs are too deep for words.
We come into your presence, O God, knowing that we can unburden our hearts before you.
We praise you, O God, for transforming lives so that good displaces evil; for turning lives around so that truth overcomes all that is deceitful and corrupt.
Holy God, it is only because of your abundant love that we can stand before you.
Lead us, in your righteousness so that we follow your way all the days of our lives.

Prayer of Confession

Gracious God; When our behaviour fails to reveal our belief that your love for us, O God, is unconditional,

forgive us.
When we alienate others throughjudgmental or condescending attitudes,

forgive us, O God
When we believe that we are justified in your eyes, O God, by our good works or our biblical knowledge,

forgive us.
Gracious and merciful God, remind us that the life we now live is through faith in Jesus, who loves us and gave himself for us.
Therefore, with the apostle Paul, we affirm with thanksgiving: “ it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me”. Amen

Assurance of Forgiveness

“...We know that a person is justified not by the works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ. Hear then the good news:Through faith in Jesus Christ our sins are forgiven.
Thanks be to God!

Senior Safety Symposium on Thursday, June 17 from 10:30 am to 12 noon at North Simcoe Sports and Rec. Centre, Bill Thompson

Children’s Community Choir concert on Sunday June 13th at 7pm here at St. Paul’s. Tickets are adults $10 students $8 and children 8 and under free. Tickets can be purchased at the door.

Visitors Program: We have a visitors program in place that people can suggest names of those who would like someone to contact them, you can call the church office if you have someone that needs a visit!

Camp Simpresca: We are accepting donations to help to sponsor local campers this summer. If you are able to help please mark Camp Simpresca on your envelope.

Ministers: All the People of God

Pastor: Reverend Jim McKean

Lay Reader: Sheila Thompson

Christian Education Coordinator: Andy Ahrens

Director of Music: Paul Sloan

Pre-Service Music Rick Taylor

Administrator Judy McConnell

Custodian Mary Ellen Petticrew

St. Paul’s United Church

308 King St., Midland, Ontario L4R 3M6

Phone 526-6077 Fax 526-4020

Email: ,

Website: stpaulsmidland.org

Office hours Monday thru Friday 9-12, 1-4p.m.

Week Ending June 11, 2010 / General Funds / M&S
Amt needed weekly to meet budget / $3,968 / $490
*Average Weekly to Date (includes par) / $3,875 / $368
*Amt Received on Sunday June 6th / $3,538 / $343


**Hymn #595 We Are Pilgrims On A Journey

Time with Children/ Prayer with Children

The Lord’s Prayer

At this time we invite the Children to go and experience Sunday school.

We Hear God’s Word

Prayer for Illumination

Guide us, O God, by your Word and Spirit, that in your light we may see light, in your truth find freedom, and in your will discover your peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

First Lesson Galatians 2: 15-21

This is the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Praise to Christ, the Word.

Responsive Lesson Psalm 5: pg 728-29VU

Anthem Raise Your Voices! Graham/Lovland

New Testament Lesson Luke 7: 36-8:3

This is the witness of the Church

Thanks be to God

Message: The Audacity of Faith!

We Respond to God’s Word

Prayers of the People

The Offering of our Gifts and Tithes

Hymn My Hope is Built on Nothing Less

1.  My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus Christ, my righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus' name.

Chorus On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;

All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand.

2.  When darkness veils His lovely face,
I rest on His unchanging grace;
In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within the veil.

3.  His oath, His covenant, His blood,
Support me in the whelming flood;
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my hope and stay.


4.  When He shall come with trumpet sound,
Oh, may I then in Him be found;
In Him, my righteousness, alone,
Faultless to stand before the throne.

** Doxology Praise God from whom all blessings flow,

praise God all creatures high and low,

give thanks to God in love made known:

Creator, Word and Spirit, One.

Prayer of Dedication

We God Forth in God’s Name

**Hymn # 580 Faith of Our Fathers



A special welcome to all new friends as we gather to celebrate God’s presence in faith, hope and love. If you are a guest, visitor or newcomer, please make yourself known to us. If you have any questions, our greeters should be able to help you. Please put your name, mailing address and email address in our guest book, so we may have a record of your visit. If you do not have a church home, we invite you to share in our life at St. Paul’s.

Bakeless Bake Sale: Envelopes are available on the back window. Please provide your name and address or your envelope # to receive a tax receipt at the end of the year. Your envelope may be placed on the offering plate at any time. Please make your cheque payable to St. Paul’s United Church.

Official Board will meet on Tuesday June 22nd at 7pm in the parlour. Please plan to attend our lasting meeting until the fall.

Rev. Jim is away today. We thank Andy Ahrens for doing the service today. Rev. Jim will returnWednesdayJune16 in time for Bible Study at 10:30.

We thank all those who participated in the 85th Anniversary Service: Tom Hazell, John McCullough and Cathy Metzgar and a special thank you to the communion servers, greeters, the choir ad Paul Sloan for their music leadership. Blessings Jim

Wednesday morning Bible Study will be led by Rev. Jim McKean, in the Parlour from 10:30 to 12 noon. The lectionary readings we will engagefor next week are: 1 Kings 21:1-10, Psalm 5: 1-8, Galatians 2:15-21 and Luke 7:36-8:3

The first National Consultation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada will take place at the Forks in Winnipeg, Manitoba, from June 16 to 19, 2010. Church members across Canada are asked to set aside Sunday, June 13, 2010, to pray for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and its work. Please read the insert in today’s bulletin.

