National Day of Prayer and Fasting

Saturday, 10 February 2018

Executive Summary

Our key focus for the day is JESUS. The theme scripture for 2018 is1 Corinthians 2:2, “For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” Today we pray that the “lamb who was slain would receive a reward for His Suffering.” Today we are praying for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit so that we can be empowered to share the good news of JESUS with everyone. The foundational goal of the National Day of Prayer and Fasting is Revival and Transformation for Australia, for churches to grow and people to find Christ as their Lord and Saviour.

  1. Adoration, Worship & Thanksgiving

The first session begins by welcoming JESUS the King of Kings and Lord of Lords into our gathering. Key Scripture: Psalm 24:7. Say the Lord’s Prayer together: Matt 6:9-18. We enter his Gates with Thanksgiving: Psalm 100:4. Encourage the children to pray and lead: Matt 18:3. We also ask you to honour Indigenous leaders and ask them to be part of the day: Romans 12:10. Pray for the persecuted, Hebrews13:3, Pray peace and a blessing over Jerusalem and Israel. Psalm 122:6

  1. Repentance the Key to Revival and Transformation

We need to be hungry for God. We need to be hungry for righteousness and we need to humble ourselves. We will ask God to reveal specific areas to repent of personally, that the church needs to repent of and that we need to repent of on behalf of our nation. It is important for us to walk in forgiveness. Prayer is always the starting point, and repentance the foundation for Revival and Transformation. Key Scripture: 2 Chronicles 7:14, Matt 5:6.

  1. Pray into the Seven Spheres of Society

Religion, Family, Education, Government, Media, Arts & Entertainment, and Business. To understand our Christian History causes faith to rise in us and empowers our prayers. Australia’s secular society is moving us further and further away from our Godly roots. That is why we must pray that Revival and Transformation will take place in each of these spheres so that we can live in peace and prosperity. Key Scriptures: Proverbs 14:34, Psalm 112, Psalm 37.

  1. Pray for Leaders (Church & Government)

We will pray for each of the leaders and those in authority in our nation in all the seven spheres. Included in our guide is a list of all the federal parliamentarians so that you can pray for them by name. Pray also for your State MPs and Local Council leaders. Pray that our governmental leaders will have a revelation of JESUS and His love for them. We will also pray for local and regional church leaders, including those key church leaders listed in this document. Pray and honour Indigenous Leaders. Pray for young Godly leaders to arise in the church and in all facets of society. Please use resource info. Key scriptures: 1 Timothy 2:2, Colossians 1:9-14; Ephesians 3:14-21; Isaiah 11:2-3

  1. Prayer of Jesus - John 17

Oneness in Christ releases the Gospel. Many are offended by the disunity and enmity amongst Christians and between the different denominations. So we want to celebrate our Unity in Christ with a focus on repentance for the hurt caused by church leaders to each other. This will further release the Gospel, Ephesians 4:13; John 17:23; Psalm 133:1

6. Evangelism Explosion - Harvest Prayer Declaration

We are praying “to the Lord of the harvest to thrust out the labourers into His harvest field.” Revival and Transformation comes to hearts that are ready and consecrated and hungry for JESUS. Hearts that delight themselves in the Lord and in His Word. We are praying for Australians to receive JESUS as their Lord and Saviour and see their lives and relationships restored and healed. We are praying for millions to find Christ. Thank you for praying for our nation of Australia! Matt 9:38, John 3:16, Mark 16:15-20.