COMMITTEE DATE: 29/01/2009





Permission is sought for the conversion of Skelton Methodist Church to provide 4 no. 2 bed units and 2 no. 1 bed units. The proposal involves the conversion of the Church along with the demolition of the caretaker’s bungalow to form on site parking.

The site on Green Road is within a mainly residential area as well as being within Skelton Conservation Area. The site will be accessed using the existing vehicular access to the north of the church off Green Road.


Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that applications for planning permission be determined in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

Redcar and Cleveland Local Development Framework 2007:

CS1: Securing a Better Quality of Life

CS2: Locational Strategy

CS20: Promoting Good Design

CS25: Built and Historic Environment

DP2: Site Selection

DP3: Sustainable Design

DP9: Conservation Areas


Planning Policy Statement 1 (PPS1) Delivering Sustainable Development.

Planning Policy Statement 3 (PPS3) Housing


There is no relevant planning history in relation to this site.


The application has been advertised by means of a site notice, displayed to the front of the site on Green Road and a press notice on 28th November 2008. In addition 17 no. neighbour notification letters have been sent to neighbours in the vicinity of the site.

As a result 14 no. objection letters have been received from (1 Lawns Gill, 4 Lawns Gill, 5 Lawns Gill, 6 Lawns Gill, 7 Lawns Gill, 4 South Terrace, 12 South Terrace, 2C Green Road, 16 North Terrace, 35 Thames Road, 85 Derwent Road, 5 SWILLY Lane, 21B Green Road, Highfield - Skelton). The objection letters received make the following comments:


·  Concern over an increase in noise

·  Less maintained accommodation

·  Church should be kept to maintain history and character of the village

·  Development of the flats would be too close to existing homes on Lawns Gill

·  Demolition of caretakers house and removal of garden to create parking would result in major disturbance i.e. vehicle movement through day and night

·  Character of church would be lost with this proposal

·  Community would be better served if the church could be used to benefit all the people of the area rather than just a few profiting

·  Any development would takeaway any privacy as church wall is 10 metres from our exterior wall

·  Increase in noise compared to limited use from the church

·  Changing use of church to a building of multiple occupancy would not be in keeping with surrounding area.

·  Increase in number of vehicles in the area

·  A conversion of the scale proposed would have detrimental effect on the conservation area and significantly impact the lives of residents living close by

·  We believe there are bats roosting in the church roof and there is no mention of a bat survey taking place


·  Skelton is being developed with large housing estates without the need for 6 more dwellings.

·  Development is unnecessary as Skelton was a village until all new housing developments were carried out with more on the way.

·  Six properties in the building would inflict range of problems to a usual trouble free and relaxed area of Lawns Gill

·  Fact that 6 properties are proposed without any prior discussion is not acceptable

·  Church insist properties will be to buy and not for rent

·  Lawns Gill residents own land right up to church building something which has been overlooked by everyone concerned, so whoever decides to complete the conversion would have to obtain authority to enter our land.

·  This permission to enter land would not be granted resulting in immense problems to any developer

·  Should the developer run out of funds we shall be left with a property in decline

·  Drainpipe from the church is encroaching onto my land (7 Lawns Gill)

·  Do not believe the proposed plans have been thought through properly in relation to housing needs in the area.

·  Residents have not been consulted at any stage


No objection in principle to the application on 18th December 2008 subject to conditions.


No objection in principle to the application on 15th December 2008


Permission is sought for the conversion of Skelton Methodist Church to provide 4 no. 2 bed units and 2 no. 1 bed units. The proposal involves the conversion of the Church along with the demolition of the caretaker’s bungalow to form on site parking. The site on Green Road is within a mainly residential area as well as being within Skelton Conservation Area. The site will be accessed using the existing vehicular access to the south of the church off Green Road.

The proposed conversion has been designed to consider the residential properties in the vicinity. It is noted that the residents to the north of the site on Lawns Gill have concerns in relation to loss of privacy due to a sense of overlooking from the proposed flats. It is however considered that through the design of the proposal these concerns have been considered. With the provision of the corridors allowing access to the proposed properties on the northern elevation adjacent to Lawns Gill it is considered that this reduces the potential for overlooking from what are proposed to be non-habitable windows. It should also be noted that these windows are to remain obscure glazed through stained patterns as existing. Again this is considered to reduce the potential for a loss of privacy of the neighbouring properties. The concerns relating to the proximity of development to the properties on Lawns Gill has also been considered. Due to the church building already having an existing relationship with the properties on Lawns Gill it is not considered that the proposed conversion will result in any more of an overbearing impact on the neighbouring properties due to no external extensions being proposed.

