Radical Reference:
Free resources available through The University of Texas Libraries Online
select: Databases & Indexes to Articles
look for: = resources available to all users
AGRICOLA (AGRICultural OnLine Access) / 1970 – present; bibliographic database of citations to literature created by the National Agricultural Library (NAL)Crisp: Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects / 1972 - present (NIH)Database of federally funded biomedical research projects
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) / 1966 – present; digital library of education-related resources, sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the US Dept of Education
gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender & queer culture (glbtq) / Encyclopedia containing articles, photographs, illustrations, written and edited by scholars in field of gender study
Labordoc / The International Labour Office (ILO) catalogue; references to labour-related subjects, economic and social development and human rights; some full-text available
Library of Congress American Memory Project / Free and open access to materials that document the American experience
NATLEX (National Laws on Labour, Social Security and Related Human Rights Database / Abstracts of legislation and relevant citations, maintained by the ILO's International Labour Standards Department (English/French/Spanish)
News & Newspapers / Local, US, World, Sports, Political, Weather, Search News, New Collections
Perry-Castañeda Library: Map Collection / A collection of over 250,000 maps with over 5,000 available online; with links to online Maps of Current Interest and online Maps of General Interest
Statistics and Demographics - UT Library Online / Texas Statistics; Intenational Statistics; Economic Statistics; some sources require valid UTEID
TARO - Texas Archival Resources Online / Offers descriptions of archival, manuscript, and museum collections available throughout Texas
University of Texas Libraries: Useful Reference Sites - Alpha List / Reference Resources: Austin, Business Info; City & State Info; Dictionaries; Encyclopedias, Government Information, and more
University of Texas Libraries: UTNetCAT Library Catalog / Search UT’s online catalog
UT Library Online: Government Information / Congress, Courts, Texas Government, UN and International resources
World Development Indicators (Dataquery) / Access to a segment of WDI database / access to Online Media Briefing Center requires registration; regularly updated by The World Bank Group
Additional Resources: Austin, Texas
Capital Metro Transit / Public transportation in AustinCity of Austin - Austin City Connection / Austin City Council Meetings; Development, Housing, etc.
Texas Legislature Online / Bill text, fiscal notes, bill analyses; Bill status and history information; Glossary of Legislative Terms
Texas State Library and Archives Commission / Programs include: Archives and Information Services; Library Development; Resource Sharing; State and Local Records Management; Talking Book Program
IndyConference. February 18-20 2005. University of Texas, Austin, Texas
dtp (revised 10/2005)