16 June - 11 July

Tentative agenda

1st WEEK
(16-20 June)
VENUE: OHCHR Motta Office – RS06 / 2nd WEEK
(23-27 June)
VENUE: Palais Wilson (PW) – Ground Floor / 3rd WEEK
(30 June- 4 July)
VENUE: Centre de Conférence – Room B / 4th WEEK
(7-11 July)
16 June / 23 June / 30 June / 7 July
Monday / am / 09:30-12:30 : General Introduction & Administrative proceedings – Ms. Estelle Salavin, Indigenous Peoples and Minorities Section (IPMS), OHCHR Geneva
Venue: OHCHR Motta RS06 / 09:00-13:00: pre-selection of candidates for the 2015 Indigenous Fellowship Programme (facilitated by Atina) / 09:30-11:00: What are Special Procedures? Why is this mechanism important for the civil society? Which SP mandate holders are relevant to indigenous peoples? Ms. Dolores Infante Canibano, OHCHR Geneva
11:00-12:30: Amnesty International – Mr. David Cornut / EMRIP
7th session
PN Room XX
pm / 15:00-18:00: Introduction to the activities of CAGI (“Geneva Welcome Centre”) and DoCip (“Indigenous Peoples’ Centre for Documentation, Research and Information”)
Venue: La Pastorale / 14:00-15:30: finalise the pre-selection (facilitated by Atina)
15:30-16:30: discussion with Estelle on the pre-selection made / 14:30-16:00: Human Rights of indigenous peoples in the context of extractive industries – Ms. Ragnhild Handagard, OHCHR Geneva
16:15-17:30: How to find documents on OHCHR website: the “Universal Human Rights Index Database” - Ms. Jung Rin Kim, OHCHR Geneva
17 June / 24 June / 1 July / 8 July
Tuesday / am / 09:30-12:30: Getting to know one another: introduction of each fellow with brief presentation of issues at stake in their respective communities (English group only) / 09:30-11:00: Introduction of the 3 language groups
11:15-12:30: Introduction to the UN system – Mrs. Charlotte L. Warakaulle, United Nations Office in Geneva (UNOG) / 09:30-12:30: World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) / EMRIP
7th session
PN Room XX
pm / 14:30- 16:00: What are the international instruments and mechanisms related to indigenous peoples? What are OHCHR activities on indigenous peoples? Mr. Juan Fernando Nuñez, Indigenous Peoples and Minorities Section, OHCHR Geneva
17:30: Welcoming drinks (OHCHR Motta RS02) / 14:30-16:00: Where is OHCHR located within the UN system? What is the role of OHCHR (mandate and activities, including in the field)? How can this office be useful to civil society? Mr. Safir Syed, Civil Society Section, OHCHR, Geneva
16:15-17:30: What are National Human Rights Institutions? What is OHCHR role with NHRIs? How can the civil society/indigenous peoples engage with them to protect their rights?- Mr. Collins Omondi & Mr. Bolorsaikhan Badamsambuu, Mr. Yaser Alawneh, Ms. Leire Zearra, Fellows NHRIs, OHCHR Geneva / 14:30-17:30: International Labor Organization (ILO)
18 June / 25 June / 2 July / 9 July
Wednesday / am / 09:30-11:00: The history of Indigenous Peoples at the UN – Ms Mélanie Clerc, OHCHR Geneva
11:15-12:30: The Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: mandate and activities & how can the civil society engage with this mechanism – Maia Campbell, assistant to the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, OHCHR Geneva / 09:30-11:30: What are human rights? What are international Human Rights instruments/norms and mechanisms? What can you do as members of the civil society to engage with these mechanisms? Mr. Jan Hessbruegge, OHCHR Geneva
11:30-13:00: Start mapping a follow-up action plan on how to engage with Human Rights mechanisms (individual exercise) / 09:30-11:00: Special procedures: how to draft and submit a good individual communication? Ms. Gabriela Guzman, OHCHR Geneva
11:15-12:30: What are Treaty Bodies? Examples of Treaty Bodies’ jurisprudence on indigenous peoples - Ms Momoko Nomura & Ms. Mélanie Clerc, OHCHR Geneva / EMRIP
