Board Meeting Minutes / 15-June-2014
Attending / Position
Cristina Rubke / Commodore
Kathi Pugh / Vice Commodore
Nina Riehs / Rear Commodore (delayed arrival)
Chris Rubke / Secretary
Brian Pease / Treasurer
Stephen Pendas / Veterans Programs Director
Alex Hruzewicz / Webmaster
Jeff Breen / Dinghy Director(delayed arrival)
Roger Crawford / Social (and Safety) Director
Eli Frank / Director
Margreta von Pein / Outreach
Tom Allegretti / Keelboat Bosun
Alex Okrut / Keelboat Director
Minutes Approval / Motion to Approve MayMinutes. Seconded and passed by voice vote
Treasurers Report / Total of Union Bank and PayPal balances – $46,766.79, per separately submitted detail report
Income – $12,195.00,per separately submitted detail.
Expenses – $11,869.67, per separately submitted detail report
An expense of $8,000 for two Liberties (bought from/through Paul Speight) was offset by donations of $9,046
Legal Expense / Cristina is seeking $3,000 to pay for a legal review of BAADS Bylaws to ensure that they are in fact legally compliant. The funding would come from a restricted grant from the Chamberlain Foundation.
A motion to commit the $3000 for the purpose stated was entered, seconded, and passed by voice vote
Repairs to Whalers / Necessary repair work to the whalers has been reviewed and there is a risk that costs will exceed the “no approval” threshold of $1,000. Eli has requested an approval to spend up to $1,200 to complete these repairs.
It was moved to allow expenditures up to $1,200 to repair Whalers 1 and 2 per the work list provided by the Dinghy Committee. Seconded and passed by voice vote.
Liberty donation / Jeff Breen had not yet arrived at the meeting by the time this came up on the agenda, so there was no immediate update
Little Whaler / Stephen Pendas said the Craigslist ad had expired, but he would renew it, with additional photos. He also discussed repair of the outboard to make the boat more attractive for sale. This would be budget neutral as the cost would come from Veteran’s program funds.
Small Rib / A short discussion on whether repairing the small rib is a priority. There was no consensus.
Safety / Discussion prompted by Margreta’s fall and injury during a keelboat sail last month. This will be briefed to membership during the July membership meeting.
Before every sail, there should be a safety briefing to assure that all participants are aware of risks and general procedures. One suggestion was to provide checklist for each boat/program to discuss before activity begins
When accidents happen, Brian noted that our insurance company did not have a specific form for injuries/incidents, but did recommend that two witnesses provide written reports for the record.
Recent incident: a dinghy sailor sailed away from the larger group would not cooperate with dockmaster or safety boat drivers when they requested that he rejoin the group. This pointed to the fact that we don’t really have a process for dealing with a “mutiny”.
Pre-sail briefing should at least point out that we expect cooperation in maintaining safety.
Cristina took an action to have a one-to-one talk with the sailor in the noted incident.
Another issue was BAADS boat versus private boat being used by a sailor in a BAADS sailing event. The consensus was that if a private dinghy was participating in a BAADS sailing activity, it is required to follow the direction of the program (for safety reasons).
South Beach Harbor space issues / As we wait for Port of SF to be able to make capital investment decisions, we are working with SBYC to make a space request.
The request is for major changes to the east end of Pier 40. More dock space, a crane, and dry storage in the building. If the expansion were to occur, the existing dinghy dock and the expanded facilities would all be shared by BAADS and SBYC
New Business / Jeff Breen has a “Gabriela” sticker ready to applied to one of our dinghies in memory of Gabriela Cellini
Board Meeting Adjourned
Membership Meeting / General Introductions
Safety briefing is deferred to next month
Veterans Program background
  • Several years ago, BAADS got a grant for initial training that would introduce veterans to sailing with a view towards eventual Olympic involvement.
  • Subsequently, Stephen Pendas requested permission to use BAADS boats to run a Sunday sailing program for veterans. Permission was granted for a six month trial period. The success and participation resulted in the program becoming a regular BAADS program.
  • (on 5 July, there will be a concert/fundraiser at SBYC, 3pm-9pm)
  • Currently the Sunday program uses both dinghies and keelboats, including a joint program involving the Pegasus out of Berkeley.
Veterans Program discussion
  • There was consensus that the program was budget positive and had increased the BAADS volunteer pool
  • Several veterans pointed out that a segregated program was very helpful for them because it was “safe ground” with people of like (and unique) experiences. Their experience in non-segregated “veterans are welcome” programs has been that the veterans are very much in the minority and they feel like outsiders.
  • Non-veterans expressed that a desire to get to know the veterans better was at least in part their reason for wanting to open this discussion
The discussion resulted in a plan to have “Race Weekends” once a month where veterans and non-veterans could participate on Saturday or Sunday or both. Otherwise the programs will continue to run as they have to date (Saturdays focused on non-vets, Sundays on vets) until further notice
Membership Meeting Adjourned