IN ATTENDANCE: / Annual General Meeting
Thursday, April 14, 2011 1:30 pm
Ellesmere West – Markham Holiday Inn and Suites
Katie Flynn Creelman
Greg Reid
Brian Poste
Linda de Jeu
Tim Larry
Pat Klassen
Ken VanderZwaag
Rob Drost
Carolyn Chesney
Jean Pye
Mark Lewis
Joellen Bauder
Suche James
Jenn Lemieux
Ross Clarke
Lynn Kelman
Greg Sora
Helen Downey
Emidio Piccioni
Lindsay Norwood
Bill Walters
Jeff Maharaj
Teena McNee
Sean Clancy
Laura Gillespie
Cheryl Hyndman
Bill Barrett
Anita Anderson
Darrell Sokoloski
Wendy Legassie
Cathy Beauchamp / CISAA
COSSA President
CWOSSA President
CWOSSA Principal
EOSSAA Principal
EOSSAA President
GBSSA Principal
GHAC Principal
LOSSA Principal
LOSSA President
NCSSAA President
NCSSAA Principal
NEOAA President
NEOAA Principal / Laura Aubertin
Tim Lowe
John Wilson
Gord Martin
Lauri McFarlane
Steve Poling
Jody Miller
Bruce Dyce
Christine Baillie
Brian Fuller
Cheryl Mancuso
Jamie Coull
Cathy Johnson
Greg LeNeve
Vince Bellisimo
Patty Johnson
Charlene Hurley
Sue Thompson
David Budzinsky
John Kalantzakos
Wendy Luck
Michele Van Bargen
Kelly Welch
Steve Voros
Liana Williams
Jaylene Morrison
Dale Huddleston / NOSSA
NOSSA President
NWOSSAA Principal
TDSSAA President
YRAA President
MEMBER AT LARGE / Heather Chambers
Martin Ritsma
Diana Ranken
Ken Coffin
Peter Morris
Michael Suraci
Brian Riddell
Lexy Fogel
Mary Cahill
Lindsey Evanoff
Beth Hubbard
Doug Gellatly
Bonnie Glover
Jim Costello
Special Projects Coordinator
Special Projects Coordinator
Special Projects Coordinator
Assistant Director
Special Projects Coordinator
Assistant Director
Marketing/Comm. Coordinator
Office Administrator
Executive Director
Constitutional Review
Vice President
1. Roll Call / A sheet was passed around for everyone to sign in.
2. Presidents welcome / Lynn Kelman welcomed the group. She thanked everyone for all their hard work. Their commitment is the backbone to the success of OFSAA.
3. Voting Procedure / Bonnie Glover reviewed the voting process to everyone. Today’s meeting will deal with Order Paper #1 - Articles and Bylaws.
4. Adoption of Minutes April 15, 2010 / On a motion by Dale Huddleston and seconded by John Wilson
“ We adopt the minutes of April 15, 2010 as presented.”
5. Reports / a) Executive Director – Doug Gellatly
Doug highlighted his report.
- The past year has been very productive in the office overseeing the new items identified in the operational plan.
- The hiring process for the 1 year maternity leave for the Assistant Director position is under way. The hiring committee has received the applications. They will be short listing early next week and the interviewing is scheduled for April 29.
- We have had the benefit of a placement student from Durham College, Mary Cahill. Doug thanked Mary for all her assistance this year.
- OFSAA’s financial position is strong. We have received an increase in funding in the past few years, and have benefited from some cost saving with the office relocation to the Sport Alliance building.
- This past year human rights has seemed to be the new avenue to challenge our rules. There are two cases that will go to a tribunal in the fall. Hopefully Doug will be able to provide an update in November on the pending cases.
- Part of the Operational Plan will be launching the new website in September.
- The Gender Equity Committee has put together a survey which has been sent out.
- OFSAA has a partnership with KidSport to fund sports for financially disadvantaged students which we hope to continue next year.
- There will be a research project on the value of school sport with a university student from Ottawa.
- New sponsorship templates have been put in place for convenors to use.
- The CIOS program has really taken off.
- Doug asked for everyone to try and support our sponsors.
