Church of England/Methodist Ages 3-11

With ‘The Sunflower Nursery’

Kiln Lane,




Tel: 01695 723878

Fax: 01695 559844


Twitter: @TrinitySkelmers

Dear Parents/Carers, Friday 11th March 2016

We look forward to seeing you on Parents evening on Wednesday 16th or Thursday 17th March. As you know, the 5-minute appointment has been increased to ten minutes. We are sure you will agree this will give us more time to discuss your child’s progress. If you have not already done so, please return your slip to school to make your appointment with your child’s teacher. If you have misplaced your letter, please call the school office and we will be happy to assist in securing your appointment.

Please come to the school hall before your appointment time so that you can have a look through your child’s work which will be on view in the school hall. A member of staff or a Year 6 child will take you through to your child’s class when the Teacher is ready for you.

The Book Fair is coming to school this Wednesday. Please come along to the school hall to browse through the great priced books on offer. The Fair will be open each day from Wednesday 16th March to Tuesday 22nd March … don’t forget to bring your £1 book voucher to spend on your favourite book. Please return your order form on Monday morning, 14th March, if you’d like to pre-order your favourite book. Every book you purchase will give school valuable commission to purchase books at reduced prices!!

We would be very pleased if you could donate any food for the Food Bank. The foodbank is open to receive donations each Wednesday and we will aim to deliver anything you can donate on this day. Thank you for the donations made so far …

We would like to warmly invite all the family to join us for the traditional Trinity School Easter events taking place on Wednesday 23rd March.

·  10am we will have the egg rolling competition – please remember to hard boil your egg and decorate it with your own design. If the weather is against us, we will have the egg rolling in the school hall. Unfortunately this will mean we cannot accommodate parents in this instance due to space restrictions.

·  2pm in the afternoon, we will have a Bonnet parade. Further details will follow.

·  We look forward to seeing your decorated eggs which we will have on view in school from week commencing Monday 14th March.

·  We shall be selling raffle tickets for three Easter hampers which we shall raffle at the end of the day on 23rd March. Tickets are £1 per strip – you may purchase raffle tickets from Monday 7th March at the school office.

Eggciting NEWS!!! Our cook, Jackie, will be treating all children who stay for a school lunch. During week commencing 21st March, Monday to Thursday, Easter treats will be served for dessert. Don’t miss out … stay for a school dinner each day that week. The cost is £2.20 per day. Stay for the special ‘Easter lunch’ on Thursday 24th March … look out for the order form. Infants do not need to pre-order on this occasion.

We are supporting St.Joseph’s Hospice and to help raise funds we will be selling Easter soft toys which clip-on to clothing – the toys are £1 each and can be purchased in the school office.

Congratulations to Reception class who achieved the highest attendance week commencing 29th February with 97% attendance.

*** All children who achieve 100% attendance between Monday 25th January and Friday 22nd July will be entered into a prize draw to win a High Street Voucher *** Good luck everyone!!

Along with other West Lancs Schools, we are planning to take part in the Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes World Record attempt on Tuesday March 22nd. Further details will follow on next weeks newsletter.

Year 5 enjoyed sharing their knowledge about Space during the assembly on Tuesday. Thank you for coming along.

We would like to invite parents to attend their child’s class assembly as follows:

·  Year 1 – Tuesday 15th March at 2:45pm

Swimming continues each Monday for Year 5. As before, the children will return to school a little later, 3:40pm. Thank you.

The children will be taking part in Phonics screening tests later this year and we would like to share with you some ideas on how to help and prepare your child for the tests. Miss Nixon would like to invite Reception parents to school on Monday 21st March. Please join us at 2:40pm. We look forward to seeing you.

There have been lots of reports of Headlice this week. Please check your child’s hair and treat if needed. Treatment is provided free by the Chemist under the minor ailment scheme.

·  Trinity Sunflower nursery is now registered to accept Kiddivouchers for sessions over and above the free 15hours. Please go to for more details. The details you will need are the school postcode WN8 8PW and name.

·  The breakfast club is also set up for the kiddivouchers scheme. The club is called CATS and the postcode WN8 8PW refers.

A permission slip is required for all clubs.

14 March 16 / ·  Library club for Year 4 & 5 during morning break with Mrs Gray
15 March 16 / ·  3:15-4:15pm Art & Craft for Year 1-6 in Year 5 with Miss Christopher
·  8am – Maths Club with Mrs Thornhill for selected Year 6 children.
Wednesday 16 March 16 / All Clubs are cancelled today due to Parents Evening
Thursday 17 March 16 / ·  3:15-4:00pm Football for Year 3 and 4 with Mr Dow
Singing Club is cancelled today due to Parents Evening
Friday 18 March 16 / ·  3:15-4:00pm Football for Year 5 & 6 with Mr Marren

As we no longer send the newsletter in paper form, you may book your child’s place for STAY AND PLAY and ART/CRAFT (only) by email to: and pay for your child’s place when you collect them after the club. You may continue to visit the school office if you prefer, each Monday morning. Thank you.

Yours sincerely

Mr R J Kershaw
