Nelson Biology – Alberta 20-30










It is introduced on the first page of the unit and described in detail on the web site:
Performance Task / A typical question is answered with an explanation as to how you do it:
SAMPLE exercise / You don’t actually do these ones but you do complete part(s) of the Report Checklist:
Lab Exercise / These are pictures or graphs that help you visualize things:
Figures / Section at the end of the book that has answers and various information sections to support your learning chemistry :
Helps you determine what you need to review before starting:
Are you Ready? / These questions come after you have been shown how to answer a sample one:
Practice / Short, hands on activities that provoke thought:
Mini Investigation / Glossary,
Illustrated Glossary and margins
are 3 locations where terms are defined. / Supports true hands on learning. Found at the end of a chapter. Includes a Report Checklist:
The place to begin. Identifies your misconceptions and is part of the Chapter Opener:
Starting Points / Provides an opportunity to check if you understand the concepts in a section:
Section Questions / Free Space / Breeder?
Always up to date!
Career Connections / This section asks you to create visual organizers or summaries and return to the Starting Points:
4Make a Summary
One of the parts of a Chapter Opener - a quick activity - often hands on:
4Exploration / Why are Chapter and Unit Review questions divided into 2 parts?
Same format as Diploma Exams / The 4 types of Web Activities:
1.Web Quests
2.Case Studies
4.Canadian Achievers / Margin feature that provides extra information. You can also hear many of them.
+ Extensions / Includes a list of all new vocabulary introduced in the Chapter. You can hear them too!
Key Terms
Lists all the Icons for the unique learning opportunities included in a Chapter:
In This Chapter / “Interesting information” found in margins. Well, did you?
Did You Know? / 2 similar activities that involve real world situations. One has an Issues checklist and the other has questions that guide analysis:
Case Studies
Explore an Issue / Shows how ideas in biology and chemistry are inter connected:
Chemistry Connections / At the end of the Chapter, this directs you to4Go To the web site for the following 4 items:
§  Self Quiz
§  Additional questions
§  Illustrated Glossary
§  IB material

Complete the Nelson Biology Bingo to help you to get to know your text book! Understanding the features and organization of your text book is a learning strategy that will enable you to improve reading comprehension.

The Table of Contents is your most important organizational feature and should be used frequently. You will notice that both Biology 20 and 30 each have 4 Units of study. The Index at the back will also help you to quickly locate specific topics. Many of your answers to the questions above may be found in the Table of Contents but you will also have to actually look in detail at the organization of the units to make the most use of this strategy.


If you change the game to Jeopardy, name the 5 question categories that could be used to include the questions under each letter.

B = These come first or Opening Features or In the beginning

I = Questions______

N = Learning Activities______

G = Margin Features______

O = At the end______