Waggoner 1

Liane Waggoner

Jeff Sturges

English 101

20 October 2004


Three more years

Younger teenagers wonder what it would be like if the drinking age was lowered from twenty-one to eighteen. Most think this is the way to go just so they can have fun at a younger age. The truth is though, lowering the drinking age may be harmful to America’s younger generation. The age should not be lowered because teens are not mature enough, it is hazardous to their health, and their lives may be in danger.

Teens like to party. It’s a known fact that underage consumption of alcohol is happening right under parent’s noses, but there is nothing they can do about it. Teenagers are known to be immature and why should America lower the drinking age for them? They don’t even live on their own yet, so they do not know what real responsibility is. Drinking and the consequences of it should be left to older people, and not immature teenagers.

Drinking a glass of wine with dinner is said to be healthy for adults. Overloading on the booze can damage a younger person’s body. The liver and other body parts could be in danger. Teenager’s brains are not fully developed until they are years older. Drinking alcohol harms the brain before it is fully grown.

Knowing that teenagers are immature, they also like to take risks. A popular risk for teens to take is driving while under the influence. Drinking a large amount of alcohol can impair the reflexes and sight of drivers. If the age was lowered, more young people would be out driving around drunk, but instead they would be legal. It is still dangerous no matter if it is legal or not.

Drinking should be left for adults. Teenagers do not need the responsibility that comes with consumption of alcohol. Let them wait three more years.