****** January 15, 2013 ******

6 Park Ave., Arkport, NY

Call to order: Regular Board Meeting, 7:00PM

Pledge to the Flag

Roll Call: Mayor Charles Flanders Trustee Mike Brewer Trustee Jon Hedges Trustee Susan Thompson Trustee Steven Jewell

Absent Call: None

Others Present: Jennifer Bush, Clerk; Li Gallant, Treasurer; Bob Mauro, DPW; Bill Rusby, Codes; Tom Hunt, Cemetery; Cathy Smith, Book Center; Neal Simon, Newspaper; Hannah Bradley; Ashley Clair; Evy Piatt.

Approval of Minutes- No corrections or additions to the December 18, 2012 Regular Board meeting minutes, as written.

M70 Motion made by Trustee Hedges, seconded by Trustee Brewer, to accept the minutes of the December 18, 2012 regular Board meeting as written. All ayes. Motion carried.


Cemetery – Tom Hunt – Report on File (gray) – One burial for the month of December. Total burials for the year are twenty-one. Would like the Board to address some changes that are needed for the Cemetery policy. The Board set a workshop date for February 19, 2013 at 6:00pm in the Village Community room to discuss changes to the Cemetery Policy.

Code Enforcement Officer- Bill Rusby – Report on file (green) – Bill Rusby will be late. Will address his report later in the meeting.

DPW/Water Department – Bob Mauro – Report on file (blue) – Ordered and received the drainage structures for Northridge Drive. Chris Maker does not want a drainage structure in his yard. The structure will be placed within the Village right of way. Two structures have been installed, possibly a third by this date. Will hold off on the fourth structure until we get some heavy rains and he can see what happens. No fleet issues at this time. Started service on the leaf vacuum, repair costs about $350.00 for new housing. Decided to do make shift repairs to the leaf vac and save the $350.00. Hope it will get us through next season. Hopefully our grant for a new leaf vac will come through by then.

Book Center – Cathy Smith – Report on file (pink) – There were a total of 167 books checked out for the month of December. 86 people visited the Book Center, not including Lisa’s Daycare. 92 children visited through the month from Lisa’s daycare for the Story Time. On Jan.7th a seminar was held by STLS in the Arkport Learning Center building, for people interested in learning about the electronic books, Kindle, NOOK and e-book. Twenty three attended.

Treasurer – Li Gallant – Report on file (white) - General Fund and Water Fund

M71 Motion made by Trustee Hedges, seconded by Trustee Jewell, to approve Treasurer’s reports for General Fund and Water Fund as distributed. All ayes. Motion carried.

Public Comment: None. Mayor recognized the students in attendance for the Government class at Arkport Central School.

Old Business & Tabled Items:

·  NYSERDA Rebate Program – Jon Hedges. Two refrigerators, one room air conditioner, two office copiers and eight energy advanced efficient power strips. Spreadsheet sent to all Board members.

M72 Motion made by Trustee Hedges, seconded by Trustee Thompson, to accept the bids on the spreadsheet for the two refrigerators, one room air conditioner, power strips and two copiers, contingent on submitting the items through the NYSERDA Program and their approval of the invoices. All ayes. Motion carried.

·  Oven Repair: Right oven in the kitchen has now been repaired.

·  Reminder - The Village Republican Caucus will be held Thursday, January 24, 2013 at 7:00pm in the Village Hall.

·  Reminder – Summerfest will be presenting a talent show fund raiser on February 2nd at the Arkport School.

·  Code Enforcement Officer- Bill Rusby - No building permits for the month of December. A total of nineteen permits were issued for the calendar year 2012. Received the electrical inspection for 7 Eleven. Two Certificates of Compliance were issued, one for Village Café and one for 7-Eleven. Trailer in old Flander’s Trailer Park at Lot# 25, Peach St. was destroyed by fire. Bill would like to consider waiving the fee for the demolition permit for a situation like this. None of the usual work would be required by the Village. There is no water to shut off and no foundation to remove. Trustees chose to table the issue at this time. Trustee Jewell asked about the work on the building at 28 Main Street. Several questions need to be addressed and also the water would need to be reclassified. A letter was sent to Patrick Mosko concerning his property at 28 Main Street. The Treasurer will send a letter explaining the re-classification of the water.

New Business:

·  Resolution#12-11 Approval of election inspectors for the March 19, 2013 Village elections.

M73- Motion made by Trustee Jewell, seconded by Trustee Brewer, to approve Resolution# 12-11 as read. All ayes. Motion carried.

·  Need a motion to change March meeting date to March 12, 2013 at 7:00pm due to the Village elections on March 19, 2013.

M74- Motion made by Trustee Brewer, seconded by Trustee Thompson, to change the March 19, 2013 regular Board meeting to March 12, 2013 at 7:00pm, due to the Village elections. All ayes. Motion carried.

·  Motion to change Village Clerk hours to 9:00am through 3:00pm

M75- Motion made by Trustee Brewer, seconded by Trustee Hedges, to change the Village Clerk’s hours to 9:00am through 3:00pm and the door will continue to remain open the same hours, from 9:00am to 1:00pm. All ayes. Motion carried.

·  Village Election Candidates- Incumbents Trustee Steve Jewell and Trustee Mike Brewer. Mike Brewer is looking forward to running again and serving another two years for the Village of Arkport. Trustee Steve Jewell will not be running again for the position. His responsibilities to his Church and the denomination have increased and his young family is getting busier and is a great priority in his life. Steve was thanked for his work with the Board and praised by the Mayor for his input these past several months.

Ratification of Abstract #7, Voucher #207 to #226, in the amount of $17,206.98.

M76- Motion made by Trustee Hedges, seconded by Trustee Thompson, to accept the approval of Abstract #7 as read. All ayes. Motion carried.

Next Meeting Date: February 19, 2013


M77- Motion made by Trustee Brewer, seconded by Trustee Jewell, to adjourn the meeting at 7:43pm. All ayes. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jennifer D. Bush

Village Clerk

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