- Doug also acknowledged the staff. There are 5 full time staff and 4 project coordinators. The staff all support each other which in turn makes our job fun and interesting. Doug also thanked the volunteers for all their dedication. Valuable support from volunteers is the backbone of the organization.
Mike highlighted his report:-
- Mike is happy to see more associations signing up to use AELS. Some adjustments will be made to the AELS program to make it more user friendly. If anyone is interested in learning more about AELS please contact Mike to arrange a presentation.
- Sue Thompson and Kathy Brook on the Coaching Committee have developed the new CIOS program which was NCCP approved this summer.
- 600-700 student teachers have been trained in the Faculties of Education.
- There will be more courses running within the next month which will reach our totals to over 1000 teacher coaches trained by the end of the year.
- Mike thanked both John Wilson and Helen Downey who have taught some of the CIOS courses.
- OOYA – Last year we had to turn people away. This year there are 36 – 40 participants registered. Mike has had parents ask for their kids to return for another year.
- There is still money available for the Officiating Subsidy Program. Mike asked everyone to encourage students in their associations to apply.
- SAC meeting highlights this year:- There is further discussion with Boys Basketball surrounding FIBA rules.
- We are very happy to announce extending our sponsorship agreement with Yonex . We have a new sponsor with Field Hockey – AK Pro who has agreed to Sponsor the program for the next 3 years. We are currently looking at sponsors for baseball and Field Hockey.
- In addition to Lexy’s report she thanked everyone for all their support. Thanks to all the office staff to work together. Lex thanked Doug for all his support and noted he always has staff and student athletes in mind.
- The Coaching Symposium will take place May 5 and 6. The deadline has been closed and there are 110 registered. We have a developed great working relationship with Brock University. We have been fortunate to receive a grant from the Coaching Association of Canada. There will be lots of great prizes and activities to keep people until the end of the conference.
- The fall Convenor Workshop was a great success and we are looking forward to the Spring Convenor workshop which will be held June 14 at the Sport Alliance Building.
- Lynn asked everyone in attendance to review the copy of OFSAA’s Strategic Plan included in their package. Lynn is happy to report the staff has taken great strides implementing the operational plan.
- OFSAA hosted the CSSF meetings in September in Niagara Falls. One of the highlights from the meeting is Doug Gellatly was elected President for the next two years. Lynn thanked Christine Baillie for all her help in Niagara Falls.
- There are 2 human rights cases pending. The lawyer for OFSAA is concerned that whereas our transfer policy is sound in normal courts, he has suggested hiring a human rights lawyer to look at the transfer policy. The executive council is not sure at this point where we go from here but we will see what the outcome is from the human rights lawyer.
- CODE: We have had 2 fabulous Directors of Education as representatives on the executive council; Patti Pella and Michael O’Keefe. Both are no longer on the executive. Jim Costello replaced one vacancy and we are waiting to hear who the other representative will be.
- There were 11 principals present. We found there are a lot of similarities and differences across the province.
- Our concerns are the declining school population and declining budgets. This means we will lose teachers especially the young new teachers who are also coaching.
- We discussed making sure proper accounting procedures are in place in the associations.
- Martin attended a presentation by the accounting firm KPMG on fraud.
- Principals are concerned with the impact of the new food and beverage policy and the loss of money that was generated through vending machines
- The latest concern in the WOSSAA area is a board wide policy on charging fees for athletics.
- There are the ongoing situation of on calls and supervision, especially covering coaches when they are out of the school
- There is concern of the decreasing amount of money and whether we are at the stage of cutting back some of the sports.
- INSURANCE POLICIES: – are we covered in our association? This concern will go through Doug to CODE.
- The Principal’s Council recommends associations document decisions so that they can be referred back to.
- The YRAA is addressing the issue of finding coaches. A survey was sent out to 822 teacher coaches.
- If you are interested in hosting a CIOS course please see Michael.
- It seems that all associations have the same internal things going on.
- There were two main issues discussed:- the rugby injury and the coverage of insurance.
- Presidents want to know exactly what the associations are covered for. There should be a dialogue with the boards on what is covered.
- As Presidents we are starting to feel the squeeze from both ends – the ministry of education and from our schools when it comes to coaching. This is starting to affect our participation as coaches. We are concerned about the financial and moral support. We are concerned because some people having to take sick days to attend a meeting like this.
