Lean Enterprise: A Comprehensive Overview

From Levinson Productivity Systems, P.C.

Kaizen (continuous improvement) was a basic foundation of the original Ford business system, along with standardization and best practice deployment. Ford also described and implemented just-in-time (JIT) and most other quality and productivity improvement techniques that we now think of as "Japanese." Lean enterprise's American origin is a key asset in selling it in American workplaces.

The package includes PowerPoint Notes pages for distribution to participants. The license allows the user to make unlimited copies of these pages for use in training activities.


This day-long overview of lean enterprise is designed primarily for manufacturing engineers, supervisors, foremen, and shop personnel.

What your participants will learn:

Participants will learn the basic foundation of lean enterprise (recognition and elimination of all forms of waste in the supply chain) as well as its true origin: Henry Ford's automobile plants and their supply chain.

How your audience will use the knowledge:

Upon completing this course, your audience should have learned and internalized the ability to recognize most forms of waste on sight. Participants will no longer take waste (friction, muda) for granted or accept it as a built-in part of the job that they should "live with" or "work around." Front-line production workers should be using the new knowledge to identify waste in their jobs and offer ideas for improvement.


  1. Why Lean Enterprise?
  2. This section shows how to sell lean enterprise to upper management and to the front-line manufacturing workers who have to make it happen.
  3. Proven results in "the language of money" for upper management.
  4. Lean enterprise's role in protecting jobs and creating higher wages for front-line workers.
  5. "Meet Your Real Instructor" or, "Who do you think taught Japan how to make cars?" Taiichi Ohno, the father of the Toyota production system, got his ideas directly from Henry Ford.
  6. Manufacturing is the foundation of national prosperity and military security.
  7. Lean Fundamentals
  8. This section introduces the concept of friction, waste, or muda. This is the foundation of everything that happens in a lean enterprise. Friction is easy to overlook and it often becomes built into the job.
  9. Basic definitions: Toyota production system's seven forms of waste
  10. False economy as waste
  11. Value analysis and the process flowchart: identification of value-adding and non-value-adding activities
  12. Transportation as a non-value-adding activity spaghetti diagrams and factory layout
  13. The improvement cycle: standardization, best practice deployment, and continuous improvement (kaizen)
  14. Closed-Loop Corrective Action  project completion, standardization, and best practice deployment
  15. Lean Techniques
  16. This section introduces specific techniques for suppressing friction or waste.
  17. Design for Manufacture (DFM) and Design for Assembly (DFA)
  18. Group technology
  19. 5S-CANDO
  20. Visual controls and visual production management
  21. Small-lot and single-unit processing  Cycle time reduction
  22. Single-Minute Exchange of Die (SMED)
  23. Error-Proofing (Poka-Yoke)
  24. Lean Production Control
  25. Push versus pull production control
  26. Kanban
  27. Synchronous flow manufacturing (SFM) and the Theory of Constraints (TOC)
  28. Role of linear programming (LP) under TOC: identification of constraints and optimization of the product mixture.
  29. Suppress variation in arrival and processing times to reduce inventory and cycle time in queue.
  30. The matchsticks-and-dice experiment in Goldratt and Cox's The Goal shows why 100% utilization "cannot" be achieved in a balanced factory.
  31. This course reconstructs the techniques Henry Ford used to achieve close to 100% utilization in a balanced factory!
  32. Supply Chain Management
  33. Extension of lean manufacturing to the supply chain  a lean enterprise
  34. Every supply chain element must add value
  35. Suppliers must be capable of just-in-time delivery
  36. Supplier development = teaching suppliers lean techniques
  37. Freight management systems (FMS) and third party logistics (3PL) systems
  38. Lean and ISO 14000
  39. Lean manufacturing is synergistic with the ISO 14000 standard for environmental management systems (EMSs), as well as with ISO 9000.
  40. Henry Ford made enormous profits by avoiding or finding ways to reuse environmental waste.
  41. Change Management
  42. Organizational psychology/ organizational behavior aspects
  43. Changing the company culture: "How we do things around here"
  44. Benefit of the kaizen blitz
  45. The need for upper management commitment
  46. Lean does not mean downsizing. Cutting jobs when workers improve productivity guarantees failure of the transformation. This is a very important consideration when it is necessary to get a union to buy into lean.