A concern that has also been raised through the consultation process is that the conversion of the church will result in a loss of history and character within Skelton. It is noted that this building is within Skelton Conservation area and therefore attention must be paid to architectural detail and features in order to maintain and preserve the character of the conservation area. It is considered that the proposal is sympathetic to its surroundings and looks to maintain the exiting external appearance of the building. The existing fenestration pattern is being maintained on the northern elevation by Lawns Gill with the newly proposed windows on the southern elevation being of a similar design to those already existing in the church. The proposed demolition of the caretakers bungalow is not considered to have a detrimental impact on the conservation area with the building having little architectural merit.

The comment relating to the community being served better by a more community orientated use is something that has been considered by the developer/agent. Accompanying the submitted application was a design and access statement, in which alternative uses for the church have been considered. These alternative options included a bingo hall, a theatre and a community centre. However due to the constraints of the site the required parking provision for these uses was considered unattainable with 20 spaces being required for a community centre and 69 spaces for a theatre in accordance with the Redcar and Cleveland ‘Design Guide for Parking Standards’.

The concerns in relation to the presence of bats in the building have been considered. An informative condition has been recommended in relation to the protection of the bats should the proposal be approved.

The application has been assessed by the council’s highway engineers. They have advised that they have no objection to the proposed development in principle subject to conditions being attached to any subsequent approval.

The application has been assessed by the councils housing section who have advised that they have no objection to the proposal in principle.

The applicant’s agent has been made aware that the demolition of the caretaker’s bungalow to the rear of the church will require conservation area consent. Whilst this is a separate consent an informative can be included if the proposal is granted consent.

The comments relating to the proposed development being unnecessary and unneeded within Skelton have been considered, however, the need for the proposed development is not an issue that may be used as grounds for refusal of the application. Likewise the comments relating to the lack of communication and consultation prior to the submission of the application can not be used as reasons for refusal. While pre-application consultation with local residents can aid resident’s knowledge of the proposal, all residents have been given the opportunity to comment through the consultation process carried out by the local authority. The comments relating to access to land to the rear of Lawns Gill for repairs is not a matter the Local Authority can become involved with, and is a civil matter that the residents would need to take up with the owner or any subsequent developer.


Taking into account the contents of the report the recommendation is to GRANT planning permission subject to the following conditions;

(1) The development shall not be begun later than the expiration of THREE YEARS from the date of this permission

REASON: Required to be imposed pursuant to Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

(2) The development hereby approved shall be built in accordance with the amended plan (REV A) received by the Local Planning Authority on 22/12/08 unless first agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.

REASON: For the avoidance of doubt.

(3) Prior to first occupation of the development hereby approved the proposed refuse storage area shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority. The refuse storage area shall thereafter be retained at all times.

REASON: To safeguard the amenity of the area.

(4) Prior to first occupation of the development hereby approved the proposed parking spaces shall be brought into use and shall be retained for parking purposes thereafter.

REASON: To ensure that there is adequate on-site parking provision to serve the development.

(5) Prior to the commencement of development, details shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, of proposals to provide contractors car parking and material storage within the site. The details approved shall be retained for use until completion of the development unless first agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.

REASON: In the interest of highway safety.

(6) Prior to the commencement of development a scheme for preventing the deposition of mud/debris on the highway shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be implemented in its entirety and adhered to for the lifetime of the construction period.

REASON: In the interest of highway safety.

(7) The proposed windows on the northern elevation of the proposed development hereby approved shall be obscure glazed and thereafter retained as such at all times.

REASON: To prevent overlooking of neighbouring properties.

(8) Prior to the commencement of works hereby approved, the developer shall ensure that where a protected species and species listed in the Tees Valley Biodiversity Action Plan are present at the site, a scheme to mitigate any effects of the proposed development is submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall be implemented as approved.

REASON: To secure the protection of protected species.

(9) Prior to the commencement of development manufactures specifications of the proposed windows shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

REASON: To ensure a satisfactory form of development.

INFORMATIVE: The applicant is advised that Conservation Area Consent is required for the demolition of the caretaker’s bungalow.