Chapter 3: Colonial America 1587-1770
SS.A.4.3.1: Students will understand factors involved in the development of cities and industries in the United States.
SS.A.4.3.2: Students will know the roles of physical and cultural geography in shaping events in the United States.
SS.B.1.3.1: Students will extend and refine uses of various map forms and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire, process, and report geographic information about the United States.
SS.A.4.3.3: Students will understand the impact of significant people, events and ideas on the development of the United States.
SS.C.1.3.2: Students will understand major ideas about why government is necessary and the purposes government should serve.
Define each word using only the information from the chapter and copy the sentence from the textbook that the word is used in. Please write the definition, then the sentence and underline the word in the sentence. Then create another sentence in your own words that shows you understand the meaning of the word. Do not write the definition and sentences on separate pages or sections (do not use the glossary).
- Charter 2. Burgesses 3. Joint-stock company 4. Dissent 5. Persecute
6. Puritan 7. Separatist 8. Pilgrim 9. Mayflower Compact 10. Toleration
11. patroon 12. Proprietary colony 13. Pacifist 14. Indentured servant
15. constitution 16. Debtor 17. Tenant farmer 18. Mission
Read about each and give a description, explanation and or important information for each. Please write a minimum of (2) to (4) sentences from the text. Each person must have their own assignment.
- Sir Humphrey Gilbert 2. Sir Walter Raleigh 3. John White 4. Virginia Dare 5. Jamestown
6. Captain John Smith 7. John Rolfe 8. Pocahontas 9. House of Burgesses 10. Anne Hutchinson
11. Squanto & Samoset 12. Duke of York 13. Act of Toleration 14. Nathaniel Bacon
15. Junipero Serra 16. Louis Joliet 17. Massasoit
The 13 British Colonies handout map. Label & color each colony in different colored pencils, then label the Great Lakes.
Geography Skills page 77. Write out each question below then answer them using the map on pg 77:
- Which colony (ies) did not produce any rum?
- What were the four New England colonies?
- What town settlement was furthest South?
Geography Skills page 87. Write out each question below then answer them using the map on pg 87:
- What were the five Southern colonies?
- Georgia produced how many products? And what were the product(s)?
- Iron was produced in which colony (ies)?
- COMPARE AND CONTRAST ASSIGNMENT. Create 3 Venn diagrams. Work in pairs to complete. List 3 similarities and differences for each.
1. New England v. Middle Colonies
2. Middle Colonies v. Southern Colonies
3 .New England v. Southern Colonies