Bursary application form

(Please print clearly in black ink or type)

Programme Applying for
Intake Applying for
Job title
Post code
Name and job title of sponsor(the ‘sponsor’ is the person who can support your application and ‘sign off’ your attendance on the programme).
What percentage programme bursary are you applying for?Please note, bursary support is for the programme fees only and not for travel, accommodation or other costs.We recommendyou do not apply for more than 70% of the programme costs.

* One day events are not eligible for bursary support.Bursary support is only available for The King’s Fund Leadership Development programmes. Please read the eligibility criteria on page 3.

Please write a statement of no more than 400 words on why we should give you a bursary? Please refer to the criteria on the following page.

Applications are encouraged from anyone who meets the following criteria:

  • you work in health and social care
  • you can demonstrate how you will benefit from the leadership programme and show that the programme exactly meets your learning objectives
  • you can enrich and contribute to the programme, engaging others with your story
  • you can demonstrate a level of self-awareness and commitment to our methodology
  • you are passionate in your desire to have a positive impact on patient-centred care in your organisation, network or system and recognise that attending a leadership programme may enable you to do this
  • you have the full support and backing of your organisation, including a named sponsor
  • you are fully commit to the programme and 100 per cent attendance
  • you have exhausted all other avenues of funding and your organisation is unable to fund the full cost.
  • we actively encourage applicants from ethnic minority groups who are unable to secure full funding for a leadership programme. To help us we would appreciate if you complete the attached diversity survey. This information will only be used by The King’s Fund Bursary Committee and will not be disclosed to anyone outside The King’s Fund Bursary Committee and will only be retained for the duration of the bursary application process.

We value diversity at The King’s Fund and take the issues of fairness, rights and equality very seriously.

The absence of BME staff in the leadership of the NHS is a serious systemic issue and has shown no sign of improving in recent years. In addition, the link between the experience of BME staff and patient satisfaction is well established;

“the experience of black and minority ethnic NHS staff is a good barometer of the climate of respect and care for all within the NHS. Put simply, if BME staff feel engaged, motivated, valued and part of a team with a sense of belonging, patients were more likely to be satisfied with the service they received.”

– West, M. Dawson, J. Admasachew, L and Topakas, A. (2012) NHS Staff Management and Health Service Quality Results from the NHS Staff Survey and Related Data. Lancaster University Management School, The Work Foundation and Aston Business School.

We would therefore like to invite applications for our bursary scheme particularly from these under-represented groups as part of our commitment to this issue.

Diversity Survey

Please indicate the option which best describes your age

0-20 / 41-50 / I do not wish to disclose this
21-30 / 51-60
31-40 / 61+

Please indicate your gender

Male / Female / I do not wish to disclose this

Please indicate the option which best describes your marital status

Married / Single / I do not wish to disclose this
Civil Partnership / Legally Separated
Divorced / Widowed

Please indicate the option which best describes your sexual orientation

Bisexual / Gay / I do not wish to disclose this
Heterosexual / Lesbian

Please indicate the option which best describes your ethnic origin

Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi / Asian or Asian British - Indian / Asian or Asian British - Pakistani
Any other Asian Background
Black or Black British - African / Black or Black British - Caribbean / Any other Black Background
Mixed - White & Asian / Mixed - White & Asian / Mixed - White & Black African
Mixed - White & Black Caribbean / Any other mixed background
White - British / White - Irish / Any other White background
Chinese / Any other ethnic group
I do not wish to disclose this

Please indicate the option which best describes your religion or belief

Agnosticism / Hinduism / Sikhism
Atheism / Islam / Other
Buddhism / Jainism / I do not wish to disclose this
Christianity / Judaism

Do you consider yourself to have a disability?

Yes / No / I do not wish to disclose this

Please state the type of impairment which applies to you. People may experience more than one type of impairment, in which case you may indicate more than one. If none of the categories apply, please mark 'other'.

Physical Impairment / Learning Disability/Difficulty / I do not wish to disclose this
Sensory Impairment / Long-standing illness
Mental Health Condition / Other