Instructions for ACS-IRG Award

A) The applicant needs to identify a mentor and include an endorsement letter from the mentor.

B) The proposal needs to include:

-  Biographical information (form attached max. 3 pages).

o  Applicants must be within 6 years of first independent research or faculty appointment, must be salaried faculty with appropriate committed research facilities, and may not have competitive national funding active at the start of the proposed IRG allocation.

o  Permanent residents must submit with the application notarized evidence indicating that they have a Resident Alien Card or “Green Card” (I-551); or have been approved for the issuance of such card as evidenced by an official passport stamp of the United States Immigration Service or a form I-797 Notice of Action which indicates that the application for permanent residence has been approved.

o  The administrative contact is your department’s administrator or business manager.

-  Budget (form attached, max. 1 page)

o  The maximum budget that may be requested is $30,000; the actual amount awarded may be less.

o  Salaries for pilot project recipients are not allowed

o  See list of allowed / non-allowed expenses below

C) Grant proposal including the following, 8 page maximum:

1) Abstract

2) Background (this part needs to include the tentative aims of the grant

application for which this ACS-IRG seed money is proposed to produce preliminary


3) Hypothesis,

4) Specific aims for the seed money application,

5) Significance

6) Preliminary data,

7) Research design,

8) Expected results and anticipated problems,

9) References

NB: Proposals longer than 8 pages will not be reviewed.

D) The application, including all necessary signatures should be submitted electronically to

The grant proposals will be reviewed in the framework of whether the project will be able to produce preliminary data for a fundable RO1-grant application.

The grant applicants need to spell out in their application the tentative specific aims for the national peer-reviewed grant proposal this seed funding will support.

ACS-Institutional Research Grant Policies January 2012


American Cancer Society research grants are not designed to cover the total cost of the research proposed nor the investigator's entire compensation. The grantee's institution is expected to provide the required physical facilities and administrative services normally available in an institution.

For grants that allow indirect costs, the calculation of allowable indirect costs includes all budget items except equipment. See the Instructions for allowable expenditures for Health Professional Training Grants.

The Society's research grants do not provide funds for such items as:

• Secretarial/administrative salaries

• Student tuition and student fees including graduate and undergraduate; however, tuition is an allowable expense for the principal investigator of a Mentored Research Scholar Grant

• Foreign travel (special consideration given for attendance at scientific meetings held in Canada)

• Books and periodicals

• Membership dues

• Office and laboratory furniture

• Office equipment and supplies

• Rental of office or laboratory space

• Recruiting and relocation expenses

• Non-medical services to patients

• Per-diem charges for hospital beds

• Construction, renovation, or maintenance of buildings/laboratories



• Research supplies and animal maintenance

• Technical assistance

• Domestic travel when necessary to carry out the proposed research program

• Publication costs, including reprints

• Costs of computer time

• Special fees (pathology, photography, etc.)

• Stipends for graduate students and postdoctoral assistants if their role is to promote and sustain the project presented by the junior faculty member

• Equipment costing less than $2,000. (Special justification is necessary for items exceeding this amount)

• Registration fees at scientific meetings


The disallowed items below are in addition to those listed earlier in INSTITUTIONAL EXPENDITURES.

• Salary of principal investigator (IRG Chairman or pilot project grant recipient)

• Honoraria and travel expenses for visiting lecturers


American Cancer Society grants are not designed to cover the total cost of an IRG Program. The institution is expected to provide the required physical facilities and administrative services. So that more money will be available to the junior investigator, indirect costs are not allowed for Institutional Research Grants.