Prayer Matters: Please keep the following people in your prayers: Frank Mustard at home, Mary Edwards is now staying at her daughters home, Johanna in GBGH and Ted Watson (#1 North) in GBGH. Kathie Ingram sister to Bob McVean. Marj Burton, Joan Doolittle & Evelyn Banks in Hillcrest. Please keep in your prayers anyone else who is in need at this time.

It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Susan Manning, daughter of Vic & Aileen Denise. Our condolences go out to Aileen & Vic’s and Susan’s family for their loss. The funeral was held in Sarnia on Saturday June 12th.

Our choir has been singing at our local nursing homes. Last week they visited the Villa and on Thursday June 17th they will be singing at Hillcrest.

***Food For Thought
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday June 16th at 7:00 pm in the parlour. This is our 2nd last meeting of the season. Anyone is welcome to come out. For more information contact Andy and Martha Ahrens at 361-9931.



It’s true that Indian children die at a much higher rate in our Indian boarding schools from communicable diseases ... but such is in keeping with the policy of this department which is geared towards the final solution of the Indian problem. (Duncan Campbell Scott, 1911)

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission was formed almost a year ago to focus attention on the legacy of Indian Residential Schools, about 130 of which were operated between 1800 and 1996, the vast majority by the Roman Catholic, Anglican, United and Presbyterian Churches in Canada. For most of that history the federal governments were responsible for funding and dictating curriculum in these schools, which sought to eliminate the Indian in children. The impact of these schools is immense, multi-faceted and multi-generational, as abuse of various kinds, including sexual as well as cultural, occurred. Over 75,000 former students are still alive.

After a decade of legal decisions and negotiations between the churches and the federal government, the TRC was launched some time ago, and three national Commissioners have been given a 5-year mandate to hold national events, meet with communities and survivors and hear their stories, collect information to document the history and impact, etc. The TRC mandate, and other information, is available on the national website at www.trc.ca The TRC process in Canada provides a historic opportunity for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples in Canada to engage in truth-telling, lament and healing regarding the devastating racism and abuse that is the overwhelming, though not exclusive, legacy of the Residential School system.

First National TRC Event June 16th to 19th in Winnipeg

The first national TRC event will take place June 16th to 19th in The Forks region of Winnipeg, a traditional meeting place for Aboriginal peoples. A sacred fire will be lit on the first day, and kept throughout the four days of the gathering. The event will be multi-dimensional, as reflection on the residential school experience from a variety of perspectives and with a range of mediums will take place: truth-telling circles, statement gathering, artistic and cultural



It’s true that Indian children die at a much higher rate in our Indian boarding schools from communicable diseases ... but such is in keeping with the policy of this department which is geared towards the final solution of the Indian problem. (Duncan Campbell Scott, 1911)

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission was formed almost a year ago to focus attention on the legacy of Indian Residential Schools, about 130 of which were operated between 1800 and 1996, the vast majority by the Roman Catholic, Anglican, United and Presbyterian Churches in Canada. For most of that history the federal governments were responsible for funding and dictating curriculum in these schools, which sought to eliminate the Indian in children. The impact of these schools is immense, multi-faceted and multi-generational, as abuse of various kinds, including sexual as well as cultural, occurred. Over 75,000 former students are still alive.

After a decade of legal decisions and negotiations between the churches and the federal government, the TRC was launched some time ago, and three national Commissioners have been given a 5-year mandate to hold national events, meet with communities and survivors and hear their stories, collect information to document the history and impact, etc. The TRC mandate, and other information, is available on the national website at www.trc.ca The TRC process in Canada provides a historic opportunity for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples in Canada to engage in truth-telling, lament and healing regarding the devastating racism and abuse that is the overwhelming, though not exclusive, legacy of the Residential School system.

First National TRC Event June 16th to 19th in Winnipeg

The first national TRC event will take place June 16th to 19th in The Forks region of Winnipeg, a traditional meeting place for Aboriginal peoples. A sacred fire will be lit on the first day, and kept throughout the four days of the gathering. The event will be multi-dimensional, as reflection on the residential school experience from a variety of perspectives and with a range of mediums will take place: truth-telling circles, statement gathering, artistic and cultural expression, historical research and photo displays, interfaith and apology programs, survivor respite, children’s space, and more.

The sharing of stories and statements will be conducted in both private and public forums, taking care to acknowledge the pain that this story-telling surfaces in survivors. A powwow on Saturday will conclude this first national event. Please refer to the website for more information.

Two Regional GTA Events to Mark the Opening and Closing

National staff and people from the participating Protestant Churches – Anglican, Presbyterian and United – have been working on this legacy, with increasing intensity, for the past two decades. As part of that work, this past November over 100 people, including many from the GTA and surrounding communities, gathered for a regional ecumenical Ambassadors of Reconciliation training event. Those who were there from the Toronto region then started to meet together a few months ago, and have planned two Toronto events to provide an opportunity for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people to gather and mark the opening and closing of this first National TRC Event.

June 16th from 6 to 7 pm – Metropolitan United Church park

56 Queen Street East

With ceremony, story-telling, a recognition of historic land rights, and an outline of the TRC process, as well as a call to participants to take part in the TRC process through education, advocacy and supportive prayer vigils and observances, this Toronto regional event will mark in solidarity the first day of the first National TRC Event.

June 19th at 11 am – Etienne Brule Park

West bank at Humber Blvd. near Old Mill Inn, Subway

Following the Aboriginal Day Run/Walk – a 4 km Humber River Run/Walk (details at http://sites.google.com/site/aboriginaldayrun/)

another similar gathering for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people to mark the closing of the first National TRC Event will take place.