Summary Note of the Meeting of the Pastoral Council

of Our Lady Help of Christians, Rickmansworth

9th January 2017


Fr Shaun Church– PresidentAngela Steele

Paul Forrest – ChairChristina Calderato

Michael Curtin – SecretaryMaud Cutting

Samantha Benson Anke Vos

Dave Pione

Adrian Ramsden APOLOGIES: Fr Mark Walker

Welcome and Opening Prayer - Fr Shaun opened the meeting with a prayer.

Minutes of the Last Meetings -The minutes of the last Ordinary PPC meeting, held on 20.9.16, were approved by all those present.

Matters Arising from the Last Meetings

The painting of the Resurrection of the Lord hanging in the Church –Fr Shaunconfirmed that the repositioning of the crucifix, into the place previously occupied by the painting, has been generally well received.

Introduction of Monthly Sunday Brunch following the 11.00 Sunday Mass. –Fr Shaun explained that there was a good response for volunteers to help with the project. They are now meeting to decide when to begin.

Fair Trade –Helen Nolan is happy to remain as our Parish representativebut would like to see more done to promote the use offair trade tea/coffee etc. by parish groups.

Parish Priest’s Report

Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help – Fr Shaun reported that all of the speakers were well received.Overall numbers attending were rather low however. He said that he intended to continue to offer an annual Novena to Our Lady in October.

Welcomers Day of Reflection Fr Shaunreported that the afternoon of reflection and training for the Welcomers in all three Parishes was well attended. The major points arising out of the meeting were:

New parishioners to be invited occasionally to a welcome gathering.

Welcomers to be invited to the Annual Day of Recollection.

Our Lady Help of Christians Church needsnew outside display boards.

Update Our Lady Help of Christians Welcomers notes.

The New Parishioners Leaflet to include a tick list to encourage greater involvement in Parish life and the offer of a home visit by one of the parish clergy to newly arrived families, if desired.

Advent - Both parish Advent activities were well supported but as the numbers attending the films were less than last year Fr Shaun suggested we take a break from these during 2017.

Christmas - The Christmas Liturgy was beautifully celebrated at all Masses this year and Father Shaun would like to express his thanks to everyone involved.

Lent 2017 - This Lent there will be a DVD course by Bishop Barron called Conversion which tells the story of six Biblical figures. The course will be run on an afternoon and an evening. Stations of the Cross will once again rotate around the three Parishes.

Parish Pilgrimages –The walking pilgrimage in Northern Spain has been postponed until 2018. A good level of interest has been expressed about the pilgrimage to Northern England in May2017. Fr Shaun proposes to run a day pilgrimage to Canterbury, to include a celebration of Mass in the Cathedral, perhaps on a weekday in late Julyat the beginning ofthe school holidays.

Building Work 2017 – Fr Shaun explained that this year the parish halls will be refurbished, hopefully over the summer. He explained that it was hoped that the work would include the removal of the stage, the creation of new storage space, new lighting, secondary glazing, refurbishment of the wooden floors and improvements to the heating system. Dave Pione suggested a dedicated area for young people which Fr Shaun will consider.

Chair’s Report

[Paul Forrest attended the Three Chairs meeting.]

St John the Evangelist Parish, Mill End-

  • AThanksgivingbook regarding the dedication of the new stained glass window isto be placed on a lectern in the church.
  • The planned giving campaign went well and an appeal for parish volunteers has taken place.
  • The Christmas Fair and Christmas party for children were very successful.
  • St John Fisher Parish, Chorleywood-
  • The PPC is working on its three chosen objectives and have organised a concert of classical musicfor February 2017 to help promote the Parish social life.
  • The apartment above the church has been let to tenants.
  • A planned giving campaign will take place soon.
  • Ways were discussed of working more closely together and learning more about the charities each Parish supports. Fr Shaun suggested that all three PPCs could perhaps meet together sometimes to discuss common issues. Fr Shaun will raisethese ideas with the other PPCs.

Youth Ministry Report

  • Fr Shaun welcomed Anke to her new post within the parish and explained that she will be an ex-officio member of the PPC. Anke explained that she has forged links with the pupils of St. Johns Primary School and St. Joanof Arc School (especially the sixth form). She is helping with the Confirmation classes and, together with the help of six volunteer leaders, is organising two youth groups within Our Lady and St John the Evangelist Parishes. The PPC wishes her every success in her new ministry.

Parish Garden of Rest

Michael updated the PPC on the project. The Parish Finance Committee hasagreed to release the money and the stone masons have found a company to supply the stones. Michael will contact the stone masons to arrange the payment of the deposit in order for the work to commence. Michael will work with the ParishAdministratorto check the information held by the Parish on the deceased interred in the Parish Garden of Rest.

Parish Annual General Meeting

The Parish AGM will take place on Sunday 12th February at 3.00pm.during which four new members of the PPC will be appointed by Father Shaun. These will include one younger parishioner. Fr Shaun expressed his thanks to the departing PPC members, Samantha Benson, Dave Pione, Maud Cutting and Michael Curtin for their commitment to the PPC during their term of office.

Any Other Business

The family of Vinny Spiteri have requested a memorial brass plaque to be discreetly attached to the pew where she regularly sat. After discussion,Fr Shaun said that he would consider appropriate ways in which Vinny might be remembered.

Dave suggested that the Parish could be twinned with another poorer parish in the third world as this would be good for the young people of the parish. Fr Shaun will speak to CAFOD about this

Date of Next Meetings

  • Parish AGM Sunday 12th February at 3:00pm in Our Lady’s Church Hall.
  • The date of the next meeting was set as Monday 24th April 2017 at 7:30pm.