7th session
PN Room XX
pm / Thematic discussion 1 (facilitator: Atina):
14:30-16:00 : Group discussion: the rights of indigenous women: issues at stake and human rights violations in the fellows respective communities (sharing of information, experience, best practices among fellows)
16:15-17:45: The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (including practical tips & advice on participation) & the 2014 World Conference on Indigenous Peoples – Ms. Atina Gangmei, Senior Indigenous Fellow / Thematic presentation: Women’s Human Rights
14:30-15:00: Presentations by the 3 groups of the human rights violations indigenous women are facing - fellows
15:00- 16:00: Introduction to international instruments and mechanisms available to protect women’s human rights & entry points for the civil society to engage with these mechanisms – Ms. Lucinda O’Hanlon & Ms. Georgina Mendoza Solorio, Women’s Human Rights and Gender Section, OHCHR Geneva
16:30-17:30: Meet with colleagues covering OHCHR activities in your respective countries at HQs (Desk Officers)
18:00: Get together drinks with brief presentation by the fellows of the human rights violations they are facing in their respective countries – La Pastorale / 13:00-14:00: Vidéo Pierrette DoCip (ONLY SPANISH)
14:00-14:45: Watch DVD on TBs
14:45-17:30: Group exercise on Treaty Bodies
19 June / 26 June / 3 July / 10 July
Thursday / am / 08:30: Meet at OHCHR Motta
09:00-12:00: 26th session of the Human Rights Council: observation of the UPR outcomes on New Zealand and Chile. (UNOG room XX) / 09:30-11:00: The Human Rights Council (HRC) and the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) mechanism - Mr. Mohammad Abu-Harthieh, OHCHR Geneva
11:15-12:30: Explanation of the exercise on the UPR / 09:30-10:00: Presentation by the 3 groups of the outcome of the exercise on Treaty Bodies
10:00-11:00: Feed-back and discussions on presentations - Mr. Vincent Ploton, NGO “Centre for Civil and Political Rights”
11:15-12:30: UNICEF / EMRIP
7th session
PN Room XX
pm / 15:00-16:30: 26th session of the Human Rights Council: observation of the UPR outcomes on Cambodia and Uruguay (UNOG room XX)
17:00-18:00: The UN Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples – Ms. Estelle Salavin, IPMS, OHCHR Geneva / 14:00-17:30: Group exercise on the UPR / 14:30-17:30: UNESCO
20 June / 27 June / 4 July / 11 July
Friday / am / 09:00-10:30: The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Belen Rodriguez De Alba, IPMS, OHCHR Geneva
Thematic discussion 2 (facilitator: Atina):
10:45-13:00: Business and indigenous peoples’ rights: group discussions (problems we are facing / what can we do?) / 09:30-10:15: Presentation by the 3 groups of the outcomes of the exercise on the UPR – fellows
10:15-11:30: Feed-back and discussions on the presentations – Mr. Roland Chauville, NGO UPR Info
11:45-12:30: Presentation of the exercises on EMRIP / NO INTERPRETATION - BACK TO MOTTA
09:30-13:00: Continue the individual exercise on mapping a follow-up action plan on how to engage with Human Rights mechanisms (individual exercise) / EMRIP – Closed session
pm / 14:30-16:30: What is the role of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples(EMRIP)? How can indigenous peoples contribute to this mechanism? Ms. Estelle Salavin, IPMS, OHCHR Geneva
16:45-17:30: Explanation about pre-selection process. Ms Alesia Vidruk, OHCHR Geneva / 13:30-17:30: Group exercises on EMRIP - fellows / 14:30-17:30: Finalise the evaluation of the 2014 indigenous fellowship programme.
17:30: Hand-over of diplomas / EMRIP
7th session
PN Room XX

SATURDAY 21 JUNE (10:00 - 14:00): GUIDED TOUR OF GENEVA. Meeting place: CAGI, La Pastorale.