San Jose Highly Gifted Magnet Booster Club Meeting Minutes
November 29, 2016
Booster President, Stephanie Heller-Fenig, called to order the SJHGM Booster Club meeting at 8:15 am held in the Auditorium
1)Members Present
a)Board members: Stephanie Heller-Fenig (President), Leila GhaffariGolesorkhi(Vice-President), MadlenGeoSimonian (Secretary), Lan Zheng (Treasurer).
b)SJ Elementary Principal: Janet Johnson, Magnet Coordinator: Olivia Diaz
c)All other members present in Attachment A.
2)Call to Order
President opened the meeting at 8:15 AM
3)Approval of Previous Minutes
Minutes from the previous booster meeting were approved.
4)Principal Janet Johnson’s Report
We are currently working on the holiday performance schedule. This year there will be priority seating for the magnet at the 8:15 am show. You may, however, attend either the 8:15 show or the 1pm show.
5)Magnet Coordinator Oliva Diaz’s Update
Volunteer applications: It is important that everyone who attend a field trip complete a volunteer application form. Please complete a one-time volunteer application if you only plan to attend one field trip, or an annual application if you plan to volunteer more than 1 field trip. Both applications require a background check for Meghan’s Law. The annual application also requires that you get a TB test.
6)Teacher’s Report as read by Stephanie Heller-Fenig
a)Mrs. Villareal: We are very thankful for the support we received to put on Shakespeare. All of the students did an incredible job and got a lot out of the experience. We are looking forward to the future enrichments. Also, we had a blast at Laser Tag. Thank you for those that were able to attend. The students loved to see the turkey and enjoyed chasing us around to get their points. We need volunteers to turn in the volunteer form. It's a great way for families to get involved. If they know of someone who is interested, we'd love to meet them too.
b)Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Watson:Working together, Mrs. Watson and myself have successfully been awarded two grants that will allow both the 4th and 5th Grade classrooms to participate in two extra field trips this year. We are both very excited to announce that in March we will be heading to The Los Angeles Arboretum/Botanic Garden and in May we will be heading to Riley's Farm to participate in the Gold Rush (4th Grade)/American Revolution (5th Grade) programs.
7)Treasurer Lan Zheng’s Report
a) Donations report and budget review. See Attachment B.
8)Fundraisers Report by Madlen GeoSimonian
a)Barnes and Noble and Corner Bakery fundraiser is December 4. A portion of proceeds from both businesses will be given back to SJHGM. The Barnes and Noble fundraiser also continues online through December 11 using the special fundraising code
b)We are having a special raffle for all parents who enroll in Amazon Smile and Ralphs. All we ask is that you send us an email after you enroll and you will be entered into the raffle. The drawing will be held December 16.
9)Volunteer Enrichment Form
a)Question from Laurie Shiers: Do we have enough money for another enrichment this year? The Booster Board replies that the final enrichment will be a volunteer parent. We need parent volunteers that can do either a 1 time class or a series of classes.
10) Upcoming Enrichments
a)Star Science begins in February
b)French begins immediately after for 8 weeks
11) Calendar Highlights Through End of the Year
a)The holiday show will be December 15 this year and the magnet priority passes will be for the 8:15 am show.
b)Astrocamp trip for the 5th graders is in February
c)Sacramento Trip for the 4th graders is in May
12) Meeting is adjourned
a)President moved the adjourn meeting at 8:54 am
Attachment A: Members Present at November 29 Meeting
Tim Beckett
Jaime Goodwin
Tammy Eiam
Jackie Cullen
Laurie Shiers
Carlen Kim
Carolyn Cable
Byron Gutierrez
Leila Golesorkhi
Lan Zheng
Stephanie Heller-Fenig