The Parish Council of Chadwick End

Minutes of Meeting held 6.45pmon Tuesday21st July2015 at the Village Hall, Warwick Road, Chadwick End, Solihull, West Midlands.

Present:Parish Councillors; CllrsCStocks (Chair), J Davies, RHorsfield, J Fogarty and S Carter


Clerk; H Goodreid

Public Attendees;8 local residents

Min No. / Item / Action
123.1 / Apologies
124.1 / Declarations of Interest
125.3 / Chairman to Close meeting for Public Session
A resident mentioned the proposed building on the JLR site. Cllr Davies to follow up as he wasn’t at the last meeting.
A resident spoke about flight monitoring and a meeting that she attended in Knowle looking at the change of the flight path but they are still flying overhead. Cllr Horsfield reiterated the need for concerned residents to report the flights on the web site.
A resident spoke of the potential movement of travellers in the area moving in for the Kenilworth Horse Fair. / Cllr Davies to chase
126.2 / Chairman reopened Council meeting for Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting held 19th May 2015.
The minutes were read and agreed.
Proposed: Cllr Stocks, Seconded: Cllr Horsfield
Minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on 19th May 2015.
The minutes were read and agreed.
Proposed: Cllr Stocks, Seconded: Cllr Horsfield
127.3 / Minutes of bi monthly parish council meeting 19thMay2015.
The minutes were read and agreed.
Proposed: CllrStocks, Seconded: CllrCarter
Matters Arising:
All matters arising will be dealt with in the agenda except for:
The matter of a footpath from Chadwick End to the Black Boy pub had been raised with SMBC. A letter had been received from SMBC highways saying that the scheme was not possible as there would be damage to trees and the kerb was of insufficient width. In addition it was felt that too few people would benefit to justify the cost. Agreed that Cllr Carter let the concerned resident know the outcome. / Cllr Carter to advise resident
128.4 / Planning Applications
PL/2015/50313/MINFHO / Knowle Hall, Kenilworth Road, Knowle, Solihull, B93 0AB / Installation of external vent cowl for new boiler and reopening of window to east range plus provision of external outtake. / Cllrs felt that there were issues with this but they required more information regarding the appearance of the cowl.
PL/2015/50314/LBC / Knowle Hall, Kenilworth Road, Knowle, Solihull, B93 0AB / LBC for installation of kitchen to Oak Room and bathroom to NE bedroom; redecoration of hall and drawing room; installation of radiators and pipework; formation of openings from drawing room and library into Oak Room / No Comment
PL/2015/51369/MINFOT / Manor Park Farm, Warwick Road, Knowle, Solihull, B93 0ED / Alteration to existing vehicular access to site from main road / No Comment
PL/2015/51379/PPFL / Little Hollymount Farm, Elvers Green, Knowle, Solihull / Erect general purpose agricultural barn, new farm access and track / No Comment
129.1 / Solihull Civic Honours 2015
It was agreed that Lionel King be nominated. Cllr Stocks to complete the application form before the deadline of 31st July 2015. / Cllr Stocks to follow up
130.4 / Trees
Three quotes had been received forthe tree works to the houses backing on to the children’s play area:
Adam Turnbull: £300 + VAT
Gospel Oak Garden and Tree: £300 + VAT
Midland Forestry Ltd: £520 + VAT
It was agreed to go with Adam Turnbull
Proposed: Cllr Davies, Seconded: Cllr Stocks
Following on from the decision at the last meeting, the tree survey contract had been let to Mousley and Sons. / Cllr Davies to commission work
131.3 / Community Activities
There was a profit from the skittles evening of £340 which has been put towards the buying of tables and chairs and an oven for the village hall.
The summer fair will take place on 5th September. The organising committee are looking for loans of gazebos / marquees for the event. The following events have been arranged: police dogs, pony rides, face painting, raffle, tea tent, beer tent, football games. Posters were now available and being put up throughout the village.
A quiz evening has been organized 6th November.
132.1 / Parish Plan
The committee had applied for lottery funding to help with the development of the plan. Progress will be reported back in September.
133.3 / Correspondence
All correspondence received has been related to the items on the agenda with the exception of:
Japanese Knotweed had been spotted just outside the Chadwick End boundary in Baddesley Clinton. SMBC and Warwickshire County Council had both been notified. WCC have agreed to spray. Local residents have been warned.
Molehills are occurring in the playing field. Cllrs have manually cleared away the hills but they are coming back again. Costs have been received from SMBC to deal with the problem over a 2 week period and CEFC will pay for this as the hills are not an issue for general users but are an issue for the footballers.
134.1 / Two Monthly Finance Report
The finances were noted. It was agreed that Cllr Stocks chase Balsall Parish Council regarding the year end accounts and the amount due to CEPC. / Cllr Stocks to chase
135.1 / Finance
The following payments were agreed.
Main Account / Cheque / Net / VAT / Total
Mr D Hudson – cutting conifer hedge / 300049 / £150.00 / £ - / £150.00
Strictly Tables and Chairs Ltd – 10 x tables for the village hall / 300050 / £374.50 / £74.90 / £449.40
Nisbets – chairs for village hall / 300051 / £911.52 / £182.30 / £1,093.82
Janet Fogarty – purchase of cooker for village hall, installation and protection / 300052 / £341.67 / £68.32 / £409.99
SMBC – asbestos survey to pavilion prior to work / 300053 / £896.81 / £179.36 / £1,076.17
SMBC minor works to pavilion following refurbishment / 300054 / £87.62 / £17.52 / £105.14
Fairways – grounds maintenance works for June and July 2015 / 300055 / £435.00 / £87.00 / £522.00
CAVA – payroll administrative charges for June and July 2015 / 300056 / £23.00 / £ - / £23.00
H Goodreid – salary for June and July, telephone and mileage / 300057 / £382.23 / £ - / £382.23
IPL Maintenance Services – emergency lights, fire alarm maintenance, fire extinguishers / 300058 / £243.60 / £48.72 / £292.32
Severn Trent Water / Direct Debit / £235.05 / £ - / £235.05
Fortress – refuse collection July 2015 / Direct Debit / £34.67 / £6.93 / £41.60
Fortress – refuse collection June 2015 / Direct Debit / £34.67 / £6.93 / £41.60
Eon – electricity supply 7 May – 7 June 2015 / Direct Debit / £63.98 / £3.20 / £67.18
Eon – electricity supply 7 June – 7 July 2015 / Direct Debit / £23.42 / £1.17 / £24.59
Proposed: Cllr Davies; Seconded: Cllr Stocks
136.5 / Councillors Reports
Cllrs Horsfield and Stocks had been to Hams Hall regarding the speeding and monitoring of Sainsbury’s vehicles.
Waitrose development in Knowle had been put on hold for the time being.
A paper had been received from SMBC concerning transport across Solihull.
Cllr Horsfield had secured the promise of a laptop from SMBC for the parish clerk.
Knowle/Dorridge/Bentley Heath neighbourhood plan notice had been issued. Cllrs to keep aware of situation.
122.1 / Clerks Report
The office would be closed from 29th July 2015 – 1st September 2015.

Meeting closed at 7.40pm.

The next meeting would be held on Thursday 10th September 2015 at the Village Hall and would start at 6.30pm.

Signed……………………………………. Page 1 of 4
