Draft Minutes

Enrollments Management Council – November 1, 2012

DATE: November 1, 2012 / PLACE: President’s Board Room / CONVENED: 11:04 am / CONCLUDED: 11:53 am
ATTENDEES: / Janet Fike, Pam Woods, Richard McCray, Michele Watson, Melanie Eberhart, Marian Grubor, Mike Koon, Debbie Bennett, Bob DeFrancis, Denise Wycherley, Jenna Derrico / ABSENT:
Kerry Sneddon
BY PHONE: / Lisa Soly
  1. Fall 2012 Enrollment Review
/ Janet Fike presented fall enrollment as of October 29, 2012. FTE exceeded projected numbers on Weirton, New Martinsville, and Distance Education campuses. Wheeling missed the projected FTE by 135 (or $190,000). Discussion occurred on factors negatively affectingenrollment including Financial Aid Standards of Progress, oil & gas industry jobs, AP classes in local high schools, fewer transient applications, and others.
  1. Marketing Update
/ Bob DeFrancis reported that the old semester schedule is being replaced by 3-4 new pieces to save money and allow for updating throughout the semester.
1.Spring academic schedule is out. Printed in-house and updated frequently online. No ads.
2.Summer schedule is currently online and is being printed.
3.Continuing Education spring schedule is out. Printed 500 copies in-house. Issue with toner being resolved.
4.Let’s Get Started is being edited before printing. This contains orientation-type information for new and returning students. Will print in-house 500 at a time. Currently linked on website under potential and current students.
Bob also briefed about paid advertising with newspapers, magazines, internet, radio, and billboards, as well as changes to the website.
Marian Grubor voiced a formal complaint that the advertising budget is being scaled back and said faculty want more promotion of changes/improvements in our programs. / Link the Let’s Get Started document to the student Portal / Pam Woods
  1. Spring 2013 Registration and Enrollment
/ Council discussed plans for spring enrollment:
1.All Standards of Progress students will run degree evaluations for spring registration. 150% plans are work-intensive for financial aid, counselors and faculty but are effective for students. Since the majority of students are FA recipients, they have very little flexibility in what classes they take.
2.Students whose campus is designated as Distance Education now have a contact person to help them with admissions, financial aid, registration, and other issues.
3.Our goal is to have all staff and faculty push to have students registered for spring before they leave for Christmas break.
  1. 2013-2014 Budget Enrollment Planning
/ 2013-2014 estimated enrollment needs to be submitted to Budget Committee before Christmas break. These projections include overall and campus-specific numbers.
Pam Woods suggested that the Distance Education numbers were currently too high.
  1. Next Meeting
/ The next meeting should be before Thanksgiving in order to get estimates to the Budget Committee before Christmas / Bring a number to work with to next meeting. / Everyone


EM Minutes 11-1-12