Date: 4/20/15 Class: English 4
EQ: How does turbulence in a culture lead to changes in literature?
EV: Civil
Warm up/appetizer:
- Civil War Brainstorm and discussion
Lesson/Main Course:
- Review notes for cultural background—go through PowerPoint and CLOZE notes for students.
- Have students decide if Charles was worse/better than Macbeth then Macbeth and Oliver Cromwell—Draw conclusions and support conclusions—of the three which is worse: 1. A ruler who takes lives 2. a ruler who controls beliefs or 3. a ruler who suppresses freedoms?
- Finish notes with roller coaster of change and how that could affect literature.
- Complete CLOZE and questions
- Break here
- Have students brainstorm individually about why people tell stories. Create a class list as well.
- Introduce Milton and his story telling a s a reaction to the change happening in his culture and as a type of commentary on the society of the time period.
- Review sonnet basics. Assign student partners to a particular interpretative technique. Students will then share as we go through the PowerPoint and interpret each sonnet
- Found Poetry assignment from the two sonnets we have interpreted if time. If not, have students answer the question: how are the sonnets a reaction to the change in Milton’s culture? Use at least one specific example
Materials needed
PowerPoint / New Packet
Date: 4/21/15Class: English 4
EQ: What is paradise?
EV: archetype
Warm up/appetizer:
□What is paradise? Describe your view of paradise.
Lesson/Main Course:
□Review paradise archetype and discuss
□Introduce paradise lost
□Begin reading Paradise Lost in the textbook starting on page ____. Answer discussion questions as we go along.
- Who lost paradise? Compare to Macbeth
Materials needed
PowerPoint / Invoke muse PowerPoint
Date: 4/22/15Class: English 4
EQ: What does it mean to invoke a muse?
EV: invoke
Warm up/appetizer:
□Invocation of a Muse POWERPOINT
Lesson/Main Course:
□Continue reading Paradise Lost in the textbook starting on page ____. Answer discussion questions as we go along.
- Who is your muse? Who would you ask to help you write the story of your life?
Materials needed
PowerPoint / Invoke muse PowerPoint
Date: 4/23/15Class: English 4
EQ: How do you identify an obscure epic hero?
EV: Obscure
Warm up/appetizer:
- Review what we read the previous day—use a discussion question ? or a quote--
Lesson/Main Course:
Finish reading Paradise Lost and discuss Satan as the epic hero
Move on the Eve as the Epic Hero if time or that can be done tomorrow
Turn in answers to questions at the end of PowerPoint
Materials neededPowerPoints
Date: 4/24/15Class: English 4
EQ: Can one person be at fault for a cataclysmic event?
EV: Debate
Warm up/appetizer:
- Quarelle de Femmes introductory free write
Lesson/Main Course:
- Read Lanier’s “Eve’s Apology” and discuss using questions at the end of the passage.
- Blame Game PowerPoint and discussion—debate time
- Reflect and discuss
- Background to Pope
- Read “Essay on Man” and discuss/heroic couplets
- Have students answer the question: does literature reflect culture or does culture reflect literature?
Materials needed
parts assignment—colored pencils / Blame Game PowerPoint; Pope intro PowerPoint
Date: 11/20/14Class: English 4
EQ: How do the elements of the mock epic reveal important truths about satirical style and author’s purpose?
EV: parody
Warm up/appetizer:
□Parody free write using the “American Gothic” PowerPoint Slide
Lesson/Main Course:
□Introduce Mock Epic styles
□Have students answer the question: What is the purpose of a Mock Epic?
Materials neededPowerPoint Pope Intro / Essay on Man from textbook
Ms. Carmichael’s Week 12 Agenda
Date / Classwork / Homework / EQ/EV4/20 / English Civil War / Finish Found Poem; Macbeth and Paradise Lost connection/reflection / EQ: How does turbulence in a culture lead to changes in literature?
EV: Civil
4/21 / Paradise Lost / Finish your questions about the Genesis excerpts on page 1 of packet / EQ: What is paradise?
EV: archetype
4/22 / Invoking the muse / Finish Paradise Lost discussion Questions / EQ: What does it mean to invoke a muse?
EV: invoke
4/23 / Analyzing the Epic Hero Cycle / Complete Epic Hero notes / EQ: How do you identify an obscure epic hero?
EV: Obscure
4/24 / Quarelle De Femmes Debate / Finish Heroic Couplet exercise / EQ: Can one person be at fault for a cataclysmic event?
EV: Debate