Stores want to open first so last year they started opening on Thanksgiving.


Stores are forcing workers to work when they should be home with their families.

Union busting – fire anyone who tries to start a union in your business

60% of Walmart workers get food stamps because the pay is so low

Walton family is the second wealthiest family in the US.

Boycott Walmart

Walmart is so cheap.

Traditional Thanksgiving

Morning: Wake up at watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. Women are starting to cook and set the table(s).

Afternoon: Watch football games called bowl games. Continue cooking.

Usually people eat around 3:30 or 4:00.

Late Afternoon: More football or start cleaning up

Around 6:00 have dessert

Around 8:00 kids watch a kids’ movie and parents sit around and talk

Tree lighting in Union Square and at Ghirardelli Square, the Embarcaderos are lit

I light candles every night.

I lit a candle last night.

Terms of endearment: honey, sweetie, dear, sweetie pie, sugar, bear, sweetheart, babe, baby, sweet pea, honey pie, boo boo, boo-ba-la (Jewish)

Woman can use them.

Men using them would be demeaning.

1. When she had a baby, Kathy quit her job and devoted herself to her family.

2. Joe lives alone, so he doesn’t buy food in bulk.

3. The end-of-the-semester party will commence at 1:00.

4. My car died on Columbus, and some men manually moved it to a side street.

5. I think your son is too passive to become class president.

6. There is a lot of controversy about the new Warriors stadium.

Warriors – the most violent soldiers

7. Many people are wondering about Leland Yee’s ethics.

8. The millionaire left a portion of his fortune to the SPCA.

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

9. I assured my students there would be no homework this weekend.

10. Tim was in trouble because he violated his curfew (the time you have to be home).

Permissive parents – almost no rules

Strict parents – many rules

The Golden Gate Bridge

Golden Gate Park

Bridges get the.

The Bay Bridge

The Golden Gate Bridge

The San Mateo Bridge

The Carcinas Bridge

The Dumbarton Bridge

The Richmond San Rafa

Heroin as developed to help soldiers during WWI. Methadone clinics (less addictive drug with the same feeling)

Reviewing past perfect, present perfect, simple past