Estrada 1

Victoria Estrada

Mrs. Villasenor

English I-P, Period 1

13 October 2009

The Hiking of My Dreams

“Dad, hurry up!” I yelled back to my father as I ran through the confetti filled bleachers. While saying this I turned to see my father dressed in jeans and a cardinal and gold windbreaker. His big brown eyes seemed soft and happy. They coincided nicely with his pearly, white smile. Even though I knew he was happy there was no way he could be as happy as I was at this moment. To meet one of the men who inspired me was a huge dream of mine and now he was only a little ways away. As I kept my fast pace consistent I neared him more and more. Finally there he was, a mere fifteen feet away. My excitement became more intense. All I could do was smile.

It all started December 25, 2008. Christmas morning. Dressed in my new pajamas I opened a gift given to me by my dad. In this box I found a long sleeve shirt. In the sea of cardinal and gold that emblazed the shirt was a logo. It was the logo of my favorite collegiate football team, USC. I thanked my father for this gift but he said, “There’s more.” He laughed when he saw my inquiring look. To it he replied, “I have a surprise for you. On January first I’m going to the Rose Bowl, and I’m taking you with me.” A smile shot across my face as I sprang up from my spot on the piano bench, ran across the room, and gave my father a hug. “Thank you! Thank you so much daddy!” Finally I got to go to a game. The day seemed like it was forever away, but I knew once it came it would be great. I was sure of it, but just how great? I didn’t know.

A week later, on January first, I woke up very tired, after partying the night before. But my excitement was too great and the weariness went away. As I put on my cardinal and gold attire, I thought of the day to come. For years I had asked to go witness the victory of seeing USC play, and finally my time was here. After my dad and I had everything ready, we headed out to a great day.

As we started our drive I couldn’t help but notice what a beautiful day it was. The bright, yellow sun was shining, against a clear, blue sky and a cool, crisp breeze swept through the fresh winter air. I was dressed in jeans, sandals and a sweatshirt and I felt wonderful. It was the perfect weather for a perfect day.

After a lengthy, but enjoyable drive with my dad we made it to the Rose Bowl stadium in Pasadena, Ca. I remember driving up and having my adrenaline rush as I saw the posters supporting the big game that day. Since this was USC’s home territory the prideful colors of their team lined the streets. It was still a few hours before the great game to come was going to start, but no worry at all… It was tailgate time.

Once inside, my dad and I met up with a colleague of his, named David. While at his trailer I met David’s daughter Nikki. We hung out for a bit and had a lot of fun. Anxiously I waited, but finally the time came for us to walk into the stadium. The game was going to start.

Entering the stadium was amazing. The cold breeze that came upon me as I walked into it made for a perfect moment. The smell of popcorn, cotton candy, barbeque and freshly cut grass filled my nose. Both teams were warming up as the crowd took their places. Everyone was pumped, especially me. Even though I had been to a game when I was a little girl, now that I could retain the memory that this day would bring, this seemed so much better. That day I felt like a little kid going to Disneyland for the first time. Just like that kid I would remember this day forever.

After everyone was settled, the national anthem was sung and the pre-game show was the big debut to that big game. Then finally the kickoff came. As the first quarter started and ended we obtained the lead. With every play that passed, cheering engulfed the stadium. Rivalry talk was all around. Everyone wanted his or her team to win. As the game went on the voices of the sidewalk sellers joined the noises of cheering. When halftime came we were still ahead. As the teams disappeared into the locker rooms the USC fight song rang in my ears.

The half time show passed and the third quarter started. It went by quickly. However, a nail-biter had emerged. We were still ahead but not by much. To stay ahead had to be our number one priority. The fourth quarter then passed. At the last play we were ahead, but the opposing team, Penn States Nittany Lions, were in a position to score. The ball was hiked, the play ended. We had won! The stadium erupted, the winning team went wild like a bunch of new years revelers had the night before. The losers, on the other hand, left with their heads down low, in shame.

Since the game was now over my dad and I said goodbye to our friends and thanked them for an enjoyable day. As we were walking out of the arena my dad stopped suddenly. I looked back at him with a curious look, wondering why the sudden halt occurred. A smile crossed his face, he then inquired of me, “Want to stay and see if we can meet anyone. I think the College Game day set is across the field.” I looked at him very happily and replied “Of course!” So off we went to have a bit more fun before we left. Soon enough we were inside the stadium again and I was running across the bleachers like a little kid at Disneyland running to the Matterhorn. I wanted to get the destination my father and I had talked about a few minutes earlier, fast.

“Dad, hurry up!” I yelled back to my father as I ran through the confetti filled bleachers. While saying this I turned to see my father dressed in jeans and a cardinal and gold windbreaker. His big brown eyes seemed soft and happy. They coincided nicely with his pearly, white smile. Even though I knew he was happy there was no way he could be as happy as I was at this moment. To meet one of the men who inspired me was a huge dream of mine and now he was only a little ways away. As I kept my fast pace consistent I neared him more and more. Finally there he was, a mere fifteen feet away. My excitement became more intense. All I could do was smile.

Right in front of me was the set of my favorite college football show College Game day. Four seats sat at this set. One belonged to Chris Fowler a sports reporter for ESPN. Across from him was Lee Corsel, another reporter who’s work I enjoyed greatly, and in between the two were Mark Sanchez, USC quarterback, and next to him was my the man who inspired me to become a sports reporter, Kirk Herbstreit. It was like seeing my favorite Disney character for the first time all over again. However this time, instead of wearing a hot and sweaty costume, there he sat in navy blue suit with a powder blue shirt and red tie. His short light brown hair and blue eyes were glowing in the light as he spoke to the winning quarterback. To be by this man was so exciting; I loved hearing him report. As the four sat there talking about the victorious game, with the field where all the excitement happened in the background, I listened to them intently taking in that special moment, for this would be a moment that I would remember forever.

My dad was behind me taking pictures and asking, “How cool is this?” I simply replied, “Very cool.” When the broadcast was over my dad and I were allowed down on the field. There was Mark Sanchez and the reporters in there set above. I looked back and took one last glance, the last glance of the field that was such a big part of my wonderful day.

During the wonderful day I not only had fun, but I learned an important lesson. Just like the children at Disneyland learn that dreams really do come true, I learned that if I follow my dreams one day I could be exactly who I want to be. As I saw many successful people at the Rose Bowl that January first, I became even more inspired to fulfill all that I want to fulfill. Everyone has dreams, what we do with them is our choice, but as for me, I’m going to follow mine.