The Church at Study

February 4, 2017

The Fayetteville Seventh-day Adventist Church welcomes you with open doors and warm hearts. Being in God’s house on God’s day is a joyful experience. We invite you to make our home your home. Come join us in our family fellowship of worship, study and service! You belong here.

Sabbath School 9:30-10:35 a.m.

Superintendent Generose Green

There are several different Sabbath School classes catering to all age groups. Our greeters are more than happy to help you find the right class for you or your child.

Fellowship 10:35-10:45 a.m.

Take a few moments to greet fellow members. Make sure to welcome our visitors and make them feel at home!

Today’s Officiates

Chorister: Krystal Yeich

Pianist: Deanie Madison

Sabbath sunset – 5:49 p.m. Next Friday sunset – 5:56 p.m.


How Can We Help?

Name: ______

Address: ______

Phone # ______

( ) I would like the Pastor/Elder to visit. Time: ______

( ) I would like a special prayer for ______


I desire to serve the church in -1) ______

2) ______3) ______

Tear this out and place in the offering plate

or give to a church elder.

Vespers Tonight

At 5 p.m. Laurian Garletts will lead out in

“Random, or Not?” Special music

will be included in the program.

See you then!

Upcoming Events

Fridays from 7-8 p.m.

Ten Days in the Upper Room: Receiving the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Weekly starting 2/3/17 and ending Friday 4/3/17.

2/5/17 Pathfinder Community Service

2/5/17 Super Bowl Party in the Fellowship Hall at 6 p.m.

Please bring snacks and treats to share.

2/8/17 Prayer Meeting, “Passing the Torch,” at 7:00 p.m.

2/11/17 Next Fellowship Dinner Come and fellowship together over a potluck lunch. Please remember to bring enough food to feed your family plus extra to share.

2/10-12/17 Married Folk Don’t forget to register for an uplifting marriage retreat at Nosoca Pines Ranch!

2/11/17 Adult Sabbath School Teacher Workshop You are invited to attend (10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.) with Pastor David Wright at the Monroe Seventh-day Adventist Church, 3007 Weddington Road, Monroe, NC. Register @

2/11/17 VBS Leaders Cactusville Vacation Bible Xperience Workshop – See firsthand the NAD 2017 VBS program! At 3:30-6:00 p.m.; Carolina Conference Office, 2701 East WT Harris Blvd., Charlotte, NC. Register:

2/13/17 Church Board meeting at 7 p.m.

2/18/17 Adventure’s Lock- in

2/19/17 Women's Ministries meeting

2/19/17 Pathfinder bowling

3/5 /17 Pathfinder Community Service

3/13/17 Church Board meeting at 7:00 p.m.

3/17-19/17 Pathfinder work bee at Nosoca Pines Ranch

3/18/17 Women’s Ministries International Day of Prayer

Cynthia Mercer, Carolina Conference Director of Women’s

and Prayer Ministries, will speak.

3/18/17 Adventures bowling night

3/30/17 Pathfinders skating night

4/16/17 Spring Gala Adults 18 years old and above, please come out at 5 p.m. and enjoy a night of fun. Cost is $40 per person before March12th, $50 per person after, no exceptions. Child care will be provided at an additional cost of $5 for one child, $10 per family for two or more children. More information to follow. Please contact Abigail Sam 956.303.2168, Jackie Gordon 910.785.4838, or Korlu 757.358.5189.


Membership Transfer: First Reading

In – Wanda Brooks from Living Word SDA Church

in Glen Burnie, MD

Family Life will be hosting free babysitting for couples who would like to go out on February 11th from 5:30-9:00 p.m. Food and drinks will be provided. Contact Korlu Zawolo at 757.358.5189.

To My Church Family, Thank you for the many prayers, cards, visits, and phone calls. It blessed my spirit and expedited the healing process. Praise God! Orlando Stamp

Carolina Call 2 Prayer every Monday night from 7-8 p.m.

712-770-4010. Access code: 205023#. “The greatest blessing that God can give to man (or woman) is the spirit of earnest prayer. All heaven is open before the man (or woman) of prayer”

Prayer, p. 83.

Free online courses and resources for teachers, believers, and seekers. .

Empowering people with the passion and skills necessary to further the kingdom of Christ in the 21st century.

Church at Worship

10:45 am

Welcome Pastor John Huskins

Welcome Song “The Family of God”

King’s Business Elder Daniel and Laurian Garletts

Songs of Praise Krystal Yeich

Introit Pianist/Organist Please stand

Invocation Christian Zawolo

Scriptural Christian Zawolo

Genesis 5:21-24

Opening Hymn “Jesus Saves” #340

Offering Local Church Budget Daniel Garletts

Offertory Pianist/Organist

Children’s Story Henry Morgan

Prayer & Song “As We Come to You in Prayer” #671 Those that are able, please kneel"

Special Music Roma Regis

Sermon Sebastien Braxton

The Next Level

Closing Hymn “O Let Me Walk With Thee” #554


Please stand as the speaker leaves the platform.

Then be seated and wait to be dismissed by rows.

Church Contact Information

Office/Church School

(910) 484-5397 (910) 484-6091

2601 Lone Pine Drive • Fayetteville NC 28306

Senior Pastor John Huskins (910) 860-5593

Associate Pastor Cheol Jung (832) 359-1193

Head Elder Frank Hamilton Sr. (910) 864-0308

Head Deacon Phillip Tew (910) 635-1793

Head Deaconess Sandra Reid (910) 354-6887

Church Treasurer Orlando Stamp (910) 867-8941

Church Clerk Sherry Williams (910) 425-8051

Prayer Hot Line Olga Williams (910) 551-7104

Nurturing Committee Brian McKnight (910) 867-1172

Church Secretary Helen Skorich (910) 484-5397

Church Office Hours are Tuesday through Friday from 8:30am to 1:30pm.

Bulletin Board Submit items for posting to the church office.

Tithes and Offerings Tithe does not fund the money needed each month to operate the church and its ministries. Since tithe

is not used to pay for the local church expense, we hope that when you return your tithe you will also contribute to the church budget.

On-line Giving is available through the church's web site Questions? Please contact the treasurer.

Local Church Budget Support at a Glance

Year to Date December 2016
Budget $123,228.00 $10,269.00

Received $117,961.64 $13,178.70

Church Bulletin Information Please submit by Wednesday

at 9:00pm via the church website,

email at or the church office.