What is being a Youth Ambassador all about?

A group of young people (aged 12 – 25) from across the East Gippsland Shire will be chosen to fulfil roles in the community as Youth Ambassadors.

As a Youth Ambassador, you will have the opportunity to be part of a formal structure that has meaningful engagement with the established Council. As a Youth Ambassador, you will be consulted and have a say about the future of your community.

Who can apply to be a youth ambassador?

If you’re aged between 12 and 25, living, working and/or studying in the East Gippsland Shire and have an interest in improving life for young people in the area, we want to hear from you! We’re looking for a diverse group of people with different interests and backgrounds to be part of the committeeto ensure we get a true and accurate representation of all young people across the Shire.

Even if you’ve had no previous experience in a community role, we still want to hear from you.

What would I be doing as a youth ambassador?

Youth Ambassadors will meet on a regular basis to discuss the issues that matter to young people in our Shire. Youth Ambassadors will be consulted in the review and development of community plans and strategies and be part of relevant discussions around making East Gippsland a better place for young people to live. The Youth Ambassador roles willinclude a range of tasks such as communitydevelopment, social research and advocacy. If you have an interest in learning some of theseskills then an Ambassador role would really suit you!

The Youth Ambassadors will have direct links with the Council and youth-focused agencies to allow these thoughts to be turned into real action. As a Youth Ambassador, you will also get to participate in a range of training opportunities to build your leadership skills and introduce you to the world of local government.

You will be involved in organising a number of events for young people in the Shire such as festivals, forums and workshops. You will also represent East Gippsland at youth focused meetings and conferences across the State where possible.

My life is already really busy. How much time would I need to commit?

We understand that young people already have a lot going on and that your spare time is precious.

Youth Ambassadors will need to be able to committo a regular meeting (every three weeks, alternate Monday and Tuesday) and occasional additional sub-committee meetings, planning sessions and events. Members will also be asked to do some work outside of planned meetings to ensure that everyone is prepared for meetings.

Depending on the location of all members, video conferencing may be used to save on travel and travel vouchers are available to cover travel expenses.

Why should I apply to be a youth Ambassador? What’s in it for me?

This is your chance to decide what activities, events and opportunities should be provided for young people in your community. All too often we hear young people say that ‘there’s nothing to do here’ or ‘I can’t wait to get out of here to somewhere more exciting’. It doesn’t have to be that way!

This is your chance to make things happen and make a difference. You’ll gain valuable life and leadership skills and build networks and friendships that will last a life time whilst ensuring that all young people in the region have a say about their community. The experience will be fantastic for your resume and will give you confidence in your abilities as a young leader.

So how do I apply?

Register your interest on

For a hard copy application contact Amelie Boucher, Youth Engagement Project Officer

at the East Gippsland Shire Council:

Telephone:(03) 51539500

Postal Address:PO Box 1618, Bairnsdale, Vic 3875


Twitter: @egsc