“We move to accept the reports as presented.”
6. Order Paper / The Order Paper #1 – Articles and Bylaws were voted on.
Results of the Order Paper are attached.
7. Executive Council Members
2011-2012 / Lynn read out the names of those members of the Executive Council for 2011-2012.
They are Lynn Kelman – President, Jim Woolley – Vice President, Martin Ritsma – Past President, Sue Thompson – Metro, Michele Van Bargen – West, Tim Lowe – North, Brian Fuller – South, Linda de Jeu – East, Mark O’Neill – Central.
8. Meeting of the Corporation / On a motion by Tim Lowe and seconded by Martin Ritsma
“We accept the motions presented for the Meeting of the Corporation”
9. Insurance – Brian Riddell / There has been a lot of talk about an incident from a Rugby game last April that has resulted in a $25,000,000 lawsuit to the TDCAA, TDCSB, Athletic Directors and Principals at both schools involved, along with the President and Vice President of the TDCAA.
The TDCAA purchased Directors and Officers liability Insurance from OFSAA but it does not cover bodily harm. It deals with issues, such as a transfer issue. The TDCAA was under assumption they were covered under OSBIE because of their relationship with the TCDSB. OSBIE provides coverage for everyone named in the Board, but has the right to withdraw the right of coverage for the association and the President and Vice President of the association. If they are found negligent they personally and the association can be found liable for any part of the fund the judge determines to award. Directors’ liability is for procedure only and precludes physical injury.
The TCDSB’s initial reaction was that TDCAA was on their own. They have since agreed to defend TDCAA in lawsuit.
OSBIE wrote a letter to OFSAA noting they do not cover the Associations or their Executive. There is no liability insurance coverage in place for personal injury. Brian is not sure whether the Boards of Education are aware of this.
OFSAA will speak to our CODE about these insurance issues and arrange for the directors of Education to put “Insurance Coverage” as an agenda item at their next meeting and to report back to OFSAA.
OSBIE needs to clarify what they do and do not cover.
10. Adjourn / On a motion by Greg Sora and seconded by Linda de Jeu
“Meeting is Adjourned”.
APRIL 14 – 15, 2011
See attached “Motions to Amend” flowchart.
Order Paper #1 – will be voted on Thursday, April 14th
1. Articles, By-Laws and Standing Rules (Standing Rules are general sections of the Playing regulations – relevant to all Championships)
Can be amended at the AGM by a 2/3 majority vote of the entire Council membership (Executive Council, Representatives’ Council, Principals’ Council) present at the beginning of the April AGM, and no member shall have more than one vote.
Order Paper # 2 – will be voted on Friday, April 15th
1. Standing Rules – Sport Specific “Rules of Play” (ie Rules and Officials, Uniforms and equipment, Seeding) governing competition at the various Championships sponsored by the Federation can be amended by a 2/3 majority vote of the members present at a Representatives Council Meeting, providing there is a quorum.
ARTICLES(Article 8, Sec. 1) / BY-LAWS
/ / (A) General sections of Playing Regulations - relevant to all Championships (Awards, Social, Uniform, Deportment, Supervision, Jury of Appeal, Competition Committee)
By-Law 9, Sec. 2(a) / (B) Sport specific regulations (Rules and Officials, Uniforms and Equipment, Seeding)
By-Law 9, Sec. 2(b)
1. Input from Ad Hoc Committee / 1. Input from Ad Hoc Committee
Executive Council / Representatives’ Council / Principals’ Representatives for Vote - 2/3 majority vote of entire Council membership present at the beginning of the Annual Assembly. / 2.
Executive Council / Representatives’ Council / Principals’ Representatives for Vote - 2/3 majority vote of entire Council / 1. Respective Sport Advisory Committee
Request may be made to have the Championship Review Committee give an opinion on consistency from sport to sport. /
Request may be made to have the Championship Review Committee give an opinion on consistency from sport to sport.
2. Executive/ Representatives’/
Principals’ Representatives’
for Vote - 2/3 majority vote of
entire Council present at the
beginning of the Annual
Assembly / 2. Representatives’ Council
(to include 6 Principal Reps)
for Vote - 2/3 majority vote of
of members present.
Motions to change any of the above may come from: