Chapter 9 Worksheets

Chemical Equations

Worksheet 1. Interpretation of Chemical Formulas

  1. List the number of each kind of element or polyatomic ion in the compound.

a) SbH3 _____Sb _____H

b)CdO _____Cd _____O

c)LiNH2 _____Li _____N ____ O

d)Rb2O _____Rb _____O

e)H3PO4 _____H _____P _____O

f)Al(NO3)3 _____Al _____NO3 or _____Al _____N _____O

g)(NH4)3AsO4 _____ NH4 ____As _____O or _____N ____H _____As _____O

h)Ba3(PO4)2 _____Ba _____PO4 or ______Ba ______P ______O

i)Cr2(SO4)3 ______Cr ______SO4 or _____Cr ______S ______O

j)Co(C2H3O2)2 ______Co ______C2H3O2 or ______Co _____C _____H _____O

  1. Balance the following equations:

a) Ca(OH)2 + HCl  CaCl2 + H2O

b)KOH + H3PO4  K3PO4 + H20

c)Na2SO3 + HCl  NaCl + H20 + SO2

d)Al(OH)3 + HNO3  Al(NO3)3 + H20

e)Th(NO3)4 + K3PO4  Th3(PO4)4 + KNO3

f)NaI + Cl2  NaCl + I2

g)MgO + HBr  MgBr2 + H2O

Worksheet 2. Writing and balancing equations

  1. Balance the following equations

a) Mg + O2  MgO

b)Fe + O2  Fe2O3

c)H2O + N2O3  HNO2

d)Na2O + H2O  NaOH

e)Fe + H2O  Fe3O4 + H2

f)KClO3  KCl + O2

g)PbO2  PbO + O2

h)Al + Pb(NO3)2  Al(NO3)3 + Pb

i)Cu + AgNO3  Cu(NO3)2 + Ag

j)K + H2O  KOH + H2

k)MnO2 + HCl  MnCl2 + Cl2 + H2O

l)Cl2 + LiI  LiCl + I2

m)Al(NO3)3 + H2SO4  Al2(SO4)3 + HNO3

n)(NH4)2SO4 + KOH  K2SO4 + NH3 + H2O

o)Pb(NO3)2 + K2S  PbS + KNO3

  1. Write balanced equations for the following reactions:

a) aluminum nitrate + sodium hydroxide  aluminum hydroxide + sodium nitrate

b) potassium chlorate  potassium chloride + oxyen

c) ammonium nitrite  nitrogen + water

d) ammonia + oxygen  nitrogen monoxide + water

e) barium chloride + sodium sulfate  sodium chloride + barium sulfate

Worksheet 3. Writing Balanced Equations

Write balanced equations for each reaction.

1. aluminum nitrate + sodium hydroxide  aluminum hydroxide + sodium nitrate

2. phosphoric acid + magnesium hydroxide  magnesium phosphate + water

3. ammonia + oxygen  nitrogen monoxide + water

4. iron (III) oxide + carbon monoxide  iron + carbon dioxide

5. iron (III) bromide + ammonium sulfide  iron (III) sulfide + ammonium bromide

6. magnesium chloride + silver nitrate  magnesium nitrate + silver chloride

7. aluminum hydroxide + acetic acid  aluminum acetate + water

Worksheet 4. Predicting Products

1. ammonium hydroxide + barium chloride 

2. zinc chloride + sodium phosphate 

3. iron (III) chloride + sodium sulfide 

4. phosphoric acid + ammonium hydroxide 

5. iron (III) sulfate + lead (II) chlorate 

6. calcium chloride + ammonium hydroxide 

7. lead (II) nitrate + sodium sulfide 

8. calcium bromide + lithium sulfate 

9. sodium chlorate + ammonium chloride 

10. potassium iodide + ammonium nitrate 

11. aluminum chloride + iron (III) nitrate 

12. calcium hydroxide + sulfuric acid 

Worksheet 5. Synthesis Reactions

1. hydrogen gas + oxygen gas 

2. lithium + fluorine gas 

3. barium + chlorine gas 

4. bromine gas + potassium 

5. magnesium + oxygen gas 

Worksheet 6. Decomposition Reactions

1. potassium carbonate 

2. sodium chlorate 

3. magnesium hydroxide 

4. calcium chlorate 

5. magnesium carbonate 

6. sodium hydroxide 

Worksheet 7. Single Replacement Reactions

1. lithium + potassium chloride 

2. potassium + water 

3. magnesium + hydrochloric acid 

4. potassium bromide + iodine 

5. calcium + water 

6. copper + magnesium sulfate 

Worksheet 8. Double Replacement Reactions (Special Cases)

1. magnesium carbonate + sulfuric acid 

2. potassium chloride + phosphoric acid 

3. sulfuric acid + calcium hydroxide 

4. lithium hydroxide + hydrochloric acid 

5. potassium carbonate + hydrochloric acid 

6. strontium chloride + sulfuric acid 

Worksheet 9. Mixed Reactions

1. potassium carbonate 

2. calcium + water 

3. sodium chloride + sulfuric acid 

4. magnesium carbonate + hydrochloric acid 

5. sodium chlorate 

6. zinc + copper (II) chloride 

7. sodium + sulfuric acid 

8. potassium hydroxide 

9. magnesium chloride + fluorine 

10. phosphoric acid + lithium hydroxide 

Worksheet 10. Double Replacement (Regular)

1. ammonium hydroxide + barium chloride 

2. zinc chloride + sodium phosphate 

3. iron (III) chloride + sodium sulfide 

4. phosphoric acid + ammonium hydroxide 

5. iron (III) sulfate + lead (II) chlorate 

6. calcium chloride + ammonium hydroxide 

7. lead (II) nitrate + sodium sulfide 

8. calcium bromide + lithium sulfate 

9. sodium chlorate + ammonium chloride 

10. potassium iodide + ammonium nitrate 

11. aluminum chloride + iron (III) nitrate 

12. calcium hydroxide + sulfuric acid 

Worksheet 11. Double Replacement (Special)

1. Sulfuric acid + sodium carbonate 

2. magnesium carbonate + hydrochloric acid 

3. potassium carbonate + phosphoric acid 

4. nitric acid + calcium carbonate 

Worksheet 11. Review

1. magnesium + oxygen 

2. iron + oxygen 

3. water + dinitrogen trioxide 

4. sodium oxide + water 

5. iron + water 

6. zinc + sulfur 

7. potassium chloride + silver nitrate 

8. calcium hydroxide 

9. sodium hydroxide + hydrochloric acid 

10. aluminum + iron (III) oxide 

11. barium chloride + sodium sulfate 

12. calcium + hydrochloric acid 

13. potassium + water 

14. sodium bromide + iodine 

15. sodium chlorate 

16. iron (III) hydroxide 

17. aluminum bromide + chlorine 

18. magnesium carbonate 

19. calcium carbonate + hydrochloric acid 

20. aluminum hydroxide + sulfuric acid 